Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1322: Reasons for refusal to marry one

  Chapter 1322 Reasons for refusal to marry one

  Bai Dalang said with a light cough, “I still need to tell you something. This time my aunt and the others came to the house deliberately to talk to me and my cousin.”

  White Erlang's eyes widened, "You and cousin?"

  Bai Dalang nodded.

   Baijiro didn't even think about it and said, "That can't work!"

  He said: "If you marry a cousin, he will never repay the money he owes me in the future, or what should the cousin do?"

  So, did his brother return the money to him, or did Chen Bo return it to him?

  Bai Shan and Man Baobian laughed loudly, also a little bit happy.

  Bai Dalang sighed: "Then what can I do, what can I do to violate the orders of my parents?"

  Bai Erlang, who was already wondering whether the money should be borrowed or not, reacted violently, staring at Bai Dalang with piercing eyes, "Big brother, don't you like your cousin?"

  Bai Shan and Man Bao also looked at him excitedly, not knowing what they were excited about.

  Bai Dalang coughed a little embarrassingly, and scolded: "Don't talk nonsense, what should I do if my cousin hears it?"

   Bai Erlang said: "There are only four of us in this room right now, and even the next person is asleep. Who will hear it?"

  He immediately threw the things like borrowing money behind his head, put his head on the bed and looked at his brother, and asked excitedly: "Big brother, tell me, I will not tell anyone."

  Bai Dalang hesitated for a while, facing the three pairs of shining eyes, after half a year together, Bai Dalang now has a good relationship with them, and being a young man, he still has a great desire to talk about it.

   He sighed: "It's not that I don't like it, but I'm not familiar with it."

  Man Baoli, who has been with his brother and sister-in-law on a blind date, said straightforwardly: "My brother and sister-in-law didn't know him well before they got married, but I just liked it."

  She quoted her fifth brother's words, "Just when I saw it, I knew at a glance that she was the one who would live with you in the future."

  Bai Dalang was stunned, "Do you feel this way?"

  Man Bao nodded.

  Bai Shandao: "You can imagine the life you will live in the future, but will you feel anticipation and happiness from the bottom of my heart?"

  Bai Dalang shook his head blankly, he didn't feel that way.

  Bai Shan said, “Forget it, you don’t like Chen’s cousin.”

  Bai Dalang: "It sounds like you are very experienced."

  Bai Shan smiled and did not speak, Bai Erlang said: "He is more experienced than you."

  Bai Da Lang:...

  He looked at Bai Shan, then at Zhou Man, and finally sighed, lying on the pillow and saying: "At this moment, I am not only hurt, but also sad."

  Bai Shan instigated him, “Brother Hall, if you don’t like it, you should still talk to your cousin well, otherwise you will not only be bad to you, but also unfair to Chen’s cousin.”

  Bai Dalang frowned, "But marriage events are the life of parents..."

   Bai Erlang said: "If you don't like it, will Dad still force you?"

  He also stretched out his hand and patted Bai Dalang on the chest, and comforted: "Don't worry, Dad won't force you to give you a daughter-in-law."

  Bai Dalang said in embarrassment.

  Bai Shan glanced at it and said, “Is the lobby brother worried about his cousin?”

  Bai Dalang whispered: "If I object too much, my mother might be sad."

  Man Bao said: "Then you can tell Mrs. Bai that if your cousins ​​get married, the child born may have defects and get sick easily."

  The other three turned their heads to look at Man Bao, surprised, "Are you a lie, or are you true?"

   "Of course it is true," Man Bao said, "Do you know how the child came?"

  The faces of one young man and two young people were flushed, and Bai Dalang coughed uncomfortably, and Bai Shan said, "When you get married, you will have it."

  Man Bao glanced at him and said: "You can have it if you are not married. A child is the culmination of two people. You don't understand if it is too deep. I don't know how to say it. Let's just keep it simple."

  She pointed to Bai Dalang and said, "The blood on you is half your father and half your mother. The closest blood relationship in this world is not your father and mother, but Bai Er."

  She wanted to talk about genes, but she didn’t think everyone understood it, so she switched. This is not difficult to understand, and the three of Bai Dalang nodded together.

  Man Bao continued: "So in the same way, your uncle and your mother's blood relationship is also the closest, right? Your cousin and you each inherited half of them from your own father and mother..."

  Bai Dalang continued to nod his head.

  Man Baodao: "There are many things in the blood of human beings. There is a saying that is not very pleasant, but it is very appropriate. It is called dragon begets dragon and phoenix begets phoenix. What does this mean?"

   Baijiro said: "It means that children who live a smart life are also smart!"

  He glanced at Man Bao and asked, "Everyone knows this, then what? My elder brother is smart, and my cousin is not stupid."

  Man Bao looked serious and nodded: "Yes, but blood ties include not only wisdom or not, but also healthy things. Both good and bad are in blood."

  Man Baodao: "The simplest analogy is that someone was born with six fingers. He married a daughter-in-law and gave birth to two children, one with six fingers and the other with five fingers. Why?"

  The three became interested and asked together: "Why?"

"Because of heredity, but the child of Wuzhi didn't inherit his father's problem?" Man Bao shook his head and said, "No, he inherited this problem in his body, but it didn't show up in his body. Marry a daughter-in-law, and the blood of the child born will be diluted again. It is possible that there will be no more six fingers in the next generations, and there may be reance, but the probability is not very high."

  "But if he marries a cousin or a younger sister who is related to his father, the six-finger blood relationship in the child he gives birth will increase, and there is a greater probability of giving birth to a six-finger child."

  Man Bao asked, "Do you understand?"

  The three brothers of the Bai family nodded in a daze. Although it was a bit convoluted, they still understood.

  Bai Dalang swallowed and asked Bai Erlang, "I remember that our ancestors and maternal ancestors did not show six fingers, right?"

  White Jiro nodded, "It seems that there is no record in the genealogy."

Man Bao glanced at them and said, "There are too many causes in this blood, and it's not just six fingers. For example, diseases with bad brain, bad internal organs, and even bad breathing. Even short-lived diseases and diseases that are easy to get sick. Originally, if you marry someone who is unrelated, there are several different causes that are passed on to your child, but they are very rare, so they don’t show up and are protected by the human body’s instinct. NS."

"But if you are blood-related, some of the causes in your body are repeated. When these repeated causes are passed on to your children, one plus one will equal two, or even greater than two, and these causes will come out. "

  Bai Dalang listened and swallowed.

  White Erlang thoughtfully said: "Aren't your eldest brothers and sisters just cousins?"

  Man Bao nodded, "Yes, so my second aunt wanted Lizhong to marry her little granddaughter, so I asked my sister-in-law to refuse. Lizhong and they are fine, but it doesn't mean that the children in the future will be fine."

  Bai Erlang breathed a sigh of relief and comforted his brother: "Brother, it's okay, don't you think Zhou Lizhong and the others are all well? It can be seen that cousins ​​may not always get sick when they get married."

  Bai Dalang wanted to give him a kick, but there was also a needle in his foot, he couldn't move, so he could only give up.

    see you tomorrow, um, add more tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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