Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1321: stay up

   Chapter 1321

   said that they need to take care of them, but the three of them didn't stay up all night. They just stayed with Bai Dalang. When the needle was pulled out, Man Bao touched Bai Dalang's pulse to confirm that there was no problem for the time being and everyone went to sleep.

  Master Bai sent someone to Zhou’s house and told him that the old Zhou’s knew that Man Bao would not go back tonight.

  Qian frowned, but didn't say anything.

  Lao Zhou saw her tossing about and couldn’t fall asleep, so he said: "Okay, go to sleep."

   Qian said: "You are not worried at all."

  "What is there to worry about," Old Zhoutou said: "Isn't that at the Bai's house? It's close."

  Qian said in an angry voice: "Your daughter is thirteen, not only three years old."

  Old Zhoutou said: "Then what can be done, your girl, you don’t know yet. If it weren’t for it, she would definitely go home. I don’t know what the disease is, it is so serious?"

   Qian also became worried, "Yes, didn’t you go to the village to pick up people yesterday?"

   "I didn't pay attention either, I came back after Manbao."

  Qian thought for a while and said, "Get up early tomorrow and have a look."

  Lao Zhoutou has no comments.

  The servant laid a quilt on the wooden couch in Bai Dalang's room. Bai Erlang and Bai Shan slept here, and Man Bao went to sleep in the next room.

  Man Bao calculated the time in his heart and asked Keke to call her two hours later.

  Keke responded.

  It has always been punctual. After Man Bao slept for two hours, he got up and put on his coat to look at Bai Dalang.

  Bai Dalang really felt a pain in his stomach, and not long after he woke up, his face turned pale while holding his stomach, and Man Bao still gave him the needle.

  Bai Shan woke up in a daze, put on his clothes and came to see, "How is it?"

  Man Baodao: "Change the two kinds of medicine, you go to catch it, and replace Atractylodes macrocephala with Zhimu..."

  Bai Shan wrote down one by one, turned around to grab the medicine.

  Bai Erlang sat on the couch with the quilt and looked at his brother, and asked worriedly: "What can I do?"

   "Pour him some warm water."

  Bai Shan went to the storeroom to grab the medicine, and after showing it to Man Bao, he put it in the medicine pot and boiled it.

  Man Bao wanted to give him two sets of stitches, which took more than half an hour before and after, so he just sat in the brazier and waited.

  Bai Shan didn't sleep anymore, and just sat next to him.

  Bai Erlang did not know where he took out a plate of steamed buns. He put it on another brazier and roasted it, and the fragrance overflowed. Bai Dalang, who had a bad appetite and had nothing to eat at night, couldn’t help but feel gluttonous.

  But Manbao would not give him food.

  He could only watch the three people sitting in front of his bed eating, feeling a little uncomfortable, "Can't you avoid me?"

  Bai Shan said: "It's cold outside."

   Bai Erlang said: "Brother, if you want to eat, you have to get better, otherwise you can only eat liquid food."

  Bai Da Lang:...

  He was in a bad mood, so he asked Bai Erlang to blame, "What are you talking about with Chen Bo today?"

  Bai Erlang ate the baked buns, and said: "He wants to open a cloth shop and borrow money from me."

  Bai Dalang said: "Since you have promised to keep your word, you should not accept it at the beginning."

Bai Erlang pouted aggrievedly: "Where do I know that he is not reliable? Last night he only said that he would do a business, saying that the business of cloth houses in Mianzhou City is very good, so he also wants to do it, but he I don’t have enough money, so borrow a little from me."

  Bai Dalang: "Then borrow it."

   "But we only found out when we asked today that he had to choose a store for eight hundred fifty taels, and he only planned to spend two hundred taels of silver for the purchase."

  Bai Dalang puzzled, "Then what? How much did he borrow from you?"

   "Eight hundred taels!"

  Bai Dalang immediately said: "Forget it, don't borrow if you don't, but do you have so much money in your hand?"

  White Jiro nodded.

  Bai Dalang's eyes widened, "Where did you get so much money?"

  Bai Jiro said with some pride: "Of course we earned it. The three of us have a small Zhuangzi. Brother, you don't know."

  No, he knew it, but it was just a small village with a size of one hundred acres. There are even a lot bigger villagers like theirs, and they didn’t make money like this, right?

  Bai Dalang looked at them suspiciously, "Is it really the money Zhuangzi made?"

  This astonishment, he felt that his stomach no longer hurts.

The three nodded together, and Bai Shan explained, "In fact, it was luck. A few years ago, we encountered new wheat seeds and just planted them. Our wheat was sold as wheat seeds. So we made a lot of money, but now it’s not working anymore. It’s especially good to keep the seeds, but the other ones can only be sold for the price of wheat."

Although Bai Dalang doesn't care about general affairs, he still has some understanding of family affairs. He occasionally heard his father mention that the family did make a lot of money because of the new wheat varieties in the past two years.

  It’s just that there is no publicity.

  Bai Dalang looked at his brother, nodded in satisfaction, "Okay, no wonder you are so generous in the capital."

  He thought for a while and said: "Since you don't want to borrow, then don't borrow. I will talk to Chen Bo later."

"Don't," Bai Erlang said: "He has misunderstood Bai Shan and Man Bao. Brother, if you mention this to him again, he must feel that I'm making a mistake. In fact, it's not that I can't borrow him. Anyway, I borrowed money and turned around. He has lost, and the uncle will pay it back to me. The reason why I don't want to borrow is because I think he is unreliable.

  Bai Dalang frowned, "Then you mean..."

   Bai Erlang said: "Since he must do this business, then lend it to him."

  Bai Dalang: "...will lose money."

   Baijiro didn't care too much and said, "Well, you can gain a wit, sir, he knew that he was wrong after losing it once. It's also an experience."

  Don't talk about Bai Dalang, but Bai Shan and Man Bao both looked at him in amazement, with incredible faces.

  Shirajiro looked back at them inexplicably, and asked: "Look at what I am doing, am I wrong?"

  The three of them shook their heads together and said in unison: "Yes, it just doesn't feel like you said it."

  Shirajiro snorted: "Isn't that the way your husband treats us? He didn't tell us when he saw us doing something wrong several times. He had to wait until we hit our heads to find out."

  Man Bao sighed and said: "Your family and their family are really rich, and they even took out thousands of taels to give him a bite."

  If I were at their house, I would have been discounted.

  Thinking that her fourth elder brother lost a bet, and lost fifteen taels of silver, and was almost beaten to death by her father.

   Baijiro didn't care and said, "This is not my money. I lent it to him and I have to pay it back."

  As for how to pay him back, it doesn’t matter.

When Bai Dalang heard this, he felt distressed for his uncle.

  Thinking that grandfather sees that there is no separation yet, Bai Dalang hesitates: "That's not good, if the uncle can't afford to pay..."

   "Impossible, only 800 taels, many?"

  Bai Dalang: "My grandfather's house is still headed by my grandfather."

  Baijiro confidently said: "Then let my grandfather pay it back. Cousin is his grandson. Can't he not pay back the money he owes?"

  Bai Shan said: "You are also his grandson. In case he thinks that the meat will rot in the pot and not pay it for him, let your cousin pay it back. You can calculate how long it will take him to pay off your money?"


    The next update is around nine o'clock in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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