Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1263: Straight to the point

   Chapter 1263

  Thursday, Lang Fengchen was a servant. He brought a total of five people over on this trip, all of whom were little beggars in Yizhou City. Because they were not old enough and had no family members, they were not qualified to divide the land.

  Since they helped Chu Lang transport food once last year, they have often huddled behind Chu Lang. As long as he called, they would go to work.

  Thursday Lang was going to Beijing, the three sons finally discussed it, and decided to come to the capital with him, and others chose to stay in Yizhou City.

  After all, they are familiar there, and the capital is too far away. If they are sick outside, or have no food, they can’t go home after they die.

  Experienced escape, they have a kind of fearful alert to the outside world.

  Thursday Lang is not embarrassed by them. Before leaving, he asked Tue Lang to take care of them.

  He brought two carts of medicinal materials this time, and he followed Man Bao to Changqing Lane first, met with Mr. Zhuang and Mrs. Liu, and then he talked about family affairs.

  Bai Shan asked his servants to go to the restaurant to call Wui Lang and the others back, but they returned to Wui Lang. There was no way. The ingredients for dinner were already prepared and the shop could not be closed.

  It’s no nonsense to come back from Friday Lang, he will take Chu Lang to the outer city to rent a house. He received a letter from his family last time, and the letter said that the fourth brother would come to Beijing to replace him after the winter.

  At that time, Wu Lang had prepared his brother to bring a lot of people over, after all, he couldn't be empty-handed in Beijing.

  Since you are not empty-handed, you have to take a lot of people, otherwise it is not certain whether you can live to the capital.

  So he has already inquired with people about suitable places for short-term rentals, and they can just go directly.

  Lao Mrs. Liu hurriedly called them, “Why is it so troublesome? You don’t need a lot of people here. I will take away those people in the front yard in a moment, and let Shiro lead them to live in the front yard.”

  Before, it was for the safety of Bai Shan and Zhou Man. This was how many people were placed in the courtyard, but now it is completely unnecessary.

  She was about to reschedule her servants.

  Lao Liu and Mr. Zhuang laughed and said, "Daji stay here, and there will be one more person in the front door, and I will take the others away."

  And Aunt Rong and her two maids who helped with the kitchen lived in the side room between the kitchen and the patio, and did not go to the front yard, so the front yard had a lot of rooms vacated except for the lobby.

  Mr. Zhuang also likes to be quiet, nodded and asked with a smile, "Does the old lady have any new plans?"

Mrs. Liu glanced at Bai Shan and smiled: "I want to take advantage of the winter now and see if I can buy a small village near the capital. In the future, everyone can live in the village for a while if they are tired of living in the city. "

  Mr. Zhuang nodded, indicating that he understood.

  Bai Shan was surprised, "Grandma, our family wants to buy a property in the capital?"

  Lao Mrs. Liu smiled and said, "Our family had bought properties in the capital before you were born, but now it’s just a little more."

Counting the newly-purchased house in Erliu Alley, the Bai family has two houses in Beijing. According to Bai Shan's own speculation, his family should have a shop in Beijing, but they are definitely not under his family's name, or not even with his grandmother and his grandmother. His mother’s name, so he didn’t know.

  But whether it is a house or a shop, its meaning is different from that of a field.

  Lao Mrs. Liu wants to buy Zhuangzi, she always feels like she wants to live here for a long time.

  Thursday Lang didn't think so much, he only thought that Mrs. Liu was too rich to buy land in the capital.

   So he responded and went to greet his friends.

  Lao Mrs. Liu asked people to clean up the room, and the family members went home. She also asked people to buy a lot of mutton back, intending to pick up the dust for Chu Lang.

After Chu Lang washed up and put on clean clothes, Man Bao had already given Xiang Mingxue a needle. He took a look out of the window and greeted Xiang Mingxue, "Second son, my father and mother also said to wait. Please have a drink when you return to Jiannan Road."

  Xiang Mingxue stiffened, rather unbelievable, "Uncle and Auntie also know me?"

"Of course I know, Man Bao wrote back and told us, alas," Chu Lang sighed: "You are sorry, the days in the future will still be long, just say if there is any help, although Mianzhou and Suizhou are separated from each other. It’s a little far away, but two days after the car is almost there, right?"

  He has never been to Suizhou, so some are not sure.

  Xiang Mingxue exhaled and said, “Yes, it’s a bit far away. It takes about three days to go to Zizhou or Yizhou first and then to Suizhou.”

  Thursday Lang is really sympathetic to Xiang Mingxue, their uncle and aunt are so sad when their family is dead, but his family is dead.

The Xiang family’s impression of Zhou’s family is also very good. After all, there is Man Bao, you are affectionate on both sides, and I am righteous. Chu Lang quickly got acquainted with Xiang’s family. By the time he has dinner, he can already hook his shoulders and shoulders. Sitting at the table drinking and eating meat.

  He introduced the three brothers he had brought to them, and both sides spoke very well.

  Xiang Mingxue has always been with the refugees in order to get revenge. He usually sells goods from the south to the north and sells the goods from the west to the east. After all, revenge requires a lot of money and food.

  Xiang Chao followed Xiang Mingxue and experienced these things, so it was natural to have a good chat with Chu Lang.

   Seeing what they said was hot, Mrs. Liu smiled and asked people to open two tables so that they could sit down.

  Thursday Lang had time to sit down and talk to Man Bao. He rubbed her head and said, "My parents are really worried about it."

  Man Bao turned his head and smiled at him.

  Thursday Lang asked, "King Yizhou is dead now, so let's forget about our family's grudges, let me ask you, do you want to go home?"

  Everyone at the table looked over.

  Thursday Lang said: "If I go home, when I sell the medicinal materials, I will sell the shop too. Let's buy some rare things from the capital and sell them back, and we can make a profit."

  Lao Liu and Mr. Zhuang:……

  Man Bao shook his head without thinking about it and said, “Don’t go, I haven’t learned the art of medicine yet. There are many powerful doctors and imperial doctors in the capital.”

   "Then they can't teach you, they are all housekeepers."

  Man Bao said: "They are willing to teach me, I have the ability to trade with them."

  Thursday Lang did not doubt that Man Bao did it when he was in Yizhou City. You teach me a disease, and I teach you a prescription.

  At the beginning, she was able to study in Ji Shitang, didn’t she rely on her ability?

  Thursday Lang asked: "Then when will you learn well? Will you go home after you learn?"

  Man Bao said with a guilty conscience: "It must be going home, but I promised my friend to go elsewhere."

  Bai Shandao: "Brother Thursday, medicine is not easy to learn, and we have to study again. I am afraid that we will not learn well in three or two years, but we must go home if we have a chance."

   "Okay, do you go back during the Chinese New Year?"

  Man Bao looked at Mr. Zhuang, and Bai Shan looked at Mrs. Liu.

   Man Bao respectfully salutes everyone, and then spreads out the small hand saying: Ask for a monthly ticket, it’s the end of the month, please take a look at me if you have a monthly ticket

     The next update is at 6 pm



  (End of this chapter)

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