Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1323: Reasons for refusal to marry two

  Chapter 1323 Reasons for refusal to marry two

  Bai Shan stopped Bai Erlang who still wanted to stimulate Bai Dalang, and said to Bai Dalang, "Brother Grand Hall, this is the reason why you refuse to marry."

  Bai Dalang: "...Do you think my mother will believe it?"

  Don't talk about Bai Shan and Bai Erlang, even Man Bao shook his head, "No."

She said: "My father and I have both told me, my mother and my sister-in-law believed it, but my father and brothers didn't believe me at all, especially my father. He quietly asked me if it was my second aunt. My family has offended me."

  Bai Dalang said: "If I dare to use this excuse, my mother would think so too."

  Man Bao sighed, "Sure enough, smart people are not that easy to do."

Bai Shan laughed for a while, and then said to Bai Dalang: "This is also simple. Just tell your cousin that you want to marry a lady who is an official and eunuch, and it will be helpful to your career in the future. You don’t need to talk about it, cousin. Will persuade my cousin."

  Bai Dalang: "...What kind of bad idea is this, where can I marry the official lady?"

  If there is no official lady, will he still marry a wife?

  Bai Shan ate the skin of the baked buns little by little, smiled and said, "What's the problem with this, let the cousin let the wind go, and the lady will come to you."

  Bai Dalang looked in disbelief.

  Bai Shandao: "Don’t underestimate yourself. You are now a student of Four Schools, your younger brother is a student of Taixue, and your cousin is a student of Guozixue. Do you know what this means?"

  Bai Dalang was slightly stunned.

  Bai Shan ate all the steamed buns, clapped his hands and said, “This means that as long as the three of our brothers do not die, and do not cause a catastrophe in the Imperial Prison, they will all be removed from their school status, and they will all enter the court in the future.”

  Bai Dalang thoughtfully.

  White Jiro looked at Bai Shan, and then at his elder brother.

Man Bao also finished eating the steamed buns on his hand, and said: "You Bai family is also in the clan history anyway, even if your branch is separated, but it is still possible to say that you are a lady of a small family? If it is not a family, It’s even easier to say that the ladies of the official family."

  Because in the eyes of the world, aristocratic families are more valuable than official positions.

  Because of the single formation, Bai Erlang, who has no affection for Longzhou, was shocked for a while, and then reacted, "I also came from a family?"

Bai Dalang was shocked. Like his younger brother, he always felt that he was the son of a squire. Only then did he realize that they were indeed from the Bai clan in Longzhou, and the Bai clan in Longzhou was indeed in the clan history. Even if it is in a very corner and very corner place, after the ranking is very high, there are only two short sentences, but it is also the same.

  Bai Dalang rolled his eyes and thought, opening the door to a new world.

  Man Bao looked at the time, stretched out his hand to twist the needle on his body and then pulled it out. After touching his pulse, he waited for a quarter of an hour, then changed the needle and gave him another set of needles.

  Bai Dalang was still thinking, and Bai Shan turned to ask her, "Is the injection going like this tomorrow?"

Man Bao shook his head and said: "It depends on the situation. If it stops, just take medicine. Acupuncture twice a day is enough. I look for Ai Zhu and moxibustion for him. After four or five days, it should be enough. All right."

  Man Bao said that he raised his head and looked at Bai Dalang sympathetically. Bai Dalang noticed that it was not good, and he could not help but tighten his back, "What?"

  Man Baodao: "You have to pay attention to your diet in the past ten days. Even if the appearance is better, the internal disease does not clear up so quickly. You have blood in the stool. This means that the intestine has been purulent and bleeding. It takes time to recover."

  Bai Dalang failed to comprehend her potential meaning for a while, nodded and said: "I will pay attention to my diet."

  Man Baodao: "The Chinese New Year is only seven days away."

  Bai Shan and Bai Erlang also looked at Bai Dalang with sympathy.

  Bai Da Lang:...

   He gritted his teeth and said: "I'm not a kid anymore, I won't be greedy for appetite."

  Three people: That's strange!

If it’s just one person, you won’t eat if you don’t eat it, but if you have a family together, even the whole village is eating delicious food, even the air is scented, and you can only smell it but you can’t eat it. That's no ordinary pain.

Speaking of the New Year, the three of them had countless things to say, Bai Shan said: "The book you gave me last time, I saw a way to fry sugar, I left it to Aunt Rong to figure it out, but unfortunately I didn’t figure it out. Would you like to give it to your sister-in-law? I see the description above, it looks delicious."

  Shirajiro was also heartbroken, "I saw it too, for example, give it to my cook?"

  This kind of food, naturally, the more the better.

   Seeing Bai Dalang looking at them, Man Bao said: "You can't eat sugar, yes, you can't eat tofu, and you can't eat greasy things, so you can't eat any meaty..."

  Bai Dalang felt serious now, "Then what can I eat?"

   "Let’s have some white porridge and steamed buns. In fact, the big white steamed buns are also quite delicious. Chew a few more and it will be very sweet. The white rice is also very sweet."

   Shirazen and Shirajiro nodded in agreement, looking at him sympathetically.

   Bai Dalang felt that their look was very irritating, so he turned his head aside and ignored the three of them.

  Because they have already slept, although only two hours, the four of them are also very energetic, and they are not sleepy for a while.

  Man Bao was talking to them while paying attention to the time, and from time to time he twisted the needle for Bai Dalang. When she started to leave the needle still, the room was full of medicinal fragrance, and the medicine on the stove was muttering quietly.

  Bai Shan estimated that the time was almost up, so he yawned, poured out the medicine and put it aside to cool off, and gave him a drink later.

  Bai Dalang drank the medicine and took out the injection again. This made him feel that his originally hungry stomach was full. He yawned and wanted to sleep.

  The three of them didn't bother him, moved the brazier away from the edge of the bed and got up, Man Bao went back to the next room to sleep, and Bai Shan and the others continued to lie on the wooden couch.

  He asked: "Are you going to have a needle in a while?"

Man Bao checked the time and said, "It's already the next day. I checked the pulse. It's okay, maybe it's not necessary. But you should also pay attention to it. If he is in pain or gets up again, he must call me. "

  Shirazen and Shirajiro responded.

  Man Bao yawned and returned to the next door, and went straight into the quilt. It was already cold in the quilt, and she fell asleep for a while.

Bai Dalang's condition was obviously more urgent and more serious than Man Bao expected. When the dawn was about to dawn, he got up and went to the hut again. Man Bao half-closed his eyes to get his pulse, and gave him a pulse again. Needle, take out the dregs of the first medicine and irrigate him again, then give him a second set of needles, and turn his head again, the sky is already bright outside.

She couldn't help but yawned greatly. The sleepy Baishan and Bai Erlang met, and followed by a big yawn. On the contrary, Bai Dalang on the bed was very energetic and was staring brightly with his eyes open. Look at the mosquito nets overhead.

    Sprinkle flowers, ask for monthly pass

     is wrong, Bai Dalang pitifully asks for a monthly pass



  (End of this chapter)

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