Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1289: Q&A

   Chapter 1289 Questions and Answers

  Han Wu Niangzi was a little disappointed. Today is the third day after the operation. She is still very painful, but she can already see the scars on her stomach when she is taking the medicine. She feels very ugly.

  Although she knew deep down that she couldn’t ask for too much, after all, she survived a mortal situation, but she still felt that the scar was so ugly.

  Man Bao saw her unhappy, so he comforted her and said: "Don't worry, take care of her. The injury will heal a little bit faster. When you look back and rub the ointment from the first half of the year, it will fade."

  Man Bao confirmed that Li's mansion was still in place, so he waved away and agreed to come back tomorrow.

   Before Lady Han Wu was completely out of danger, she had to come and see it every day.

  Leaving the Li Mansion, Man Bao was too lazy to return to Jishitang, and said directly: "Let’s enter the imperial city, I have to enter the palace."

  Xiao Shao was startled, "I want to go too?"

   "No, just take me to the gate of the palace. You have to take the bills settled by the Li family back to repay the bills. I will let the people in the palace take me home afterwards."

Xiao Shao breathed a sigh of relief.

  Man Bao entered the palace because he refused to go to the queen.

  Queen has prepared the list of medical women in the Taiyuan Hospital. Man Bao’s rejection is obviously not in her plan, but she just stunned for a while and asked with a smile, “Why don’t you want it?”

  Man Bao, of course, can’t say it straight, so he said: "Manny, your female hospital is really good, but I do have limited abilities, and now I can’t do it as an apprentice."

  Queen: “You don’t have to belittle yourself. Your medical skills are both in my eyes and your majesty. Not only my disease, but the prince’s condition, you also have a clue. Xiao Yuanzheng has praised your medical skills."

  Man Baodao: "That's Xiao Yuan Zhengzheng, I still need to learn more medical skills."

  "You can also study with the eunuchs of the Imperial Hospital when you enter the palace."

  Man Bao smiled and shook his head, and said: "Manny, if the educated doctors are really willing to teach each other, how can the doctors have been in the palace for many years and can't learn to prescribe pulses?"

  The queen is silent.

  Man Baodao: "They are willing to show me medical skills. That's because I have something to go back to. I learned medical skills from them, and they get more from me."

"But I didn't teach them hand in hand, nor did they teach me hand in hand. The knowledge is given, how much you can learn, how much you can comprehend depends on the talent and hard work of each person," Man Bao said, "and I can have these things. Talking with them depends on the fact that I have seen various diseases outside, and then bother to research. If I don’t have various cases from the private sector, and I can’t come up with various medical techniques and prescriptions they don’t know, I still enter the hospital. They Goodbye me, I am afraid it is not Dr. Zhou Xiao who can communicate, but colleagues who are fighting with them on the same stage."

  The queen understood what Manbao meant, "Are you afraid of being run over?"

  Man Bao paused, shook his head and said, "I'm afraid I will forget my original intention."

  The queen raised her eyebrows, "But the female imperial hospital must be chaired by a female imperial physician. Why should it be set up? But you are the only female physician who can be responsible for the medical skills of this entire Jin Dynasty."

  Man Baodao: "If you can rest assured, you might as well let Doctor Liu study with me. She is very savvy and knows a lot of pharmacology and medicine. She will become a teacher after studying for three to five years."

  The queen laughed, "Doctor Liu is just a person, what's the use?"

  She paused and said, "I found twelve medical girls for you. I wanted you to go to the palace to teach them."

  Man Bao thought for a while and shook his head, "Twelve people are too many, I will only take Liu Doctor Woman."

  The queen folds her eyebrows.

  Man Bao took the opportunity to say: "Niang Niang, you set up a female imperial hospital in the palace. After that, the concubine and princess in the palace become ill. Should you call for a male imperial doctor or a female imperial doctor?"

  The queen smiled and said: "Naturally it is as they wish, it also depends on the condition of the patient."

"But if they can all work in the Taiyuan Hospital, how can the female imprisoned doctors be released to the people?" Man Bao asked: "When the time comes, the court will set up a medical department in the local area, or let them open their own medical clinic. Or place the order in another drugstore?"

  The queen smiled and said: "I want to send them to the local pharmacy to place an order for consultation. At that time, not only will the pharmacy give them a penny, the court will also give them a payment here."

   "It sounds good, but how to choose this place? Is the Women's Hospital in charge, or they choose?" Man Bao continued to ask: "What if you don't want to leave Beijing to work as a female doctor after you finish your studies?"

  If you don’t go, there is a way to go. Except for the first batch of health workers who were medical women, she decided to choose from the palace.

  Or choose female family members from the criminal record to train, these people can be directly registered as a craftsman, and they will naturally follow the imperial order everywhere.

  The first batch of medical women only need to stay in Beijing to teach the health workers, which is also an honor for them.

  But the queen looked down at the young Man Bao, did not tell her this, but calmed her: "Don't worry, the court can come up with countermeasures."

  Man Bao tilted his little head and glanced at the queen suspiciously. After a pause, he still shook his head, "Niang, let's discuss it again, otherwise you will let Doctor Liu study with me first?"

  The Queen did not force her, she smiled and nodded, "Alright, then I will let Doctor Liu go home today, and she will follow you to study in the future."

  The queen paused and then smiled and asked, "I heard people say that you only ask for a consultation for half a day, right?"

  Man Bao nodded, "Only in Ji Shitang for half a day, but there are always cases of outpatient visits, so I spent most of the day seeing a doctor."

  The queen said: “Don’t let her be too slack when teaching Doctor Liu, or let her serve by your side and listen to the teaching sooner or later?”

  Man Bao shook his head and shook his head again and again, "Forget it, I am not accepting her as a disciple, but just teaching her, I am still a student, how can I accept an disciple?"

  Being served by someone as a husband in front of her husband, it was terrible to think about it, she didn't want that.

The queen was funny and said to Aunt Shang: "Okay, you can send Doctor Zhou out. By the way, didn’t the princess sent two pots of chrysanthemums last time. Although they did not bloom, I think the leaves are not bad. Obviously they are. They are well raised. I heard that they are still very rare. You go pick a pot and give it to Doctor Zhou Xiao."

   said again: "There is also the fox skin sent by the country's father last time, so let people pick a few and reward her."

  Aunt Shang responds.

  Queen and Man Bao said: "Now the weather is getting colder and colder, and you often run outside again. You took fox fur and put on a fox fur. It was also warmer."

  Man Bao would never reject their rewards, so he thanked them and accepted them.

  Aunt Shang sighed slightly when she saw him, and when she sent Man Bao out, she couldn’t help reminding her, “Dr. Zhou Xiao, you are too courageous. If your mother asks, how can you repeatedly refuse?”

  Man Bao blinked, "Can't you refuse?"

  Aunt Shang: "...this is the kindness of the empress, if you meet other masters, you won't be so talkative."

  Don’t talk about rewards, it’s good to be able to ignore sin.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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