Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1280: guide

   Chapter 1280 Guidance

  I only saw her son, and the satisfied lady Han Wu's small face turned pale, and she couldn't help but exhale in pain, and Madam Li, who was standing by, jumped with fright.

  Man Bao hurriedly said to her: "It's okay, I will press a button to make her lochia."

Mother Han Wu was originally more sensitive than ordinary people, she couldn't bear the pain at all. Man Bao could not help crying after only pressing the second time. Mother Li quickly calmed and said, "Mrs. San, you can't cry during confinement, be careful. Broken eyes."

  Ms. Han Wu put up with it, but in the end she couldn't hold her back, tears came from the corner of her eyes, and she shook her head and said, "No, it hurts too much, it hurts too much, Dr. Zhou Xiao, don't press it."

  Man Bao took his hand and looked at her sympathetically and said: "It's okay, you take a break first, and I will press it after a while."

  She has also pressed this on the anthropomorphic model, but when pressed on it, it will not give any feedback, only the change of body function, but she has read it in the book and this method is a bit painful.

  She felt a little pain at first, but after suturing her just now, she thought, the uterus is only sutured, how could this pressure on the fundus of the uterus be a little painful?

  Based on this, Manbao did not continue to press it very heartily, but decided to press it for a long time, press twice at a time, and press it a few more times.

  Keke felt that if Lady Han Wu knew her thoughts, she would definitely regret the pain at this time.

  Man Bao is a doctor who considers patients very much, so seeing her so hurt, she really has nothing to do, so she just thinks about acupuncture and moxibustion.

   So after pressing back and forth several times, when she saw that Lady Han Wu really couldn’t bear the pain, she took out the needle bag and tentatively gave her a needle to relieve the pain...

  Han Wu's face looked a little better, and Madam Li took the child over and whispered: "Mrs. San, the slave and maid took the child to nurse the nurse."

  Man Bao took a look and immediately said: "The child is a little weak, otherwise you try to feed yourself for the first two months?"

  Han Wu Niangzi was slightly taken aback, "Hello?"

  Man Bao nodded, and said: "Mother's colostrum is better for the child. How long has your nanny hired?"

  Ms. Han Wu did not speak. The one who could be selected as the nanny was naturally a woman who had already given birth. She looked at her son and said in a bewilderment: "But I can't feed it."

  Man Bao: "I will, I will teach you."

  Grandma Li turned her head and looked at Man Bao, who was still wearing a little lady's haircut, silently.

  Han Wu Niangzi didn't think about this, she awkwardly hugged the child and looked at Man Bao.

  Man Bao thought for a while and said: "You have to wipe it with warm water and let the child **** it by himself."

  Grandma Li: "...This is not good, you have to start milking first."

  Man Bao: "Oh, the child will help her open it. My mother said, the first thing a child learns after birth is to open his mouth to cry and open his mouth to eat."

  Grandma Li thinks that this is the practice of the poor. Who in the small family does not have a bowl of good stuff for milking first, then milking, and then feeding the children?

   And big families like them don’t need to feed themselves by the main mother at all.

Even if it was Zhou Man’s suggestion, Grandma Li didn’t really suggest that Lady Han Wu feed her herself. She had just been opened to take her baby. It’s a miracle that she can wake up, talk, and sit up in bed. What's wrong, you actually have to feed it yourself?

  She felt that the third wife was too wronged.

  Man Bao told Lady Han Wu, "After the breastfeeding, your uterus will contract, reduce bleeding, and you can recover faster, not to mention, it is also very good for the child."

  She enumerated various benefits, and Lady Han Wu was even more excited.

  Grandma Li said displeased: "Dr. Zhou Xiao, you don’t know if you have never given birth to a child. Feeding a child is also very hard. If the child is a bit older, it will bite people with strength."

  "It’s okay, don’t you have a nanny? After a month or two, Lady Han Wu is out of confinement, and the wound has recovered. If the baby is stable, please feed the nanny."

  Grandma Li: "...At that time, our five women were healed, but instead of letting her feed them?"

  Man Bao: "...It is said that it is for colostrum, but also to calm the yin and yang of your five women, and for her to recover faster after delivery."

  Grandma Li was shocked, "Our five ladies are hurting but want to breastfeed? This, this..."

  Man Bao was speechless for a while, turned around and looked at Lady Han Wu, "Then do you believe me or her?"

  Ms. Han Wu naturally believed in Man Bao more deeply in her heart, but she did not reveal it immediately. Instead, she looked at Madam Li apologetically and asked Man Bao in a low voice: "I will give him milk?"

  Man Bao nodded, "My eldest sister and sister-in-law are fed like this, and it will happen naturally. You can give it a try. Without further ado, I also know the formula for feeding milk."

  Grandma Li looked at the two of you and made a decision, and then Man Bao asked the servant to bring a pot of hot water.

  Han Wu Niangzi endured the pain and turned halfway to untie her clothes to feed the child, her face flushed because of her shyness.

  Grandma Li sighed and stepped forward to help, and taught her how to hold the baby...

The baby's mouth moved. At first it was still very clumsy. Later it became more and more agile and slightly stronger. It may be because he could not **** milk for a long time. He hummed eagerly. There was something strange in Lady Han Wu's heart. A strange feeling, and then I feel that the child is sucking something...

  The child also quieted down slowly. Lady Han Wu looked at the baby in her arms and finally felt at ease. She raised her head to look at Xiang Manbao, "This is my son."

  Man Bao nodded, "Yes, it's yours."

  When Li Sanlang knew, Han Wu had already fed the baby, and he scratched his head with a confused look: "Can you feed the baby? Then she is all right?"

  Grandma Li said with a complicated expression: "Doctor Zhou Xiao said, it’s still early, and I have to wait three days before talking, but it’s a good thing to feed the child to the third wife."

  What's the good thing about this?

  How can someone feed a child exhaustedly even with injuries on his body?

  Unfortunately, Man Bao explained to them that they didn't understand, but Man Bao suggested that Lady Han Wu was willing, and they couldn't stop it.

  So, the news that Lady Han Wu had fed the child herself less than two hours after she opened her abdomen and picked up her child instantly spread throughout Li's residence.

  The ladies of the Li Mansion who had been distracted by Lady Han could not help but come to inquire in the yard, wanting to see Wu Niangzi with their own eyes.

  Which time did they have a baby?

  If open abdomen to get the child is easier than they give birth naturally...

  I heard that Lady Han Wu was drowsy when she opened her abdomen and took the child. She didn't feel at all. It took less than half an hour from the time of the operation to the time the child was taken.

  Half a quarter of an hour, who did not give birth to a child for several hours?

  It was painful all day and night when the first child was born, but Han Wu made it within a quarter of an hour?

  Even Lady Han, who watched the whole process, was affected to think deeply, until she saw how Man Bao pressed her sister's belly to make her lochia.

  Then her sister wanted to eat, but Manbao stopped her. She was really hungry and took a sip of warm water.

  Manny Han finally knew why Zhou Man had stayed. If it were them, she would definitely not be able to stop Lady Han Wu who wanted to eat.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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