Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1285: Solicit

  Chapter 1285 Solicitation

  The queen said: "Is it easy to learn?"

She pondered for a moment and said: "I asked, Zhou Man started to study medicine at about six or seven years old, and it's only six or seven years now, but she was literate early and smart, indeed faster than the average person, and I don't ask for everything. All of the female doctors are as good as her, but they can cure most common diseases."

   "I want all the medical girls in the palace to learn medical skills with her. Most of them have the basics. At least the names of commonly used medicinal materials have been memorized, so it will be easier to learn."

  The emperor was curious, "Why did Zitong suddenly think of this?"

  The queen smiled and said, "It's still because of Zhou Man and Doctor Liu."

  She said what Doctor Liu had said today, saying: "Zhou Man has a compassionate heart and is willing to teach Doctor Liu, obviously different from other doctors."

"Even though the imperial physicians work in the imperial hospital, there are not many who are really willing to teach the housekeeping skills to outsiders." This is a polite statement. In fact, there is no one who is really willing to teach people. On the contrary, they are not in the imperial hospital. The queen said: "You only see my doctors who have worked in the Taiyuan Hospital for many years but have not learned much."

   "These Xiao and Liu doctors are from the imperial physician's house," the queen said: "Zhou Man is willing to teach, so I want her to teach a few more."

  The emperor laughed, "Does Zitong still want to set up another women’s hospital?"

  The queen didn't expect this at all, but now she thought about it, "It's not a bad idea."

  The emperor's eyebrows jumped, and he faintly regretted mentioning this, and set up another hospital. This can be restructured, just to serve the harem?

  Queen said: "I originally thought that these female medicines will be sent to various places after they are completed, and they can also see doctors and prescribe prescriptions in pharmacies after they go out. Wouldn't there be more vitality for women in the world? This is also good for the multiplying population."

  The emperor couldn’t help but sat up straight, "Will you leave it everywhere?"

  The queen nodded.

  The emperor pondered, "If so, it's not impossible, but if they don't want it? It's a matter of publicity after all."

  The queen said: "There are always people who are willing, and there will always be a way."

   "Do you rely on Zhou Man alone to teach? I heard people say that she will travel through thousands of mountains and rivers in the future and will not stay in one place for a long time."

  Obviously, the emperor knew what she said to the prince.

  The queen twisted him a bit and said: "This matter is very complicated and can't be settled for a while, but I want to ask your majesty, if the concubine insists on doing it, then the female hospital..."

   "I set it up for you!"

   "What about the money?" The Queen said: "Professor disciple, the consumption of medicinal materials, manpower and material resources need money."

  The emperor took her hand and smiled: "I'll get it for you from the private library. Is this all right?"

  The queen became satisfied, and snuggled into his arms and said: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

The emperor grabbed her and patted her shoulders and said, "Okay, you can sleep peacefully now? You, you are too worried. The emperor has said that you have to recuperate from this illness. The prince will do it. She will be the mother of the nation in the future. Just teach her not to work too hard."

  The queen responded, but she was well-informed, and even if she didn’t think about it, she couldn’t help thinking.

  So she didn't sleep well all night, and when she saw Man Bao the next day, she was well dressed up, but who is Man Bao?

  At first glance, she felt that the queen's face was not right, but after a closer look, she found that there were too many fans, so she asked the queen for a pulse.

  The queen who deliberately asked the inner supervisor to declare that the treasure came over could not help but cross her hands in front of her abdomen, and smiled: "Dr. Zhou Xiao, today is not the day for my consultation, I am looking for you for something else."

  Man Bao said: "Then since it's here, I'll take a look at the queen by the way. I see that your eyes seem to be a little dark, can you not sleep well?"

  Man Bao looked worried, "Is there a relapse of the illness, and I can’t sleep at night?"

  Man Bao looked at Aunt Shang when he said this.

  Aunt Shang:...

  She silently raised her head to look at the queen.

  The queen gave a light cough and said, "Fortunately, I went to bed late last night. I invited you here because of Doctor Liu."

  Man Bao’s attention was immediately turned away, "Doctor Liu?"

  The queen smiled and nodded, and asked: "I heard Doctor Liu said that Doctor Zhou Xiao would like to teach her medical skills?"

  Man Bao nodded, "Yes, if she is willing to come and learn by my side."

  The queen smiled and asked, "Your Majesty plans to set up a new hospital in the palace for female doctors. I wonder if Dr. Zhou Xiao would like to work in the palace?"

  Man Bao refused without thinking about it, refusing to say: "Manny, I'm still young, I'm afraid I won't be an official."

  "As an official, it is talent, not age."

   "But I still have many shortcomings in medical skills, and I want to learn more with the doctor outside."

  Queen: "You can learn from the eunuchs of the Imperial Hospital even after you enter the palace."

  Man Bao still shook his head, "Even though the doctor Xiao and the others are also very good, but the illnesses that I have encountered in the palace are limited, I still prefer to be in Jishitang, and I may wander elsewhere in the future, so I dare not be recruited by the empress."

The queen sighed: "But I want to send more medical girls like Liu Yinv to study with you. In the future, when they finish their studies, they can not only work in the Women's Hospital, but also be sent to the locals to treat the people. Not what you said, is it extremely difficult for women in the world to see a doctor? If you have a female doctor, it will definitely be much better."

Man Bao hesitated when he heard it, but the scene where the prince took the knife and cut the imperial doctor was too deep in her heart, so after the entanglement, she still shook her head and said: "Madam, please allow me to go home and think about it. This is a serious matter. , I have to ask about the talents of the family."

The queen nodded with a smile, and said, "Alright, then you go back and discuss with your family. If you are willing to receive the Women's Hospital, its establishment may be lower than the Hospital, but the hospital should have a fifth-grade position."

  So she will become an official by accident?

   is still a fifth grade official, even bigger than the Tang county magistrate.

  Man Bao was speechless in his heart, and got up groggy to say goodbye. Aunt Shang quickly took the opportunity to say: "Dr. Zhou Xiao, please give your wife a visit. Maybe you need a needle."


  Man Bao thought about it, anyway, I’m here, so let’s take a look.

  Man Bao suppressed the various thoughts in her mind, and then calmed down before giving the queen a pulse. She touched the pulse, and then looked at the queen's face up close. She was very sure that she didn't sleep well last night.

   So sighed and asked the queen to lie down. She gave the queen an acupuncture and saw that she fell asleep, so she sat in a daze.

The princess    was accompanied by her. Seeing her little one sitting on a stool, her brows were almost frowning, she lowered her voice and asked, "Is it good to be in the palace? This is an opportunity for Guangzong Yaozu."

   See you at ten in the next chapter



  (End of this chapter)

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