Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1259: Close the window

  Chapter 1259 Closing the window

  The queen behind the screen quietly breathed a sigh of relief. What she feared most was that the prince did not want to treat the illness and was as taboo as before.

  The queen relaxed, but the other people in the temple were so nervous that she couldn’t wait to plug her ears and pretend that she couldn’t hear anything.

Man Bao had already settled the treatment quickly. She and the palace man asked for paper and pen to write down two prescriptions. She originally wanted to pass it to the prince, but when she saw Duke Wu behind him, she passed it directly to him. He said: "This one is for eating, and the usage is written on it, and this one is for taking a bath, and the usage is also written."

  Man Bao turned his head and said to the prince: "His Royal Highness, you'd better not have **** in these two months. If you have acupuncture and moxibustion, I will pierce it for you now?"

  The prince took the prescription and took a look. Let’s leave the bath aside. He has taken many of the prescriptions that he took. The medicines that Xiaoyuan is prescribing, these are all included.

  He handed the prescription to Duke Wu, leaning on the couch and said, "Don’t be in a hurry today, let’s enter the palace again tomorrow."

  Man Bao: "...tomorrow I will rest."

  The prince raised his eyelids to look at her, "The doctor still has Xiu Mu?"

  Man Bao couldn't help but said, "The doctor is also a human."

  The prince waved his hand and said: "Then the day after tomorrow will be fine, the day after tomorrow I will let someone pick you up."

  Man Bao wanted to say that she would also take a break the day after tomorrow, but after a glance at the prince, she was a little dare to say.

   couldn't help sighing, and secretly said: Forget it, the day after tomorrow, then it will take half a day to enter the palace.

   Seeing that she was not very willing, the prince said: "There are also many rare flowers and plants in the lonely east palace."

  Man Bao's eyes lit up, and he looked up at him, showing longing.

Prince    couldn’t help laughing out loud and waved his hand: “When the time comes, you can take it if you like it.”

  Man Bao immediately said loudly: "Thank you, Your Royal Highness."

  Keko is also very happy.

  Because of the promise of the prince, Man Bao surreptitiously went to get the flowers and plants booked with Xiao'an before going out of the palace this time and did not propose the flowers and plants next time.

   Father-in-law Xiaoan took the Xinde wallet, and actually let out a long sigh in his heart. Although it was ordered by the person above, he was still frightened to do this kind of thing.

  Man Bao took the two branched flowers and plants out of the palace, and let Keke collect them on the carriage.

  The points included in the last time are also down, which is not comparable to the points earned by Ma, but there are more than 50,000 points.

  Man Bao said he was very happy.

  She vaguely felt that these wealthy people like rare flowers and plants and are willing to spend a lot of money for them, but they seem to be generous. If she asks, they seem to give her away.

  Man Bao thought with his chin, but why?

  Is the flowers and plants sent out not precious enough, or is she more precious for their use?

  Man Bao threw the question to Bai Shan, hoping that he could answer it.

Bai Shan took out the books and homework in the book basket and arranged them, and said: "If you like the peonies and bluegrass they bought with their daughters, I guess they won't give them away, but you just like some seemingly in the garden. Precious flowers and plants that don’t really appeal to them, they are happy to score some for you."

  Man Bao: "So I am still not that important."

  Bai Shan nodded, "Yes, you still have to work hard."

  After placing the things, Bai Shan said, "Let’s go, let’s see Brother Xiang."

  Xiang Mingxue was lying on the bed to endure the pain. The feeling of anesthesia has all passed. The pain in his feet spread to his brain after a while. There was a strange feeling. He always wanted to move it...

  Man Bao saw that his face was not so good, he knew that the wound was too painful.

  She took the needle to give him a painkiller.

  After a quarter of an hour, Xiang Mingxue breathed a sigh of relief. Although his feet were still painful, he felt a lot lighter. At least he could smile and talk to the three people who came to visit him.

  Shijiro carefully observed his feet, and decided to write down this scene when he went back, so that he could add it to his biography later.

Bai Shan also helped him organize the language. The two of them had quietly discussed with Mimi, and they knew that Man Bao took his hand, so they stepped up to see Xiang Mingxue with concern, "Big Brother Xiang, how do you feel now? How is it?"

  Xiang Mingxue smiled and said: "It's much better, thank you for coming to see me."

  Bai Shan didn’t come here empty-handed. He found a book from his collection and gave it to Xiang Mingxue, and said, “If Brother Xiang is bored, it’s better to read the book and pay me back when you’re finished.”

  Thanks to Mingxue.

  The three of them were talking, and there was a familiar cry outside. The three of them turned around and went out. They saw Liu Huan and Yin or came in with a lot of things in their hands. They immediately greeted them happily.

  The three of them looked at the things in their hands in surprise.

  It’s really strange, when will Liu Huan and Yin come to their home to bring gifts?

But Liu Huan did not hand the gift to the three of them. Instead, he tilted his head and wanted to look over them and look into the room. Yin or even handed the gift to Xiang Chao, who was standing aside, and said gently: "This is for Xiang Er Son’s tonic."

  The two looked at Man Bao with concern, "How is the injury of the second son?"

   Liu Huan even complained, "You should have told us earlier. You must know that the second son of Xiang is getting his hamstring today. I have to stay here when I ask for leave from school."

  Man Bao three people:...

  Xiang Mingxue in the house:...

Liu Huan wanted to squeeze into the house while carrying things. Bai Shan and Man Bao stood in front of him and said: "He has just finished using the knife, and the wound has not healed. At this time, you must be more careful, so you can't get too close to the house. People, you just came in from outside again, and you don’t know how much dirt you have on your body."

   Liu Huan did not expect that he would not even be able to see the idol, so he was unhappy, "Then why were you all in the house just now?"

  Man Bao said: "I will give him pain relief."

  Bai Shan and Bai Erlang's face didn't change their expressions, "We two helped her."

  Bai Shan looked at him up and down, and asked, "What's your use? Can you help?"

   Liu Huan opened his mouth, and Yin or who was on the side coughed lightly and asked, "Did it succeed?"

  Man Bao nodded and said, "I'm connected, but I don't know how much survivability is. I need to do rehabilitation later."

  Yin or detour: "If there is anything we need to do, please speak up. Is there enough medicinal materials?"

   Liu Huan said, "She is from Ji Shitang. Can you not have enough medicinal materials? What else do you lack besides medicinal materials? Tell me and I will find them for you."

  Man Bao saw that they were so enthusiastic, so he decided to go back and draw a few things for rehabilitation for them to find a craftsman.

Because Man Bao, Bai Shan, and Bai Erlang stood in the doorway, the two people who came with hope did not see their idols, so they could only lie down at the window and talk to Liu Huanyin or them through the window, and then they were disappointed. 'S left.

  Seeing them leaving, Man Bao opened the window and said to Xiang Chao, who was standing aside: “This window should be opened frequently for ventilation. It happens that the afternoon sun is facing this side, and opening it will allow him to bask in the sun.”

  Xiang Chao: …So why did you close the window just now so that people could talk to the second son through the window?

    The next update will be around 6pm



  (End of this chapter)

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