Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1296: lure

  Chapter 1296 Temptation

As soon as this was said, the person next to him patted his head and said angrily: "I will say less in the future. Our fur is not good for sale in the first place. You always say that this piece of leather is broken and that piece of leather is not good. What if I don’t buy it on Thursday?"

   "I am a little worried now, will there really be tea on Thursday?"

   "There must be. I heard that there is more tea in the Shu area. Those tea merchants look down on people, dislike our tribe and refuse to sell us tea."

  Of course, businessmen will not dislike their small tribes, but dislike them for giving them little money.

  But if the fur cannot be sold, there is no money, and those merchants who specialize in fur business keep the price of their fur very low, not to mention that there is no defect at all.

As for Chu Lang, he has little money. He will run into these merchants and Hu merchants because he took the three of them to pick up the medicinal materials of Ji Shitang. There is a section of road snow that is really thick. Waiting for them to remove the snow on the road. When it was cleared out and passed, the Wuyangyang passer-by merchants and Hushang merchants had already been blocked behind.

  Thursday Lang has always been thick-skinned, cheerful, and growing up. This is the first time that he has seen so many Huren. The horses these Husbands ride are very tall and have a special air.

  He couldn't help but glanced a few more times, and then he hooked up with someone.

  Those Husband merchants not only beat their fur, but also some very precious medicinal materials, gems, horses...

  Those things can’t even be bought by Thu Lang.

   is still affordable, but the quantity must be small. He thought about it and felt that he could not sell it if he bought it, because no one he knew could afford these things.

  Not to mention that most of these things are intended for customers. Those medicines, gems and horses will be sold to regular customers, so he can only pick a large number of furs.

  But after Thursday Lang asked about the price, he also flinched.

  Xuelu was harder to walk than he thought. It was good for two days to go back and forth, but they cleared the snow for one day, and they walked for two and a half days after they came back.

  Finally escorted the medicinal materials of Ji Shitang back to Ji Shitang, he took the three sons and ran to join in the fun among the merchants.

  They are not picky at work, they can help people drink, and they can also help people carry goods. Coupled with the friendship of three days on the same road, they are quite easy to find a job.

  Thursday Lang just wanted to inquire more information to see if there are any goods that he can afford, and the three of them are simply making money.

  After all, they are now living in the house in Changqing Lane, but it’s not good that they always eat and drink for nothing.

  As a result, after squatting in the city for a few days, Chu Lang and the people in the baldness department installed it.

  No way, these people are too conspicuous, because they only sold a few furs, and the rest are piled up. Because of bargaining, they almost got into fights in the market.

  The prices offered by those merchants were too low, and they were really sold at the prices they gave them. Not to mention buying salt and tea, they might not even have enough to go back and forth.

  The price is a little higher than the price that merchants buy from their tribe.

  They vaguely knew that they had been targeted, but they could not find a solution at all. They were trapped in the market like a trapped beast.

  Thursday Lang squatted by the side and watched for two days. Seeing that they were really frustrated, he shot.

He triumphantly said with his younger brothers, sisters, nephews and nieces: "I was yelling at people carrying goods in that city, and I was inquiring about the price of those furs. The hearts of those merchants are really too dark, bullying Aliutun and the others. The first time I came here, the Chinese language was not very good, and the price was directly lowered to less than 10%."

  Man Bao widened his eyes, "So cruel?"

  Thursday Lang nodded, "That’s why I have the opportunity to eat all of their goods."

The money he brought was not much, and the two carts of medicinal materials looked much, but they were not particularly expensive, so the total sold one hundred and twenty-eight taels. For their family, this income is very good. After all, The medicinal materials are all on the mountain and dry land.

  But it’s not enough for Chu Lang who wants to participate in the fur business, because if he counts all the belongings in the capital that he can take with him at home, it’s only more than four hundred taels when he is full, and even five hundred taels is not enough.

  But in the end, Thu Lang still used the unseen tea leaves to credit the rest of the goods, and the total came down to 1,000 taels.

  Zhou Lijun, who often keeps accounts, is very curious, "Strange, why the price is so neat, it happens to be one thousand taels?"

On Thursday Lang said with a smile: "Originally there weren’t so many, but there were still a few Hushang’s furs that were not easy to get out because of some damage. They have been kept at low prices by merchants. A Liudun knew them and asked them. Come here and count them as their goods."

  Everyone opened their mouths wide, so Ah Liu Dun still had the money to buy leather goods with someone and then resell it to Thu Lang on credit?

  Friday Lang swallowed and asked, "Fourth brother, this interest..."

  Lang gave him a glance on Thursday and said, "What interest is interest? A Liudun and I are friends. We all said that this is a deposit for buying tea. What kind of interest is it?"

  Everyone: " what are they doing here?"

  Thursday, Lang Yi said rightly: "This is my credibility! Understand?"

  Several people shook their heads together. It is hard for them to imagine that the fourth brother (fourth uncle) should have a reputation.

  You know, in their old Zhou's house, he is the one with the least credibility!

  Luck was lucky on Thursday, but he was still asking for help, so he decided to bear it.

  He squeezed out a smile to look at Saturday Lang, and said as kindly as possible: "So the sixth man, look, why don't you stay in Beijing to celebrate the New Year?"

  Saturday Lang was horrified, "I am alone? After all, you still bet me to Hu Shang."

"What kind of pledge? Before I come back, you can open a store and do business normally. After I come back, the account will be cleared," Chu Lang said: "Otherwise, we will all go home for the New Year. The store will be closed. They must think more at first sight..."

  Saturday Lang looked at Zhou Lijun, pointed to her and said, “It’s okay to ask me to stay. Erya has to stay. I’m definitely not going to do it alone. She has always been responsible for the collection and checkout in the store.”

  Thursday Lang hesitated, "Can Lizhong and Liwei do it too? I want to take Lijun back to collect tea."

  Zhou Lijun: "No, I want to go home for the New Year!"

  Zhou Lizhong and Zhou Liwei also said: "We also want to go home."

On Thursday Lang said to them, "You are still young, don’t always think about home, you are so good outside, why do you always want to go home? When I was your age, I wanted to run out. You see, I’m happy now. Bar?"

  Everyone looked at him coldly, and didn't think he was more promising.

  Thursday Lang had no choice but to sigh: "Okay, whoever stays, I'll give him ten taels of silver!"

  A few people turned their eyes and asked: "Out of the public?"

  Thursday Lang said angrily: "Nonsense, this is a business in the public, not from the public, you still want to pay from my private money."

  Friday Lang's heart moved a bit, but in the end he was determined to go home for the New Year.

  Man Bao was not tempted by Twelve Taels of silver, and she was not within the range of Chu Lang's bewitching. If his parents knew that he had stopped Man Bao from letting her go home for the New Year, they would be able to chase him around Qili Village.

   See you at 11 pm



  (End of this chapter)

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