Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1286: Not very willing (to book friends "Her Majesty the Queen

   Chapter 1286 Reluctant

  Man Bao looked up at the princess and shook his head, forget it, enter the palace, that is the royal's subordinates, even if the prince corrects the hacking problem, there are other princes and grandchildren.

  It is said that entering the palace is easy to get out of the palace, she should not challenge this. The most important thing is that she promised Keke to walk around, searching for flowers, flowers, plants, birds, birds, and beasts that it had never seen before.

  Keke deeply believes that, in fact, there are not many things that have not been included in the palace. The host really stays in the capital as an official, then it is estimated that it will not include anything for a long time in the future.

  But the temptation of the five-rank official is still great, Man Bao went home and consulted Mr. Zhuang and they went.

  Mr. Zhuang did not give her an idea at first, but asked: "Do you want to be an official?"

  Man Bao thought for a while and nodded and said: "It's pretty good. If my parents knew that I was an official, or a fifth-grade official, she would definitely be happy and crazy."

Mr. Zhuang nodded and asked with a smile, "Then why are you still hesitating?"

  Man Bao collapsed his shoulders and said, “Being an official, especially being an imperial doctor, will depend on others for life and death. I don’t like it.”

   "I think you were very brave when facing the King of Shang Yizhou, and it didn't seem like you were really afraid of death."

   "It depends on what it is for. It's not worth it for a little fame and fortune."

Bai Shan on the side also nodded.

  Shirajiro does not have this trouble yet, but he also feels that it is a terrible thing to not even have his life to be an official.

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and said: "After all, you still can't be restrained, but you also need to know that if you become the director of the Women's Hospital, then your ideals will be half."

   "Become a doctor who helps the world?" Man Bao said, "I learn medical skills from the folks, and it's the same for me to treat more illnesses and save people."

  Mr. Zhuang shook his head, "There is still a big difference between the power of oneself and the power of a country. When you are a court official in the palace, you are the imperial court official, backed by national power, but among the people, you are just a little doctor."

  Man Bao frowned in distress, "I am also tempted by the Queen’s proposal, but I always feel that it’s a bit bad."

Mr. Zhuang smiled and looked at her, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Man Bao frowned and said, "My medical skills are not yet complete, how much can I teach them? And the illnesses in the palace come and go. If I enter the palace, the illnesses I can see are limited. If I can't get a good one Fangzi, the imperial doctors of the hospital won't teach me their skills, so I'm trapped in the palace, which is contrary to my wish at the beginning."

  Bai Shan always wanted to talk, but Mr. Zhuang kept staring at him, so he could not say anything.

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and asked, "Anything else?"

  Man Bao thought for a while and shook his head, "I still want to stay in the folks, and I want to go to other places to take a walk, take a look, and learn from doctors in the world."

She said: "I have discovered that doctors in this world have a few diseases that they are very good at. Besides, the treatment of other diseases is mediocre. It is the imperial physician in the palace. Except for one or two people, the rest are also So, I want to see what the doctors in other places are good at."

Mr. Zhuang waved his hand and smiled: "Well, you already have a preference in your heart, then I won't stop you, just go."

  He glanced at Bai Shan afterwards and said, "Go and discuss it yourself."

Bai Shan resisted the desire to speak and got up and bowed with Man Bao. He turned around and saw Bai Erlang sitting pretendingly with a book in his hand, so he dragged him and said, "What are you doing here? Don't disturb Mr., hurry up."

  Shiajiro followed the two of them out, standing in a mess in the cold wind, he shrank his neck and asked: "Is there anything I can't say in the study, I have to say it outside?"

  Man Bao glanced at him and said, "You're so stupid, you can't see this yet? Your husband is training us. I want us to discuss one, two and three first. Can we talk freely in front of him?"

  Bai Shan also felt cold outside. He looked around and said, "Go to my house? How about letting Daji have a brazier?"

  Man Bao said: "Then go to the kitchen to get two cakes, we will bake and eat while talking."

  Hakujiro lifted his spirits and said: "What's the point of just eating cakes? The venison under the gallery is very frozen. Cut off a few pieces with a knife and bake them together."

  Bai Shan also nodded, “Look at what else is left in the back kitchen, but this way it tastes a bit big and can’t be baked in my room.”

  Bai Shan and Man Bao looked at Bai Erlang together. After being taken aback, Bai Erlang jumped back, and refused with his hands on his chest, "No, baking in my room is also delicious, okay?"

  Man Bao retracted his gaze and said, "I don't know if we will get in the way in the kitchen."

  Bai Shan: "Definitely, it's time for dinner right now."

  Finally, the three of them squeezed into Daji’s room to bake something.

Da Ji moved the table inward, and then took a big brazier to start a fire. There was an iron plate on it, and the deer legs removed were placed on the table. The ice was not melted and Da Ji cut it off with a knife. Come and put it on the plate.

  Bai Shan and the three ran to the kitchen to get a lot of seasonings, and sat around the brazier, waiting for the roast venison while roasting the fire.

  Bai Shan added a little charcoal to the brazier and said, “You don’t know how to do avatar alone. Now you have to sit in Jishitang for a doctor and study. Where can you spend so much time in the palace to teach them medicine?”

  Man Bao blinked, "Then you mean to stop teaching?"

  Bai Shan shook his head, "I know you want to teach, but when the manpower is poor, teaching is not like that."

  He said: "I ask you, if a person wants to learn medicine, it is normal, how many years does he want to study in the drugstore?"

Man Baodao: "I went to work as an apprentice in the drug store at the age of seven or eight. I worked for two years and worked harder. The doctors might teach them a few words. I got the approval. I started to carry medicinal materials at the age of nine and ten. You can grab medicine or follow the doctor to become a medicine boy in the first year. At least you will have to stay with the doctor for another ten years before you can get a doctor."

This is a normal way, "but there are also clever ones. The doctor regretted that he accepted early as apprentices, so that he avoided the previous tribulations. After seven or eight years of learning with the doctors, he can try to prescribe at the age of fifteen and sixteen. NS."

  She is because there are Keke and Teacher Mo, otherwise the fastest speed is the second way.

Of course, Bai Shan knows this, and nodded: "That's it, so the average person will do it. Even if you are willing to teach, regardless of the first five or six years of polishing, you can directly teach people. It will take ten years to get a teacher. But. I listened to the empress empress, she obviously couldn't wait for ten years. The women's hospital is going to be built. Is there only a place and no officials?"

  Man Bao was silent.

See you tomorrow

     The changed name is very domineering, Xiaoxue



  (End of this chapter)

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