Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1279: Ideal temptation (additional anniversary celebration)

  Chapter 1279 Ideal Temptation (Anniversary Celebration Plus)

  Man Bao carefully washed her hands, and then took off the cloth towel wrapped around her head. Because the entanglement was a bit tight, there was a shallow mark on her forehead, and her hair was pulled and scattered.

   Doctor Liu also just took off the cloth towel, and she saw the sidewalk and said: "Doctor Zhou Xiao, let me comb your hair for you."

  Man Bao likes others to comb her hair. It is not only comfortable but also good-looking, so she nodded again and again.

  Manny Han finally reacted, and immediately let them take them to the guest room to rest and freshen up.

  Apparently, Doctor Liu hasn’t recovered from the operation. She combed Man Bao’s hair slowly and asked, “Dr. Zhou Xiao, how did you come up with the method of laparotomy?”

  She has a very strange feeling. She feels that Zhou Man's operation has been done many times, and it is not like the first time.

  For example, the skillful posture of pulling the child out, the careful stitching layer by layer, if you haven't done it before, who knows how to do it?

  She has seen a lot of things in the imperial hospital, especially when it is inconvenient for the imperial physicians to see the masters of the harem, they need to check and tell them on their behalf.

  Moreover, all girls have a special kind of carefulness. Doctor Xiao may have been frightened and didn't pay attention, but she saw it from the beginning to the end.

  Man Baodao: "If you have more stitches, you will know."

She turned her head to look at half of the hair she had combed, and said: "In fact, natural delivery is better because of limited tools and difficult postpartum care. Caesarean section is very harmful to the mother. Unless it is necessary, caesarean section is not recommended in the future. "

  Doctor Liu nodded, "But Doctor Zhou has started this treatment, and if there are women with dystocia in the future, they will have an extra way to survive."

  Man Bao looked at her face through the bronze mirror and asked, "Do you want to learn?"

   Doctor Liu was stunned, and after a while, she was slightly surprised: "Can I learn?"

  Man Bao nodded and said, "There are many prejudices in the world. Look at Han Wu, who is a favorite of the Han family, the Li family is also enlightened, but the old doctor Tan can only wait outside the screen, let alone other people."

   She sighed and said: "The capital is pretty good, and other places are even more ignorant. I have seen mother-in-laws who would rather let their daughter-in-law die in a dystocia rather than ask the doctor to take a look, so it is more convenient for a female doctor to give birth."

Doctor Liu did not immediately agree to her, but after thinking about it for a long time, she said: "But in this way, won't I become a stable woman in the end? How many people in this world need to have an abdomen? And I don't have any. Confidence can do what Dr. Zhou Xiao is like."

  Man Bao smiled and said: "You can not only learn how to open abdomen to get a child, you can also learn how to give birth, but you can also learn other medical techniques. You are not just giving birth to people, you can look at other diseases."

She said: "Look at the patients who come in and out of Jishitang every day. Out of ten people, five are underage children, four are men, and only one is an adult woman. This is because I went to Jishitang for stability. Only these few cases of female patients came down. In the past, the huge Ji Shitang might not see a female patient for a day."

   Doctor Liu did not expect this.

Man Bao said quietly, "Is it because women are better than men and don’t get sick? No, maybe because of poverty, maybe because of the difference between men and women. Women are more tolerant than men. Past."

"But if there are female doctors among the doctors sitting in the pharmacy, then they will be less tolerant, and those who can see the disease will always come to see it." Man Bao raised his eyes and met Liu Doctor's eyes through the bronze mirror: "Your family has practiced medicine for generations. If you are willing, you can definitely learn other medical skills. Then you can sit in the hall and practice medicine."

Doctor Liu did not speak for a long time. She combed Man Bao’s hair and put the beads in it. Then she said with a complicated expression: "Dr. Zhou Xiao, I am seventeen. In two years, the family will tell me about it. Dear, and then took me out of the palace to marry someone. After I marry, I can't go to the church to see a doctor, right?"

  Man Bao asked: "Why not?"

  The imperial physician’s family resources are not as many as Manbao thought. At least it is necessary to maintain a life in the capital. It is not easy to feed a family. She has understood that the Liu family will not have much dowry for Doctor Liu.

If none of the grandsons after Dr. Liu can enter the hospital, the whole family will have to leave the capital and go back to the countryside, buy some fields, and be an ordinary rich man, maybe open a drug store, or find a local drug store to continue. Sit down as a doctor.

  It depends on the ability of offspring.

Madam Liu is one of the few imperial physicians that Man Bao is most familiar with. Therefore, she and the treasurer Zheng Da know that he has the weakest family background among the imperial physicians. Neither Sun Tzu nor Sun Tzu are particularly outstanding.

  On the contrary, it is Doctor Liu, and Man Bao admires her very much.

  Medical woman Liu fought for a while, and then whispered: "The medical books in the family, my grandfather will not pass on to me, some more important diseases, even my father has not learned, only the uncle can learn."

  Man Bao:……

  Man Baodao: "It's okay, I can teach you, have you read the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic?"

   Doctor Liu nodded, "I have seen this, but there are many puzzles."

   "Let's sort it out, and I will answer for you one by one," Man Bao is also a little pity, "It's a pity that you are inconvenient in the palace, otherwise you will auscultate by my side like Xiao Shao, and the speed will definitely be faster."

After all, she has also been in the hospital for so many years. Although she has read few medical books, she must have seen a lot of symptoms and prescriptions, but it is a pity that she has not studied systematically and does not know the reason, so it is not easy to diagnose the pulse and prescribe. .

  But Man Bao felt that as long as she was taught this, she would definitely grow faster than Xiao Shao.

  Man Bao is a pity.

  Man Bao turned his head, thinking that the hairstyle she combed was pretty good, so she got up and let her sit down, "You can also freshen up."

   Doctor Liu responded and asked while combing her hair: "Dr. Zhou Xiao, shall I stay to watch with you at night?"

  Man Bao blinked, looked at her, smiled and asked, "Do you want to stay?"

  Doctor Liu paused for a while and then gave a soft "um".

  Man Bao smiled and said, "Then you can stay."

  This is just a matter of a word full of treasures. As long as she tells the doctor Liu and the Li family that she wants to leave the assistant of Doctor Liu, someone will naturally ask for leave for Doctor Liu and the hospital.

  Doctor Xiao came out from the old doctor Tan, and when Mrs. Han Wu woke up, the old doctor Tan and the doctor Liu had no major problems. After they were alive and well, they left with them.

  She has to go back to the palace.

  Man Bao wrote a letter to Xiao Shao, asking him to go to Changqing Alley again after returning to Jishitang, "Tell my family, I have to stay here tonight and go home tomorrow."

  Xiao Shao should go down.

  Man Bao washed his hands and went into the delivery room. He glanced at the awake lady Han Wu, and then stretched out her sinful hand to press her abdomen...

    It’s been a whole year, and it’s really amazing to think about it. Today last year, how could I send out the chapters that I wrote in the evening?

     I don’t know what I was thinking at the time. Okay, that’s all for today’s update. Happy anniversary everyone!

     Thank you for your continued support, love you all



  (End of this chapter)

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