Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1262: popular

  Chapter 1262 Welcome

  The county magistrate of Tang glanced at her and said, "What magnet, this is a magnet, not iron."

  Man Bao touched the cool chess piece, nodded and said: "Yes, it is a magnet, but I think it looks like iron, so I called it a magnet."

   County Magistrate Tang and County Magistrate Yang looked down together, and saw that it was slightly black in color, and it was indeed a bit like iron, so there was not much entanglement.

  The county magistrate of Tang leaned on the wall of the car and smiled: "You know a lot. This magnet-magnet chessboard is something I got accidentally, but I have concealed it from a lot of people."

Man Baodao: "It is recorded in the "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" that magnets can enter the kidneys and nourish the kidneys. However, the kidneys dominate the release of vents, long-term secretion and solidification, and vitality, and the release of energy makes people have children. In addition, it can also There are many ways to strengthen bones, improve essence, and heal deafness anyway."

  She looked for this thing when she was thinking about Shi Dalang's illness. At that time, she didn't know that the magnet was related to the magnet that she bought in the mall when she was a child. Later, she found it in the medicine store and found that the magnet could absorb iron sand.

  The shopkeeper Zheng Da saw that she was interested, and he also taught her how to distinguish magnets, because there are two kinds of stones that are very similar to it.

   County magistrate of Tang and County Yang: ...I haven’t seen you for a while, why is this kid’s focus so strange?

   County magistrate Yang coughed lightly, broke the topic, and asked, "Where are you guys coming back?"

   "Xuandu Temple," Bai Shan said with a smile: "We went to the Xuandu Temple and dipped it today. We didn't expect to be so coincidental that we met two adults on the road."

  Man Bao: "The capital where you and my fourth brother are going together?"

   County magistrate Yang smiled and said: "If you meet on the road, we will leave together."

  Fortunately for them to take it with them, Thu Lang and the others can reach the capital so quickly, otherwise it will have to be delayed for a few more days.

While speaking, there was a loud cry from the front of the car, which made Man Bao a stunned soul. She raised the curtain of the car to see, and saw a few government officials escorting a man away with shackles, and a woman was crying behind him. .

  Man Bao was curious, "What's the matter?"

Although county magistrate Tang had been sitting in the car and talking to Man Bao and the others, he did not miss the crying outside, and said with a faint smile: "The street was splashed with water, and the person slipped and even treacherously denied it. The county government was interrogated."

  The person was taken away, and the victim and the victim were scattered. A policeman in the shop shoveled the thin ice on the road, and the road was cleared.

  On Thursday, Lang saw Yaomei sitting in the car and couldn't get off, so he shrugged back to his mule car behind and drove the car forward with others.

  He still wanted to pull Daji, but Daji refused, and he walked next to the carriage.

  Man Bao asked: "Pour a basin of water, how can this be judged?"

  The county magistrate of Tang smiled and said, “Depending on the situation, you can play a board and pay the fine and release it. You can also be sentenced and detained for a few years.”

  Not to mention Man Bao, but Bai Shan was surprised, "Why is the difference so big?"

The county magistrate Tang said: "The county magistrate is also a person and will decide the case as appropriate. If they sincerely admit their mistakes, they will negotiate with the victim when they arrive. Maybe they don't even need to go to court, but they denigrate and deny, and they do commit crimes. It depends on the mood of the county magistrate."

"Beijing is different from other places. The sewage in the house has its own place. Not to mention that it is a big winter and it is easy to freeze and slip. Even in normal times, you should not dump sewage out," Tang County Order said: "The crimes like this are light. It depends on how bad the person is."

  Man Bao they didn’t see the injured, so they asked curiously, "Is the injury serious?"

  The county magistrate of Tang happened to witness the scene of the crime, judging by his experience... He nodded and said: "Not light."

  The three of them thought about it. They didn’t seem to have the habit of pouring water out, so they should tell their family members when they go home, don’t pour water out.

  The carriage grunted forward and stopped when it reached the intersection. The county magistrate Tang took a look outside and said: "It's time to separate. We will get together again when we settle down."

  The three nodded and got out of the car one after another.

  The carriages of the Tang family and the Yang family lined up. After Man Bao realized it, he remembered, "I forgot to say hello to Mrs. Cui."

   "It's okay, let's come back next time." Bai Shan was a little confused, "Strange, why is County Majesty Yang sitting in the innermost part of the car?"

  Man Bao also felt strange, "Yes, it’s a bit narrow to sit there, and you can’t see outside the window. How boring, the chessboard is not upright."

  At this time, the county magistrate Tang was laughing with the county magistrate Yang who was sitting beside him: "Should you take you and your younger siblings home first?"

   County magistrate Yang smiled and said, "Thank you very much."

The carriage turned and went to the Yang family first. Before reaching the gate of the Yang family, some people rushed up. He glanced at the carriage with the Tang family's mark on the front, and trot to the side of the carriage and asked in a low voice: "But the uncle is back?"

The magistrate Yang made a soft "um", and the servants became happy and whispered: "Uncle, there are a lot of girls gathered in front of our gate and blocked your carriage. Or, let's go from the corner gate. Enter?"

   County magistrate Tang couldn’t help laughing. Yang County magistrate glanced at him and responded, and then the carriage quietly turned another corner into a small alley.

  The door of this alley can't get into the carriage, they can only get off outside the door.

  The county magistrate Yang got off the car and got on the carriage behind to pick up Cui Shi and get off.

  The county magistrate of Tang stepped on the horse stool and got out of the car. After a salute, he smiled and said, "I'll see you tomorrow."

  The magistrate Yang nodded, and the Cui family was also very grateful to the magistrate Tang.

  The county magistrate of Tang smiled and said, "My younger brothers and sisters will rest first, and stay for a few days. Your sister-in-law and I will post to invite you to live in the old days."

  Cui immediately responded.

  The Tang county magistrate watched them all enter and then got in the car and left.

The carriage turned around and went out from another alley, just about to pass the gate of Yang's house. He raised the curtain to see that several carriages blocked the carriage that Yang Heshu sent back in advance. There were several young and beautiful maids carrying things constantly. I wanted to send it to the car, but was stopped by the guards.

  So the scene is stuck here.

  The county magistrate of Tang couldn’t help but said: “Don’t wait, Yang Heshu has already entered the mansion, there is no one in this car.”

The curtains of a carriage were lifted, and a woman poked her head out. Seeing the county magistrate Tang, she said angrily: "We don’t know, you say, we just wanted to give him something and sent it to us. Just go."

  Who would come back from the field with only a carriage?

  At a glance, it was a turn of the tiger away from the mountain. Everyone was just pretending to be confused.

  The county magistrate of Tang silently lowered the curtain, patted his forehead and said, "Isn't he just confused?"

  Unfortunately, the girls insisted, but the Yang family’s guards still didn’t let them go. They didn’t leave, they stood in the cold wind to stop them, anyway, there was no owner in the car, and they weren’t in a hurry.

Seeing that Yang Heshu was still so hard-hearted, the girls couldn't help but sighed, called their girls back, silently took the gifts and went home again.

   But still very happy, Yang Heshu is back to Beijing.

   See you at four in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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