Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1290: give you

   Chapter 1290

  Man Bao looked around and saw that no one was paying attention, he asked in a low voice, "Are other masters like your majesty and prince?"

  Aunt Shang:...

  Man Bao knew something from her silence, she sighed faintly, and nodded to show that she understood.

  Aunt Shang became even more silent when she saw this.

  Aunt Shang arranged a carriage to take Manbao back to Changqing Lane. She hadn't seen the potted flowers admiring her until she got home. The pots were pretty good-looking, but she knew how to see the leaves.

  While hesitating, Keke said, "Yes, it's the chrysanthemum you sold to Yizhou Prince's Mansion before the Mid-Autumn Festival."

  Man Bao:……

  Man Bao moved Hua to Bai Shan’s door, then took out the fox fur and took a look, and decided to find a shop to make a fox fur when he had time.

Bai Shan and Bai Erlang came back at the point of dinner. As soon as the two entered the yard, they shouted "starved to death". Man Bao poured a glass of warm water for the two of them, and the two of them drank it all at once, then rubbed their stomachs and asked: "Is the supper not ready yet?"

  Man Bao asked, "Did your Imperial Guard lose your lunch?"

   "It's cold and hungry fast, and today I was especially mindful," Bai Shan said, "Tomorrow we will bring some snacks to school."

He took out two books from the book basket, and a stack of papers to show Man Bao, "We found many books today, but unfortunately there are not many records about the Imperial Medical Office in the Imperial College, and they are still very trivial. How are you talking to the queen today in a few days?"

  Man Baodao: "I already rejected her, and she also promised to let Doctor Liu follow me for the time being."

  She turned over the stack of papers in her hand, and said in surprise: "You still found a lot of things, and you also noted the source."

  Bai Erlang slipped to Mr. Zhuang’s table and touched a piece of snack to eat, and said: “Of course, not only us, but also Yinor, Feng Xuexiong, Yi Xuexiong, and Ji Hao are all helping to find it.”

  Man Bao tilted his head to look at Bai Shan.

  Bai Shandao: "I only asked Yin or help, but I met Feng Xuexiong and Yi Xuexiong in the library, and they looked for them for help."

  As for Ji Hao, he doesn't know why he would follow to the library specially. He is not a person who likes to read.

  Man Bao didn’t pay attention to Ji Hao either. She carefully looked at the relevant information copied on the paper. Before she finished reading one, the kitchen brought the food up, and everyone had to eat first.

  Bai Shan rolled up his sleeves to wash his hands, and stopped when he passed his room. He looked down at the flowerpot in the middle of his room door, then he stooped and moved it to the study after a pause, before he went to wash his hands.

When    came back, he couldn’t help but ask Man Bao, “Did you put the potted flower in front of my room?”

  Man Bao nodded.

  "How to put it outside, what if it freezes to death?"

  Man Baodao: "No, it is very strong."

   "That's a chrysanthemum, the leaves in winter are so green."

  Man Bao nodded heavily, "Yes, mutant chrysanthemum."

   Baijiro asked: "Isn't that very valuable, how do you send him?"

  Man Bao raised his eyelids and asked, "Do you want it? If someone sends me back, I will give you a pot too."

  She turned her head and said to Bai Shan: "You crow's mouth, so this first pot will be given to you."

  Bai Erlang still had questions in his head. Bai Shan has already reacted. This potted flower is a variant of chrysanthemum originally sold by Manbao.


Mr. Zhuang also reacted and shook his head and smiled: "This is cause and effect. God is fair."

  Man Bao pouted, but did not refute, instead ate a big bowl of rice angrily.

  Shirajiro also understood, and snickered.

Bai Shan thought it was very interesting. After eating, he squatted in the study and looked at the pot of chrysanthemums for a long time. Verdant?"

  Man sat at his desk and continued to read the materials they copied back, and said smoothly: "It's a variant, it's cold-resistant."

  Bai Shan: "Then pruning and nurturing it, will it be possible to appreciate chrysanthemums in winter in the future?"

  "Don't think about it, the gene of this flower is unstable. It has been bloomed once, and it will become ugly when it blooms the second time."

  It’s not the first time that Bai Shan has heard the word gene from Manbao. He also knows what gene is. He said in a convenient way: "Then pruning and grafting, and see if other flowers can be planted?"

  He said: "If it is possible, there will be many flowers to enjoy in winter in the future."

Man Bao flipped through a piece of paper and said nonchalantly: "Then you can pick it up. It's best to pick up edible flowers. There are no green leafy vegetables to eat in winter. I'm tired of eating all the vegetables in the cellar. Take a look. Can you pick up the vegetables and plant them out."

  Man Bao said this, turned his head to look at the chrysanthemum leaves on the ground, and thought: "If the vegetables in the winter can grow like this pot of chrysanthemums, then we won't have to worry about running out of food."

  Bai Shan also looked at the pot of chrysanthemums in front of him and thought deeply, “Is the palace originally raised in the greenhouse or outside?”

  Man Bao: "Oh, I forgot to ask."

  Because chrysanthemum is not expensive in Keke, she didn't take it to heart.

  Bai Shan heard it and simply moved the flower pot to the yard, found a place where it could be sheltered from wind and snow, and decided to prove it by experiment.

  Xiang Mingxue was about to close the breathable window. He just saw it and couldn't help but shook his head.

  Xiang Chao didn’t dare to let Xiang Mingxue stand for too long. He quickly went to help close the window and saw it. He couldn’t help but exclaimed, “How can such a precious pot of chrysanthemums be placed outside to catch the cold?”

  Xiang Ming learned: "This is where we are inferior to them."

  Xiang Chao was puzzled, but Xiang Mingxue didn't answer any more. He helped Xiang Chao back to the bed and continued his rehabilitation.

  He can barely take two steps now, but he is still unstable, and he doesn’t dare to do too much, so he can only recover slowly.

  Bai Shan put the flower pot back and went back to the study to sort out the information with Man Bao, and by the way talk about the plan and vision of the Imperial Medical Office.

  Bai Jiro sat at his desk, lit a candle and immersed himself in writing a biography. Today, Bai Shan was pressed down by Bai Shan to do white work. He had not had time to write.

Mr. Zhuang is also in the study, occasionally answering Bai Shan and Manbao's questions, such as how the general staff and household departments operate, and how the medical office should report if additional staff members are added.

  Mr. Zhuang saw that they were making more and more suggestions, and slowly turned away. In the end, it didn’t seem to run a women’s hospital, it seemed to run a medical school.

  I’m still a child. I just go to school and go to school on weekdays, so I treat all functional departments the same as in school.

   He shook his head and smiled, interrupting their various questions and said: "According to your plan, it is like running a school. There are also ready-made examples. The Imperial College is."

  Bai Shan's eyes lit up and asked, "Mr. Do you think the court will agree?"

   See you at four in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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