Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1309: Bai's (September monthly pass plus 2)

  Chapter 1309 Bai's (September monthly ticket plus 2)

  Man Bao’s thirteenth birthday was passed on the road, but she was young and didn’t need to live it much. It was just that Chu Lang made a bowl of noodles for her early in the morning and beat two eggs into it, the same as in previous years.

  However, she consciously grew up by one year again and was very happy, so she rode to the front of the team with Shirazen Baijiro.

  Daji followed them with two guards on horseback.

  Since they had already ran off first, they simply stopped at the previous county and town, and could book an inn for them, and then stroll around the local streets.

  Because the carriage is always slower than the horse, this time I return to my hometown but I have more time to play than the last time I went to Beijing.

They first went to the Baijia family in Longzhou to worship their ancestors. Mrs. Liu had no intention of staying in Longzhou, so she sent someone back early to tell them to clean up the room. After they arrived, they didn’t even unload their luggage, so they were sent to prepare for the sacrifice on the same day. Shi, led Bai Shan to visit the ancestral grave the next day.

Bai Erlang went with him. Because Man Bao was Zhou Yin’s daughter, Mrs. Liu invited her to go with her. Thu Lang and Wu Wu Lang and the Bai’s steward met several local merchants. After bargaining, Sold a batch of leather goods.

  On the third day, she took a rest. Mrs. Liu only asked someone to send a new year gift to her family as usual, and apologized that she could not come to visit her family because she had to hurry.

  When the people from my family came to the door the next day, they were already out of the city and on the road again.

  Man Bao didn’t understand this, and asked Bai Shan quietly, “Grandma Liu seems to be hiding from your clan.”

  Bai Shandao: "When we left, my grandmother and the clan were a little ugly. When we left, my grandmother said, unless I shine a light on the door, I will never have a deep friendship with people in the clan."

  He said: "In previous years, when we returned to our hometown to worship our ancestors, people in the clan either came to trouble us or were cold-eyed. We were so cold that we didn't want to spend too much time dealing with them."

  Man Bao frowned, "Why are they so bad?"

  Bai Erlang said: "My father said it was Caibo that moved people's hearts."

Bai Shan nodded, "My ancestors still calculate interest, have few heirs, and accumulate wealth over the years. If they are weak, they would have been swallowed by people in the clan for a long time. However, every generation of my family has people who can be an official. The people on the side dare not go too far, so the property has been accumulated."

  Bai Shan had memorized the genealogy a long time ago, and Bai Erlang had also memorized part of it, but he almost forgot about it now, so he told them like a story.

  How to say, although Bai Shan has a ill-fated family, at least one official in each generation.

Regardless of the distance, in the past hundred years, his great-uncle was the state shepherd of the previous dynasty, and the two of them had a good relationship, so his great-grandfather temporarily sheltered them after his death in the war.

  Unfortunately, his great-uncle and his family later died in the war.

By the time his grandfather stepped on the line from the previous dynasty to this dynasty, he had just become an official in the former dynasty. Within two years, the former dynasty was gone, so he switched to Dajin to be an official. As a result, he did not pay attention to the wind and cold. died.

  However, it was the time when the world was first decided. Grandmother Liu’s family was very powerful. Although the Bai family was jealous of their accumulated wealth, they did not dare to go too far.

  Grandmother Liu herself is also hard-hearted, but she has preserved most of her assets, and she is well managed, and her assets are increasing.

  Originally, Bai Qi showed his talents. After passing the Jinshi examination, the clan became more polite to their family. Even the Zhuangzi and shop that had been taken by various means were bought back.

  Who knew that Bai Qi had not been an official for two years and died.

  The last time Bai Qi’s father died, he was still a few years old, and he had already shown his talent for reading. This time Bai Shanke was just over a year old, and he was just able to walk on the wall.

  So, if he dies, their branch will be cut off. According to the rules of the clan, their family's property must be collected and redistributed in the clan.

  At that time, no one knew how much property Bai Shan had, but everyone calculated it in their own minds, and felt that it was only a lot more than the few rooms of the family's direct and direct family.

  Because their family’s wealth has never been divided up for the four generations.

  The accumulation of four generations, plus the dowry of the married daughter-in-law.

  So there are a lot of people who are intrigued by the public.

  However, Bai Shan was well protected by Grandma Liu, at least those poisonous and private means could not be used on him, but Grandma Liu was very troublesome.

  After she blocked the poisonous snack on the plate again, Bai Shan was directly in school and was pushed onto the rockery in front of her husband. A hole was knocked out of her head, and a lot of blood came out.

  This completely angered Mrs. Liu, and this time, Mrs. Liu began to consider moving out of Longzhou.

  She chose and chose, and finally chose Master Bai of Mianzhou here.

  No way, her father and brother both passed away, and now her family is a nephew. It is already separated by one floor, and her family is too close to Longzhou to be separated from the Bai clan.

  Zheng, not to mention, her family is headed by a stepmother, and the real daughter who got married throws out the water, so she chooses to choose and finds that Bai Li is the most suitable.

  The two of them have a good relationship. Bai Qi and Bai Li went to school together again when they were young, until Bai Qi decided to go to Beijing to study and take an exam.

  Second, because Mianzhou is far enough away, the tribesmen from Longzhou have no foundation there.

  Before, Bai Shan was very young, and only felt very unhappy in Longzhou. His classmates all targeted him, and his husband didn’t like him. Everyone liked him when he went out as a guest...

But after the case of King Yizhou, Mrs. Liu carefully talked to Bai Shan about the family affairs, and he realized that the water he drank when he was a child, the snacks and meals he had eaten needed so many procedures to get there. In his mouth, this made him dislike Longzhou even more.

Mrs. Liu didn't like it either, so this time I decided not to stay longer in Longzhou, and left in three days. It was on the last day to send posts and new year gifts to my family just to avoid meeting them.

  Bai Erlang and Man Bao were dumbfounded, and Bai Erlang tutted: "These things in your family are almost ready to be written in a notebook."

  Bai Shan glanced at him and said, "This is also your family."

  Bai Erlang pondered, it is true that although they moved to Mianzhou and separated their genealogy, they are still linked to Longzhou. After all, they have only been separated for three generations, and they are still kissing.

  Man Bao asked: "Have you ever thought about dividing your own clan?"

  Bai Shan quietly looked out and whispered: "I thought about it, too, but my grandmother didn't think so much."

  Man Bao and Bai Erlang asked in unison: "Why?"

  Bai Shandao: "Grandma said that if the world is peaceful, there will be divisions, but if the world is not peaceful, divisions are worse than harmony."

  Man Baodao: "But now the world is peaceful."

  Bai Shan lowered his voice and said, "Let’s talk about it when the next emperor takes the throne. The previous dynasty has only been passed down for two generations. Who knows if there will be another fight?"

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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