Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1329: Excuse (September monthly pass plus 3)

   Chapter 1329 Excuse (September monthly pass plus 3)

  What Bai Dalang asked Master Bai to talk about was not about Chen Bo borrowing money. In his opinion, Chen Bo had to decide whether to say or not, so he should not be the kind of person who gave a small report.

  He asked Master Bai to talk about his marriage.

   When he came back the day before yesterday, Master Bai mentioned his aunt's intention. He did not object at the time, but felt that marriage was the life of his parents, and he had no one he liked, and he had indeed reached his age.

  But at this moment, he is really unwilling to make this marriage. It is not only a question of whether he likes it or not, but also because of the reason Man Bao said, but also because of Chen Bo.

He dismissed his younger brother, and when he walked far away did he refuse the marriage with his father. He said: "We and our grandparents are connected to each other. There is no need to kiss him. The son will join in a few years. I have passed the Jinshi examination, and whether I pass the examination or not, I have to find a way to find an official. At this time, I need someone to help in the court."

  He said: "There is no one in our family who can help in the DPRK, so my son wants to find a Yue family who is an official in the DPRK or has connections in the DPRK."

  Master Bai frowned and said, "Where can I find such a person? And if you marry a wife and marry a virtuous person, you can't just look at your family background, right?"

  Bai Dalang nodded and said: "This matter is not in a hurry, my son is still young, so I can find it slowly."

  Master Bai said: "You have reached the championship, you are not young anymore."

  Bai Dalang coughed lightly: "You can still wait."

  He said what Bai Shan said intact, and said: “As Shan cousin said, now our family is not at all advantages. Let the wind go, maybe there is something suitable?”

  Master Bai touched his beard and started thinking.

   After a while, he nodded and said: "Alright, then wait."

  Bai Dalang breathed a sigh of relief.

  Master Bai looked at his son suspiciously for a while, frowning and asked, "When you mentioned it to you the day before yesterday, you still didn't object, why did you suddenly refuse it today?"

  "Cousin Shan reminded me that I had to think about my career."

  Master Bai shook his head, "You can wait until you get better. Why rush today?"

  Bai Dalang was a little embarrassed, but he still said, "Isn't this son afraid that you and your mother will make a decision in a few days? Aunt is here."

  Master Bai still doubted, "Is that so?"

Bai Dalang nodded, but at the end he reminded him, "Father, the cousins ​​of my uncle’s family have been doing nothing. You should ask my mother to go back and talk to your uncle. They are also old, and it’s time to let them go for some experience. At home, I don’t know many things outside, and my temperament is too simple."

  Bai Dalang said vaguely, but he knew in his heart that Chen Bo was not innocent at all, but stupid. It was innocent like his brother.

  Master Bai didn’t know if he understood, he nodded and told him to go back and rest. Of course, he was helped by his servant.

Bai Erlang has already returned to his study. He was rubbing the book restlessly, and he still couldn't help discussing with Bai Shan and Man Bao, "What do you think I should lend my cousin to? After all, I promised him. Yes, it's always bad to go back."

  Bai Shan is funny, Le Taotao asked, "Aren't you worried that he won't be able to make it?"

   Bai Erlang sighed: "Worry, but it's not good to go back. I also blame me. I promised too quickly that night and didn't ask carefully."

Man Bao raised his head from the book and said, "If you want to borrow it, just borrow it, as long as you don’t feel anxious anymore. It has been more than a quarter of an hour since you returned to the study, and you have been rubbing the book without reading a word. Go in, I'm afraid you will break the cover of the book."

  Bai Shan nodded, "If you feel uneasy, just borrow it."

  Shiajiro’s buttocks were like sticking to a chair, he wanted to stand up but couldn’t stand up, "Then I really borrowed it, don’t you stop me anymore?"

  Bai Shan and Man Bao:...

   Baijiro was almost crying, "Eight hundred taels, I really borrowed..."

Man Bao saw his expression and couldn't afford to laugh directly on the table. Bai Shan also burst into tears and said happily, "Let’s go, I’ll accompany you. I’ll teach you how to say it, no need to borrow One hundred taels, just borrow two hundred taels."

   Bai Erlang tilted his head, "Two hundred taels?"

  He was a little moved, but still hesitated, "Will it be too different from what he promised? Will he feel that I look down on him, or is he angry?"

  Bai Shan shook his head and said, "No, I have a way to keep him from getting angry, and make him behave like you as before. When you go there, listen to me, and then you just keep your head down."

Man Bao wiped away the tears from his laughter, raised his head, and drew out a piece of paper: "Don't worry, we are helping him by lending him less money. Two hundred taels of silver is definitely enough for him to open a cloth shop. He can't buy it. A big shop will definitely buy a small one. If it doesn’t work, you can still rent a shop. In fact, I think it’s better to rent a business just after starting a business.”

  If you don’t have the capital, you have to save it. When her fourth brother first arrived in Yizhou City, he would pick up business if he had any business. If he didn’t have business, he would go to the street to take errands and carry bags with those coolies. Wouldn't he still make money?

  She feels that Chen Bo is too lofty. After all, she has never suffered and has never seen the world.

  Bai Shan felt the same way, seeing that Bai Erlang was so upset, and it was indeed bad for him to break his promise, so he took Bai Erlang to find Chen Bo.

   asked him on Baishan Road, "Is all your money at home?"

   "Half, and some are in the capital."

  Bai Shan nodded and found Chen Bo and said, "Cousin Chen, we are here to apologize to you."

  Chen Bo was getting angry, and turned his head to ignore them with a snorted.

  Bai Shan pulled Bai Erlang and sat opposite Chen Bo, sighing: "In fact, our small farm does not make so much money."

  Chen Bo still ignored them.

  Bai Shan continued: "The income of the farm is divided among three people. In other words, if the farm earns one thousand taels, then Erlang only gets three hundred and thirty-two."

  Chen Bo frowned and turned to look at them.

Seeing that he was willing to listen, Bai Shan hurriedly continued: "And the operating expenses are also our own expenses, including the money for long-term labor, the money we bought for seeds, farm tools, and cattle. The adults in the family will give it to us, right?"

  Chen Bo then asked: "These things are expensive?"

   "Of course it is expensive," Bai Shan said: "If it is not expensive, the farmers who plant the land will never get rich? Isn't it because the cost is high and the income is low?"

  Chen Bo felt that what he said was reasonable and nodded.

  Bai Shandao: "And after we went to Yizhou City, what we spent was always our own money, cough, you know, Erlang didn't spend a lot of money, and when we saw fun, delicious and beautiful, we would buy everything, so..."

  Chen Bo looked at them with frowning eyebrows, “You wouldn’t say that you didn’t lend me money because you didn’t have the money?”

Bai Shan was embarrassed and said: "There are some, but he exaggerated it. It was also last night that he was a little dizzy when he got out of the car, and when he heard Cousin Chen praise him, he started crying without holding back, so... …"

    The next update will be around 11:30



  (End of this chapter)

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