Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1298: depth

   Chapter 1298

  Man Bao was going back to his hometown to celebrate the New Year. The prince knew within two days, so when she went to the palace to give the prince an injection, he couldn't help asking her, "You return home for the New Year, what about the lonely illness?"

  Man Bao said: "I will prescribe medicine for you, and acupuncture and moxibustion will let Doctor Liu come."

   "No," the prince didn't trust Liu doctor woman's medical skills very much, and said calmly: "I want you to come."

  Man Bao sighed, it seems that she has encountered a difficult patient in the legend.

  Man Bao gave him a needle and said, “I’ll teach Liu Yi’s female acupuncture hands-on from today. You can rest assured that she will definitely master it in the last month of study.”

  The prince sneered, "Could it be that you and her have the final say, can anyone be able to cure a lonely person?"

  Seeing that the atmosphere was a little cold, the princess hurriedly closed the game, "Doctor Zhou, I don’t know how often the prince’s illness will be given an injection in January?"

  Man Bao said sullenly: "It's fine to **** once in half a month."

  She said: "I only went back to my hometown in a month, and I missed twice. What happened to you let Doctor Liu Zha?"

The crown prince smiled and said: "Dr. Zhou Xiao, not to mention your Highness, even I am not at ease. It is not that I can't believe in Doctor Liu, but this acupuncture technique is mysterious, even Xiao Yuanzheng also said that there are many incompetences, what about the prince? Can anyone let her get the needle?"

  Man Bao thought about it: "Then you wait until I come back to continue?"

Prince    glanced at her and said, "You mean let Gu wait for you?" Where do you have such a big face?

  Man Bao understood his subtext, and looked at the princess, his eyes full of accusations.

  The princess was funny in her heart, and she hurriedly reconciled in the play.

Jae Manbao said that interruption of acupuncture would not have much impact on the prince’s body, and the prince concubine repeatedly persuaded the prince that her little girl’s home will definitely be homesick for a long time away from home, and this year her father has also washed away his grievances. Go back to worship the ancestors, let's go...

  The prince finally agreed, but his face was still very stinky, and he did not agree that Doctor Liu would take the needle on her behalf.

After Zhou Man was gone, the prince sat down on the chair and took a sip of tea and snorted coldly, "I said she was smart but stupid. How dare you send a doctor girl who has only learned acupuncture and moxibustion to Gu? She doesn't know something happened, is she the first crime?"

  The princess stood in front of the window watching Duke Wu taking Man Baoling away, turning around and smiling: "His Royal Highness, she is only thirteen this year, and she has been living in the country since she was a child. It is normal to be simple."

  Doctor Liu can give the queen a needle, because no one will harm the queen, and no one dares to harm her. Behind her are not only the emperor, the prince, the third princes and the princesses, but also the Zhao Guogong Mansion.

  But the princes are different. Even Zhao Guogong's mansion is divided into two groups. Some are on his side, and some are on the side of the three princes.

  It’s been nearly two months since he saw a doctor. I don’t know how many people have been cleared from the East Palace in the past two months, some of them have poisoned, and some have lured him into drinking and having fun...

During the    period, the prince did not resist the temptation to eat and drink, but he regretted every time he finished drinking, and then dragged out the person who gave him the drink...

  Even, the things in Zhouman’s medicine box were quietly changed three times, but Zhouman could pick out the things every time, but he didn’t take it seriously.

The prince    didn't know whether she should praise her for being brave or stupid.

  However, if the person who needs to change the needle, the prince would rather not have the needle. After all, not everyone has the ability to be able to tell that the needle in the needle kit has been changed and the needle has been soaked in poison.

  Man Bao, who followed Wu Gonggong, had already forgotten the matter. She followed Wu Gonggong to a side yard of the East Palace.

  This side is very close to the gate of the East Palace, which belongs to the periphery. In the side courtyard of a small palace, there are many inmates and court ladies standing head down at this time.

When Duke Wu led Man Bao in, Doctor Liu, Doctor Xiao, and Xiao Shao were already inside.

   Seeing Man Bao coming in, he immediately went forward to salute.

   Doctor Liu whispered: "Dr. Zhou Xiao, according to your instructions, we will divide this large room into two. The left side is used by the internal supervisors, and the right side is used by the maids. A large screen is placed in the middle."

   "Four wooden couches are placed on each side, separated by curtains in the middle."

  Man Bao nodded.

Doctor Xiao pointed to the small house next to the big house and said, "This is the place for consultation."

  Man Bao went in and looked around. Seeing that the place was clean and tidy, he nodded in satisfaction and said, "Let's start."

  Duke Wu immediately smiled and asked, "Doctor Zhou, what else do you need besides these things?"

  Man Baodao: "It just needs hot water, as well as utensils for boiling needles. If the needles are not enough, the used needles must be cooked before they can be used."

  Duke Wu said that it’s okay. There is a small kitchen in the courtyard where you can boil water. People are ready-made. Come here to see a doctor. Oh, no, all the inmates who do test needles can work.

  Now that everything is ready, Man Bao entered the hut and started.

  Duke Wu was the first to follow up. Man Bao didn't react at first. He glanced outside and said, "Let them come in one by one."

  Duke Wu sat on the stool and smiled: "Doctor Zhou Xiao, why don't you let me see my pulse first?"

  Full of treasure to the soul, he nodded after reacting, "Okay, please sit down."

   Doctor Liu and Doctor Xiao looked at each other, and both found reasons to quit. Xiao Shao also quit behind. Only Man Bao and Wu Gonggong were in the house.

  Man Bao did not stop them either, and seriously showed Wu Gonggong the pulse.

  As soon as he touched his pulse, Man Bao started the medical treatment mode and asked: "How old is your father-in-law this year?"

  Gonggong Wu smiled and said: "I am old, already thirty-two."

  Man Bao glanced at his face, and after a moment of silence, he asked, "Where do you feel uncomfortable?"

  Wu Gonggong's age, and an inmate, how could he not be sick? It's just that there are no emergencies, but there are a lot of pain in the body.

  Man Bao took down his pulse, and prescribed a prescription for him, saying: "You go to the next door and wait, and I will give you a needle in a moment."

  Wu Gonggong smiled and looked at the pulse case on her desk, and asked: "Doctor Zhou Xiao, can this pulse case be held by our family?"

  Man Bao hesitated for a moment, and still gave him the pulse case. She knew that people in the palace always had more taboos and rules.

  Duke Wu happily took the pulse case, took a look, folded it into his arms, and looked at Man Bao’s prescription.

  Of course, the prescription is also for Duke Wu.

  Wu Gonggong received the prescription but did not go out. Instead, he stepped aside and went out to let the palace people who were queuing outside come in to see him.

  Man Bao began to teach three people to see a doctor, just like what Doctor Ji taught her before. They read it first, wrote down the pulse cases that they thought were correct, and then Man Bao looked at it again, and then taught them after comparing the two.

  This kind of speed will be very slow. It is not possible to discuss it after seeing a real patient, but because these palace people come to try the needle, it is possible.

  In this way, the speed will be much slower, but the teaching effect is very good.

    next time around 6pm

     I am not feeling well these past two days, so the update time is a bit unstable, please forgive me



  (End of this chapter)

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