Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1278: Toriko

   Chapter 1278

Man Bao put down the knife, put his hand in gently, carefully took out the child's foot, and then lifted the child out with his foot, and the other hand slipped in and held the child’s neck and head skillfully. He was taken out soon.

  Everyone did not expect it to be so fast. Doctor Liu and Doctor Xiao were stunned for a while, and Man Bao glanced at them and said, "What are you doing in a daze? Cut the umbilical cord."

  They hadn't moved yet, and Wen Po and Grandma Li, whose hands and feet were weak, were the first to react, and immediately took the scissors to step forward and cut the umbilical cord with ease.

Madam Li took a piece of soft cotton cloth to wrap the child. The two of them immediately carried the child down to wash, remove the filth from his mouth and nose, and then hugged the child a little bit at a loss.

  At this moment, they should take a picture of the child, and then announce the good news loudly, but when they turned their heads and saw that Doctor Zhou was still working around the five women, they did not dare to call.

  But the child obviously felt the change in the environment and couldn't help but move, then let out a slight cry.

   Outside the screen, Li Saburo was stunned when he heard the cry of the child. He stiffened and turned his head to look at the doctor Liu and the doctor Tan, and asked unsurely: "Did you hear the cry of the child?"

  Danny Han finally looked away from the wooden couch and looked at Po Wen and Madam Li, "Is it a boy or a girl?"

  Only then did Po Wen regained her emotions, and said happily: "Congratulations to the lady, it's a boy."

   Then she looked at each other with Grandma Li, immediately mixed with warm water to wash the child, carried it out in the swaddle, and showed it to Li Saburo.

  Li Saburo was stunned, "This, so fast? It's only been a while, where is the fifth lady, how is she?"

  "This..." Grandma Li said embarrassed: "San Ye, we can't understand it, but looking at Doctor Zhou Xiao's expression, it seems all right?"

Lady Han also moved her gaze back to the wooden couch. After Man Bao took out the child, she immediately cleaned the placenta. Doctor Liu and Doctor Xiao were also unmarried girls. They looked pale and had some hands. Shaking to help stop the bleeding and clean up the blood...

  Doctor Xiao’s face became whiter and paler, and finally she couldn’t help it, stepped back, put her things down, and ran out. After a while, she heard the sound of vomiting outside.

  Man Bao looked up at Doctor Liu, and saw that although she was also pale, but still able to withstand it, she continued to lower her head to deal with the matter.

  Clean up the placenta. After confirming that there are no other problems, Man Bao nodded and said, "Go get the needle and thread."

   Doctor Liu immediately turned around to fetch the suture. She used catgut suture which was extremely thin. At least, Doctor Liu had never seen such a thin thread. She handed it to Man Bao.

  Man Bao asked as he threaded the string, "Old Doctor Tan?"

  Old Doctor Tan said: "It's okay, the pulse condition is not bad."

  Man Bao nodded, and she had to stitch the uterus first. She stopped and observed and confirmed that there was no active bleeding in the uterus before she started stitching.

   Doctor Liu took gauze to her to stop her abdominal bleeding. The two slowly cooperated smoothly, and Doctor Xiao quickly changed into new clothes and came in.

  Man Bao said to her: "Go and watch the child."

Doctor Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded repeatedly, she didn't need to step forward, she turned around to see the child's situation.

The child is in the hands of the doctor Liu. He has checked the child and confirmed that he is a little weak due to premature delivery and that he has no other major problems. At this time, he is watching Wen Po and Madam Li wrap them tightly with their swaddling clothes. Rigorously.

  Lee Saburo outside the screen was so anxious, why the child has been taken out for so long, and the inside is still not well?

  While Han Shangshu waiting outside the house was even more anxious, he also knew that the child had been taken out, and he heard the child's cry through the door, but the people inside were still quiet.

  Only Lady Han is stable, because she can see clearly that Zhou Man is stitching with needles...

  She thought it was weird. Can the belly be sewn like clothes? Not to mention the contents...

  She couldn't help but stepped forward a little bit, but she still couldn't see very clearly, only she saw something like she was sewing a layer of membrane.

  Man Bao moved his neck to make his sore neck a little more comfortable, and then continued to lower his head to work.

  About two quarters of an hour later, she sutured the muscle and serosal layers of the uterus, and then she went to suture the abdominal cavity.

  She carefully sutured the muscles, fascia, etc. separately, and after nearly two quarters of an hour, she sutured her abdomen.

  Manny Han stood tired.

   Doctor Liu’s complexion has returned to normal, she took the medicine and applied the medicine to her with Man Bao, and then she began to clean up the blood stains on the patient’s body.

  Grandma Li stepped forward with soft hands and feet, and helped her to put her clothes on for Lady Han Wu. After covering the quilt, seeing that she was still not awake, she couldn't help but stretch out her hand to check her breath.

  Man Bao looked at her speechlessly. After seeing her breathe out, he couldn't help asking, "How is it, is it alive?"

  Grandma Li came back to her senses and smiled with embarrassment.

Man Bao smiled, and didn't care too much. She untied the silk thread on her hand, reached out and touched her pulse in person, and said, "She should be awake in a while, but she shouldn't take it lightly at this time. Let's talk about it in three days."

Man Bao turned out of the screen, and Li Saburo was about to rush in to see her. Man Bao slightly stopped and said: "You can go in, but in the future, it is best not to enter too many people in this room. Only a few of you will be allowed in and out every day. So as not to contaminate her wound."

  Li Saburo listened for a while and did not rush forward to look. Instead, he stood on tiptoe and asked, "Is she all right?"

   "The operation is still going well, but then you have to be careful not to let her be infected or irritated. The former will become inflamed and the latter will bleed heavily."

  I just glanced at my sister and confirmed that she was indeed alive. When she heard that she was alive, Lady Han was immediately shocked and decided to live here at night, lest other people in Li's house squeeze in to watch the excitement and disturb her.

  Lao Doctor Tan and Doctor Liu did not see the operation process, but they listened to the pulse of more than half an hour, and decided to call Doctor Liu and Doctor Xiao to talk with them.

  Man Bao turned around to take a look at the child. This was her first child born by C-section. She touched his little hand, and after making sure that there were no major problems, she withdrew and went to explain something to Han Shangshu and Li Sanlang.

   "She can't eat yet," Man Bao hesitated a bit after thinking that Lady Han Wu had diabetes. "Forget it, I'll stay here at night, and see if she can exhaust at night."

  Han Shangshu breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly thanked him, "Thank you, Miss Zhou."

  Man Bao said: "She had better not have another pregnancy in the future. Caesarean section can do great harm to the mother's body, and she wants to give birth naturally, which is very difficult for her physical condition."

  Han Shangshu looked at his son-in-law.

  Li Saburo immediately confessed, “I won’t give birth anymore, I will persuade her when she gets better.”

  One birth will kill him, but he dare not come again.

  In this case, the child is very important, and Han Shangshu immediately went to get close to the doctor Lao Tan.

   See you at eight in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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