Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1299: Good memory

   Chapter 1299 Good memory

  After seeing the three inner prisons and the four court ladies, Man Bao took them to the large room next door. Except for Wu Gonggong who finished the needles alone, everyone else lay on the bed and had them test the needles by Doctor Liu.

   Doctor Liu and Doctor Xiao basically only serve female family members in the palace. In fact, in the harem, apart from the emperor and prince, only female family members serve them.

  So the inner supervisor took off his clothes and lay in front of them, and they blushed at once.

  But Man Bao didn’t let them go out. Instead, he took the pulse case confirmed by the internal supervisor and asked Doctor Liu, “What do you think you need to do?”

  What acupuncture points, how, how deep, how long, and how long to pierce, and the conditions of the patients are different. These are also different.

   Doctor Liu stumbled and clicked on a few acupuncture points. Doctor Xiao thought about what she hadn’t added. Xiao Shao spent a longer time studying with Man Bao, and she barely made up one point of attention.

  Man Bao nodded and told them the correct acupuncture method, and then set his eyes on Xiao Shao after scanning a few people, letting Xiao Shao take the needle first.

Doctor Liu and Doctor Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, stepped back and let Xiao Shao step forward.

  It’s also the first time Xiao Shao has a needle on a patient. He usually does it on his own leg, or on his family...

  So I was a little nervous for a while.

  Man Bao asked him to find the acupuncture point first. She took a look and asked him to pierce it after confirming that it was correct. While piercing it, she also recited the name of the acupuncture point, the depth and length of time it should be pierced...

The internal monitor lay on the couch and listened quietly. Man Bao found his back tense when he tapped the acupuncture points on his back, so he comforted him softly, "It's okay, you are damp, so your joints will hurt. , It will get better for a while..."

  The inner supervisor carefully glanced at the next door, where there was a curtain, and in it was Duke Wu.

   Although he felt that it should not be, he still asked in a low voice: "Mr. Zhou Xiao, do I need medicine for this disease?"

Man Bao groaned for a while. She already knew from Doctor Liu that the inmates in the palace can't take medicine casually, so she said: "You don't need to take medicine. From now on, you will have a needle every five days. A few times are almost the same."

  The inner supervisor quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

  Some people do not need to take medicine for their illness, but some people have to take medicine, and only when acupuncture alone can't get the effect, Man Bao would suggest taking medicine.

  Man Bao led the three of them to look at the inmate here, and after checking the time, he twisted the needle on Duke Wu’s body, and then took Doctor Liu and Doctor Xiao to the next door to see the maid.

  She has a very good memory. She remembers who the needle is going to twist and the hour is coming.

  When only one or two patients were facing, Doctor Liu and the others could still keep up with her, but as the number of people increased, let alone the acupuncture method, they would confuse the pulse case.

  What's more, the sicknesses and pains of these palace ladies are very similar. Generally, the acupuncture points for ascending acupuncture are the same, but there are always some slight differences.

  For example, if you have to walk three miles here first, you must walk on Juxu first, and you will get stuck accidentally.

Manbao sees a doctor one visit at a time. Eight people have pulses at one time, and eight have a needle. After the needle is twisted and the needle is twisted, the needle will be removed when the time comes. Sometimes there are people lying in the room, and they have to go out to check the pulse. NS.

Next to   , there is a hourglass to record the time. You must write down the hour after you have pierced it, twist the needle when the time is up, and pull the needle again when the time is up...

  It was only then that they realized that as a doctor, needlework is not the most important thing, but a good memory is the most important thing.

  Because they are not a single patient, they have to remember eight patients at once. God knows how Dr. Zhou Xiao remembers these?

  Anyway, the three female doctors Liu, who were officially started for the first time, were in a hurry.

After Man Bao gave instructions to Doctor Xiao, he glanced at the drip in the corner of the room after seeing her piercing the needle, turned his head and asked Doctor Liu, who was separated by a curtain, "Is the needle over there going to be a needle?" ?"

   Doctor Liu was a little rushed, and Man Bao said: "What are you panicking, you twist here first, I'll go and pull out the needle for him."

   took another look at the acupuncture points that Doctor Xiao Xiao was looking for, nodded, and passed...

  Duke Wu had already put on his clothes. Except for the cubicle on the palace maid’s side, he followed Man Baowan around the house, watching how she taught people to find acupuncture points for acupuncture, twist acupuncture and draw acupuncture...

After he returned, he told the prince, "The minion is watching. It is not surprising that Doctor Zhou can have such medical skills at a young age. Doctor Liu is a bit better and can see three patients at a time. Doctor Xiao is not very familiar with her hands, but Fortunately, he is clever and can see two patients at a time. The medicine boy is a little stupid, and he is more honest and willing to learn. He can also see two patients. However, Dr. Zhou Xiao can handle eight people with ease, and he can teach them things intermittently. ."

  In a word, the memory is terribly good!

  The palace people who have been specially trained in this area may not be as good as the little doctor last week.

  The prince asked: "Are there any more things out there?"

  Duke Wu lowered his head and said: "There is no abnormality now."

  The prince sneered: "Except for the east palace, the harem, if you find anyone you want to come and see, please arrange to come over."

  Duke Wu responded in a low voice.

  It’s been almost two months since he got the needle. Two months was the time limit that Zhou Man said was absolutely forbidden. So during this time, ghosts and ghosts should all appear, right?

  Man Bao knew nothing about all of this. When she came out of the East Palace, the three female doctors Liu had pale faces, tired expressions, and dizzy brains, and they almost couldn't even walk.

Man Bao glanced at them and said, "When you go back, you will order a blank booklet to record medical records. You will have some space for each medical record. If you can’t remember the time, just write it in the notebook. Read more. I remembered this time..."

   said again: “You’d better memorize all of today’s medical records when you go back tonight, including the acupuncture methods.”

  She sighed faintly, their memory is too bad.

  The next day, the treasurer Zheng heard Man Bao’s complaint and couldn’t help but happily said, “It’s not that they have a bad memory, but you have a good memory.”

While Xiao Shao was busy in front, the treasurer Zheng bluntly said: "Xiao Shao's talent is generally true, but I have secretly tested Liu Doctor Girl. Her memory is not bad, and it is better than the few apprentices we brought. It's a pity to be stronger..."

  Man Bao asked while eating lunch, "What a pity?"

"It's a pity that she is a woman and missed the best time to study medicine," Doctor Ding on the side finished eating, put the tableware and chopsticks, wiped her mouth and said, "She is seventeen this year, right? Her memory is no better. It's been two years. If she met you two years earlier, she should learn faster."

  Man Bao disagrees, “17-year-olds also have a good memory. They are just lazy, so they can’t remember. If they need to memorize a lot of things every day, their memory will get better and better.”

  Dr. Ding couldn’t help but wonder, “Do you need to memorize a lot of things when you were studying in Yizhou?”

  Man Bao sighed, "Yes, the classwork assigned by Mr. Zhuang, the medical records I saw in Ji Shitang that day, and the things I wrote down in the books when I went back to study medical records..."

  She has three teachers in the dark.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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