Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1308: Departure from Kyoto

   Chapter 1308


She couldn't help but stretched out her hand to grab the meat on his waist and twisted it around. The emperor quickly explained: "I didn't give it all to Saburo. He loves painting and calligraphy, so I gave him some paintings, calligraphy and decorations; Changyu is not too young anymore. , I have to say a kiss when I see it. Two sets of furniture are good, I have already told her; Mingda’s health is not good, and I plan to give her the picture of the long crane and the precious medicinal materials..."

  It’s just such a coincidence. He glanced at it just now and basically all the things he had divided were on this folder.

  These things are not easy to realize, and they are valuable. Putting them in the warehouse is basically for rewards.

  Some are not very valuable, and will be rewarded to the ministers in the future, such as cups, jade, etc., but such very expensive paintings and calligraphy, furniture, ornaments, etc., are basically for personal use.

  Of course, the emperor himself can’t use so much. He spoils the children again, so he naturally wants to give it to the children.

  The king of Yizhou was favored before, and the queen mother often gave him things and asked the emperor to give them to him, so the things that were finally returned to Nekuri were very valuable.

  Of course, there are more than these good things, there are all kinds of precious brocades, furs, and even a complete tiger skin.

  Many things were given to the emperor, from the crown prince to the little princess who would run and jump. He had always been very relaxed about his children.

  Some time ago, the queen fell ill again, and there were many princes and princesses who came to ask for peace. He rewarded everything he met here.

  It's just that these more expensive and large items are reserved for a few more favored ones.

  Because the queen mother was still ill, the emperor was afraid that she would be in love with the scene, so the things for Changyu and the others did not move out, and the things for the third princes were also quietly moved out...

  The queen looked at the zipper in her hand and asked: "Is everything finished?"

  The emperor coughed lightly: "I have already said that I want to give it to the children. I, the emperor of the father, can't let my words and fatten up, right?"

  The queen frowned, "This is a step backward for the queen. Xiao Yuanzheng always said not to make the queen angry. Why are you doing this?"

  The emperor was unhappy and said: "I didn't expect the mother to ask for so much dowry, and I also made a list."

  It’s just a niece, just do the dowry from those things in the private library.

  However, the queen mother had always remembered when she was a child. When he thought, the brothers also left the fifth and a pair of children, so at this time, he also regretted a little.

  The emperor Baba looked at the queen.

  The queen pressed the folder and sighed: "Forget it, I'll go to discuss with the mother and queen, change something, you ask me to give me the list in the private library, and I will pick something similar and replace it."

  The emperor feels distressed again, "Those are all good things, and Changyu and Mingda need to use them when they get married."

  Queen said: "They are not in a hurry, even Changyu will still have one or two years."

  "But money and food can be earned, but these good things are accumulated and cannot be bought with money." At this moment, the emperor would rather give some gold and silver to his niece.

  The queen glanced at him and said, "Would you like to take a closer look at Zhou Man's Zhezi?"

  She put the thickly sealed paper in the emperor's hand, and said: "I have read most of it, and I think the writing is really good. If the medical office is really built in this way, it will benefit the people countless."

  The emperor heard her say so, he also opened the paper, and asked: "I glanced at the back last night, it seems that I have to build medical departments everywhere?"

  The queen nodded, "This cannot be done in one day, but the Imperial Medical Department is not completely without precedent. The Imperial Medical Department had the ability to teach in the early days, but it was slowly abandoned later."

  The emperor didn’t say anything, but he was more attentive when he looked at this paper, but he was still worried, “In this way, my private treasury is definitely not enough. Asking for money from the treasury, do you think the Ministry of Household will agree?”

  Queen said: "Your Majesty don't try it?"

  The emperor thought for a while and said, "I will take a look first."

  The queen smiled. The emperor felt that Hubu would not agree, but he didn't want to do it. When he wanted to do it, he wouldn't think it was a problem.

  He has always been like this. He procrastinates on the things he doesn’t want to do, and becomes too anxious about what he wants to do. He can’t wait to do it all in a day or two.

  Zhezi wrote in great detail. The more the emperor looked at it, the more familiar it became, and the more painful he felt, "This is exactly the same as that of the Imperial College."

  The queen smiled and said nothing. I didn't know this until today. Didn't you know it last night?

  The emperor looked at it and said, "When Zhou Man comes back, I must have a good talk with her."

  The queen smiled and said, "You can finish reading the folds first."

  Although the emperor was very disgusted, he did look a little more serious when he saw it, and began to think about it.

  Man Bao and others, who had already left Beijing, had already forgotten the matter of folding. They packed up their things and set off for their hometown early in the morning.

  Of course, not everyone went back. There were also people on Changqing Lane, and Aunt Rong was left in the capital.

  Xiang’s family did not leave. Xiang Mingxue’s legs do not need to be needled, but he still has to continue to do rehabilitation and is not suitable for running around, so he decided to stay in Beijing.

  The remaining Saturday Lang took Zhou Lijun and Zhou Lizhong to send them. Yin or his equivalent window who knew the date of their departure also came to send a piece of Wuyangyang.

   is a real piece. Not only classmates came, but also classmates from other classes of Guozixue and Taixue. There were a total of twenty or thirty. Man Bao stood by, almost failing to recognize everyone.

  The treasurer of Zheng also came to give Manbao, giving her a lot of emergency medicines, such as medicines for cold, fever, and cough.

  Man Bao had prepared himself, but thinking about their crowds, he also accepted them.

  It took a short half an hour to bid farewell, and Bai Shan almost used all the power to bid farewell to everyone, pulling Bai Erlang and squeezing into the carriage.

  After waiting for the car to walk out for a while, he complained to Bai Erlang, "It's all the biography you wrote, otherwise there won't be so many people to send us off, so there are still so many words."

   Bai Erlang was not convinced, "This biography is not mine alone, how can I be blamed on it?"

  Bai Shan: "But you have the only name."

   "Have the ability to return the money from the bookshop."

  Bai Shan stopped talking, and Man Bao, who was sitting between the two of them, finished the game. “Okay, okay, haven’t we set off now? It was only half an hour late. Mr. didn’t say anything.”

  The two did not continue to quarrel.

  The road is not easy to walk in winter. I am afraid that the carriage will slip, so the speed should be slower. Once it slows down, the carriage becomes more bumpy.

  The three of them took a ride in the carriage and couldn't help but go out to ride a horse. This time they took their favorite horses with them. Although it was cold, they were not riding fast, and it felt good to rush forward.

  When he was tired from riding, he returned to the carriage to rest. Seeing that they were so energetic, Mr. Zhuang shook his head and smiled.

    The next update will be around 11pm



  (End of this chapter)

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