Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1300: diligent

   Chapter 1300

  Man Bao felt that the reason why she was shorter than Bai Shan and Bai Erlang was because she had to remember more things than the two of them.

  Of course, Bai Shan does not agree with this, because he has a lot to remember.

  Especially after studying Guozixue, their courses have increased a lot. Some courses can't even be taught by Mr. Zhuang, so they can only learn from the doctors in Guozixue.

  As the exam is approaching, there are more things to remember, that is, Bai Erlang has to stay in school for a while after school, let alone Bai Shan.

  Yin may just be ill after spending a little more mind. This time Manbao needs to go to the clinic. She gave him a needle and said, “Don’t waste too much mind.”

  The old lady Yin immediately persuaded: "Yes, Qilang, you are already very good if you can study, and you don’t need to earn fame at home, so you don’t need to be so exhausted."

  I heard that the younger brother was ill and ran back to her natal sister Yin and the others nodded and rushed to persuade them. The meaning was obvious. If you fell ill again, what would they do?

  And the fourth sister Yin and the fifth sister Yin were already talking about kissing, and they were about to settle down. At this time, he fell ill, and it was not good to them.

  Yin or remained silent, Man Bao thought he was also quite powerful, and his expression didn't change at all when he was so noisy.

  She persuaded people to dislike being so verbose, she prescribed a prescription, and when she packed up her things and left, she said to him, “Don’t be too long to look at Shu.”

  Yin has been silent or nodded after thinking about it. After three days of raising at home, he won’t be so desperate with Bai Shan and the others when he goes to the academy.

  He went to class well. After class, he did the homework assigned by his husband and went to look at the books he was interested in. As for whether he could memorize all the texts, he didn't force it.

  Occasionally, I would go to the garden for a while, pulling a branch or pulling a leaf that can still grow on the tree.

When he turned around and returned to class, Bai Shan was still holding a book and half-closed his eyes while reading silently, his gaze swept away, and he walked over and knocked on his desk. , Asked: "Did you work hard as soon as you took the exam when you were studying at the government?"

Bai Shan read it silently in his heart twice, and after confirming that he had memorized this paragraph, he pressed the textbook and raised his head: "I will work harder, but I won't work hard, because when I was studying in the government, I didn't need to be able to be among the best. ."

  Yin may be curious, "Is it important to be at the top?"

  Bai Shan tilted his head, "Isn’t it important to be in the top?"

  Yin may have thought about it and shook his head, “I thought about it these two days, and it seems that it’s not that important.”

  So he won't rob them.

  Bai Shan closed his eyes and meditated: “It’s very important. Anyway, I don’t want to be worse than others, and I’m not stupid. Besides, I want to take the Jinshi exam soon.”

   Yin or said: "What are you doing in such a hurry, you are still young."

   "It's not young anymore, didn't Mrs. Yang go to take the Jinshi exam at the age of seventeen?"

   Yin or laughed, "Compare you with Senior Yang? Do you know that he is a famous talent in the capital?"

   "Know, yes, tomorrow's day, Master Tang will entertain us in his garden, Master Yang will also go, do you want to go?"

  Yin may be taken aback for a while and asked, "Will it be bad to come to the door rashly?"

  Bai Shandao: "Master Yang and Master Tang know you, it's okay, if you want to go, we will take you there."

  Yin or just meditate.

  If Xiang Mingxue is a later idol, then Yang Heshu is the person Yin or has always admired, and Tang County magistrate is the person he has always admired.

  Of course, before Yin or frail, he only met them both from a distance and didn't even say anything, but he did not know them from his sisters.

  Especially his two sisters are about the same age as both of them, and they have been sprouting in their hearts.

  Unfortunately, except for the eldest sister, they are all scumbags, and they only dared to gather together to discuss secretly, and did not dare to mention the marriage.

  He used to be ill, and his sisters liked to gather around him to talk, and he listened to them and praised the two.

  So Yin or hesitated for a while and nodded in response.

  Bai Shan was also refreshed, nodded and said: "Okay, then we will turn to your house tomorrow to pick you up? Or do you go by yourself?"

   "I'll go by myself, we'll make an appointment to see you outside the door."

  Bai Shan nodded.

  Tang He and Yang Heshu have been back for a while, but they haven't had time to gather with them, mainly because they are busy, and Bai Shan and others are not free.

  Finally took time out this time. One is because they are finally not so busy, and the other is that they estimate that it won’t be long before Bai Shan and the others will return to their hometown, so they found a time when everyone had time to get together.

  At night, there was another heavy snowfall in the capital. Man Bao opened the door and felt the cold air coming from the pavement. He couldn't help but breathe in a long breath before exhaling.

  She rubbed her hands and then jumped into the snow for amusement and stepped on a few laps. After hearing the creaking sound of the snow, she happily took the tub and went to the kitchen with hot water to wash.

  After she left, Bai Shan also came out with a yawn. The two washed and changed their clothes. One went to knock on Bai Erlang's door, and the other went to fetch water and serve Mr. Zhuang to wash.

After they finished their morning meal, they read another book, seeing that the agreed time was approaching, they ran back to the house and took out the newly made fox fur cloak. After putting it on, Le Diandian ran out. .

  Mr. Zhuang watched the three of them run away with Sahuan, smiled and shook his head, and exclaimed "come back earlier".

  The three people responded from a distance, and they had already ran to the front yard and got into the carriage.

Manbao’s fox fur is white, using the fox fur given by the queen, Baishan and Baierlang are gray, Manbao also has the same one, but instead of using the material given by Chulang, it’s Lao Fu Liu. People bought it for them.

  The material is also very good, much better than that of Chu Lang's leather goods.

   Baijiro looked at her with jealousy, "Why don't you wear the same clothes as us?"

  Man Baodao: “It’s better to wear white in snowy days.”

  Bai Shan glanced at her, looked away, and couldn't help but glanced at her, with an uncontrollable smile on his face, and nodded: "It's pretty."

   Bai Erlang glanced at him, turned his head hurtingly, and said, "But the three of us are together. You should wear the same clothes as us. It's like we go to school and everyone wears the same clothes."

  Man Baodao: "I don't want to go to school. When I return to my hometown, I will put on a gray one, which is resistant to dirt."

  Bai Shan nodded, "Yes."

  Bai Erlang glared at him and decided not to speak anymore. Anyway, now Zhou Man said that Bai Shan said everything.

  At the Tang Mansion, the Yin family’s carriage was already waiting there. Seeing them getting off the carriage, Yin Or stepped down on the horse stool.

  He also wore a big garb, which, coincidentally, was also gray.

  He stepped on the squeaky snow, and Da Ji had already knocked on the door with the post. The servants of Tang Mansion quickly opened the door to welcome them in, and said: "Young Master Yang and Mrs. Yang are also here, please come in."

    The next update will be around 11pm



  (End of this chapter)

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