Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1297: Discuss (to book friend "lulululukka"

  Chapter 1297 Negotiation (for the book friend "lulululukka"’s rewards and more)

  Finally, Saturday Lang and his three nephews and nephews turned their backs to discuss quietly, and finally agreed to Chu Lang’s proposal.

  Saturday Lang said: "Lizhong and Lijun stay here, you can take the fifth brother and Liwei home, Liwei is also good at settling accounts."

  Thursday Lang didn’t want it very much, “He is far behind Lijun. If Lijun doesn’t go back, Lizhong must go back with me, and he is still the eldest grandson.”

Zhou Lijun is a little complacent, but she also has her own considerations, "Four uncle, fifth uncle followed you back, and you still have to buy them in the shop. Brother can take care of these things. I have always been in charge of the restaurant's account. I stay here. Better, and it’s too cold, I don’t want to run around."

   Zhou Liwei said: "Uncle Si, if you despise me, I will stay in the capital too, ten taels of silver."

  Thursday Lang: "It sounds like if you follow me back to collect tea, I will not pay you."

   "Can there be twelve?"

   "No," Chu Lang said, "If you have the ability, you can ask your grandpa to go."

  Zhou Liwei naturally has no such ability.

   Seeing that he had to accept Zhou Liwei and go back with him on Saturday Lang, he said: "My conditions have not been stated yet."

   "Twelve taels..."

   "I don't want twelve."

  Thu Lang blinked and asked, "Then what do you want?"

  Saturday Lang coughed slightly: "You have to go back and persuade father and mother to let me marry the eldest lady of the Qiu family."

  Lang paused on Thursday and said, “Their family said that they will have a child with their family name in the future.”

   "I know," Saturo said not very much, "It's not a tedious, it doesn't matter."

  Friday Lang gave a light cough, and Saturday Lang immediately glanced at Man Bao and said, "Of course, it's nothing to be a patriarch."

  Man Bao didn’t react at first. Seeing that they immediately changed their words after they took a look at her, she reacted, “Yes,, my father is a parent.”

  Everyone was silent.

  Man Bao touched his chin thoughtfully, "Then should I change my mother's surname?"

  Thursday Lang was so scared that his cold sweat was about to come off, and he immediately said: "Man Bao, don't mess around, father will be angry if he knows."

Man Bao skipped the matter and didn't mention it. Anyway, she was not in a hurry, but when she had time later, she still had to go back and worship her grandfather and grandmother. It is best to move their graves back to Qili Village, so that she would worship later. It can be in one place.

  Saturday Lang immediately continued the topic just now, for fear that Man Bao would continue to think about it, "Four brother, just say you agree or not."

  Thursday Lang thought for a while and then said: "Okay, but you have to give me your ten taels of silver."

  Saturday Lang said indifferently: "Aren't all the money on you?"

   "That's different. What I kept for myself is called private possession. If you give it to you, you can give it to me again."

  Saturday Lang:...

  He stretched out his hand at Chu Lang, "Then you give me the money."

  Thursday Lang patted his hand and said, "Where can I get you money now? I'll talk about it when I bring tea to Beijing, and so are yours. Write them down first, and wait until I return to Beijing to sell the tea."

  Zhou Lijun couldn’t help but said to Man Bao: “Sister, don’t you think that the fourth uncle’s business is empty glove white wolf now?”

  Man Bao nodded, too treacherous!

  Thu Lang did not admit that he bought the fur of the baldness department at a fair price.

The people in the baldness department didn't feel that they were losing, because they were not just selling things during the few days when they were in the market, but also inquiring about the tea and salt in the hands of the merchants.

  Salt is very expensive, tea is also very expensive, they can’t buy much at the price of fur.

  Thursday Lang does not have salt in his hands, but he has tea, and the price of tea he gave is much lower than those offered by merchants.

  Although it takes a long time to wait, for the prairie people, the winter time is very worthless. They go back and spend the winter in blankets, and there is nothing to do.

  Although they need to rent a house in Beijing, they can also do some other work to earn money. The new friend Chu Lang is very enthusiastic and helped them find a few jobs.

  For example, renting an empty cart in a cart and horse riding, and then going to various lively places to attract customers, earning a lot of money.

  Because of this, Ah Liu Dun was very upset with the stupid words of Chu Lang from his partner. He felt that if Chu Lang heard these words, he might think that they were not enough friends to deceive him.

On Thursday Lang and them plan to go home, and also plan to cultivate relationships with Aliutun and the others. He said: "I saw that there are a lot of good things on the grassland, especially they have a kind of stone, which is very beautiful. It is said that a gem of good color can be exchanged for food in many carts."

  Man Bao thought for a while and said: "I know that gems include rubies, emeralds, sapphires... gems of various colors. I see the princess and the others have worn a lot of them."

  Thursday Lang said: "When you grow up later, Brother 4 will buy you one too."

  Man Bao said: "I will grow up now."

  Thursday Lang: "I will buy it for you when my fourth brother earns money."

  Manbao took it down.

  Bai Shan went to Erliu Alley to bring his grandmother and mother over to have a reunion dinner together. There is no way. Everyone is busy at ordinary times. It happened to happen that Lang came back on Thursday. Wu Lang and the others also closed the shop and rested for a day...

  Bai Da Lang also came from next door, because there were so many people, two tables were set up directly.

During the dinner, Mrs. Liu also mentioned the topic of going home. She said: "I mean, Shanbao and the others don’t have to wait for the results after the year-end exams. They just ask for leave and set off. Let’s go to Longzhou first and wait for us. Sacrifice the ancestor and his father to set off together again."

  Thursday Lang's eyes flashed and asked: "How long does Mrs. Liu plan to stay in Longzhou?"

  Lao Mrs. Liu thought for a while and said, "Three or four days."

  Thursday Lang nodded and said with a smile: "Also, I heard that Longzhou is much colder than Yizhou."

  Longzhou is further north of the capital. In winter, it takes at least two and a half days to get there by horse-drawn carriage. Isn’t it colder than Yizhou?

Mrs. Liu smiled and nodded, apparently knowing that he was selling fur from Bai Shan, and said with a smile: "Although our branch has been away from Longzhou for many years, we still have some old relatives and friends. They may have some ways. Then Shiro If you want to sell fur, you can let Liu Gui lead you around."

  More than just some relatives and friends, the old house of the Bai family, and some fields in Longzhou, Mrs. Liu can still keep, and Mrs. Liu also brought Bai Shan back to Longzhou twice to worship the ancestors.

  After all, Bai Qi was buried in Longzhou, and his ancestors were also buried in Longzhou.

  If it hadn’t been too much for the few branches of the Bai family back then, Mrs. Liu would not have left Longzhou with Bai Shan and ran to Mianzhou to go to Master Bai.

  Thursday Lang was affirmed by Mrs. Liu, and raised his eyebrows proudly, and he felt more confident.

  Man Bao whispered to Bai Shan: "I feel that if my fourth brother has a tail, the tail must be up to the roof."

  Bai Shan couldn't help but squinted.

  Lao Mrs. Liu saw the two small heads coming together to whisper, couldn’t help but smile, turned her head and said to Mr. Zhuang, “I will trouble Mr. Zhuang to write a memorial table for Ziqi at that time.”

  Mr. Zhuang responded.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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