Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1330: Flicker (September monthly pass plus 4)

  Chapter 1330 Flicker (September monthly ticket plus 4)

Bai Shan carefully counted Chen Bo where Bai Erlang's money went. For example, "When he was in Yizhou City, he didn't spend a lot of money, so he saved a lot of money at that time, and later went to Beijing to be even more excessive. Yes, did you see the pony we rode back yesterday? We bought them at a high price in the horse farm in the capital, as well as our clothes and accessories, which cost a lot."

  Chen Bo was stunned, "It's not that you were admitted to the Imperial College. Uncle is very happy. Let me just say that the pocket money is enough?"

  Don't talk about Bai Shan, it's just that Bai Erlang's face is hard to say.

At this moment Bai Shan is not guilty anymore, and confidently said: "Cousin Chen, you don’t see how far the capital is from Qili Village. The cousin gives money to the capital. It’s all on the first month of March. Yes, he said that the pocket money is enough, but only so much is given. Don't you have to spend enough within that range?"

  Chen Bo:...

  This is so much like his grandfather, Chen Bo looked at Bai Erlang with the same feeling, and expressed his understanding.

   "In addition to these expenses, there are also dinner treats," Bai Shan sighed: "In the capital, we are kids from the countryside. If we want to socialize with people, do we have to treat us to dinner?"

  Chen Bo nodded, yes, he did the same when he went to Mianzhou, especially when he was asking for help.

"So our money is spent a little bit faster. I think that Jiro is more frugal than me. Look at me, the income of Zhuangzi is a share for the three of us? My grandmother also gave me a lot of money, but I bought it. Ma’s money was still borrowed from him, and it has not been repaid..."Bai Shan looked embarrassed, "So Cousin Chen, he wants to borrow your full amount of money, but he can’t get it..."

  Bai Shan pushed Bai Erlang, "Hurry up, did you brag the night before?"

  Hakujiro: "...Yes."

  Chen Bo looked at Bai Erlang speechlessly.

Bai Shan coughed lightly: "He has always been confused. He doesn't count how much money he has. He only knows that Chuang Tzu earns a lot of income every year, and his cousin gives a lot of money, but he separated from his cousin Chen at noon yesterday. Later, we will count the remaining money by ourselves, ahem, there is not much."

  He glanced at Shijiro and said, "But he is embarrassed to say, so..."

  Chen Bo patted Bai Erlang's shoulder with a sad face and said: "Erlang, you have no money to tell me directly, we are cousins, can I still blame you?"

  Bai Shan quickly said, “Isn’t this afraid of embarrassment in front of Cousin Chen? After all, it is rare for you to ask him to help once.”

  Shirajiro nodded hesitantly.

Bai Shan noticed it and glared at him secretly and then continued to pull Chen Bo with a sincere expression: "But we have forgotten, he still has two hundred and forty-three taels of silver left. We plan to buy something to honor Mr. Mr. , This may cost some money, and after returning to the capital, you will also have to entertain classmates and friends. The cost may be higher at the beginning, but it’s almost enough to leave forty taels. It's not enough to think of a solution when the time comes, so the remaining two hundred and thirty-two can be loaned to cousin Chen, cousin Chen, will you dislike it?"

  There are still odds and ends, of course Chen Bo will not dislike it.

  Although it was too different from what he expected, he still reached out and patted Shirajiro on the shoulder to express his understanding, and said that he would just borrow two hundred taels.

  Bai Shan and Bai Erlang all breathed a sigh of relief, and then the three cousins ​​sat friendly and chatted together.

Bai Shan calmly said to him: "Cousin Chen, I think there are many people outside who are doing business by renting shops at the beginning, so the cash flow will be faster. You can change shops after you earn money. As long as the sign is not Changes, good reputation, and customers will not be lost."

  Shirajiro nodded repeatedly, and spied: "So cousin, have you ever thought of renting a shop?"

  Chen Bo frowned and thought.

When Bai Shan stopped, he pulled Bai Erlang to his feet and said, "Cousin Chen, we don’t understand this business. Now that you have made up your mind, you might as well ask the housekeeper if you are free, or ask the church. Uncle, too, they know a lot, and they know more people, maybe they can give you some help."

  Bai Erlang nodded, and said: "Cousin, I will point out the two hundred taels when you turn around. I will give it to you when you leave?"

  Chen Bo immediately returned to his senses and grabbed his shoulders and said: "No, you can just give it to me now. By the way, does your cousin know about your lack of money?"

  The corner of Bai Erlang's eyes glanced at Bai Shan, nodded and said, "I know."

  "Then can you borrow some money from your big cousin?"

Bai Erlang didn't need to look at Bai Shan at this moment, and shook his head directly, "I don't dare to ask my brother to borrow. He knew that I and you were bragging about borrowing 800 taels of you, so he scolded me, and he didn't have much. Money, although he spends less than me, but he only has the allowance given by my father, so he can't save much money."

  Chen Bo sighed, “I didn’t expect my cousin to be poorer than you. It’s unfair for my uncle to be this way. How can I give you Zhuangzi instead of my cousin Zhuangzi?"

  White Jiro:...

  Bai Shan looked at Chen Bo with an idiotic look.

  Chen Bo realized that he had said something stupid, and immediately patted Bai Erlang on the shoulder and happily rounded the scene: "Don’t mind Erlang, my cousin is bald, I don’t know what he said anymore."

   Bai Erlang exhaled and shook his head: "It's okay."

  He said: "Then I'll go back and get you money, you're waiting for me here."

  He and Bai Shan walked back to their yard, and when there were no more people in the neighborhood, Bai Erlang exhaled, touched his chest and said: "It's strange, I'm not ashamed of lying to him."

  Bai Shan couldn't help but patted him on the head, "What are you guilty about? Hurry up and count the money."

  Counting money, especially counting other people’s money, Bai Shan and Man Bao liked the most, so they all went to his room to help him count the money.

  One ingot and ten taels of silver, a total of twenty ingots are counted.

  Because of the reduction from 80 tablets to 20 tablets, Baijiro didn't feel much distressed, and the counting was fairly straightforward. After counting, she put it on a piece of cloth and wrapped it up for him in a while.

   Then Shirajiro reached out to Baishan, "What do you owe me money?"

Bai Shan patted the palm of his hand and said, "What's the hurry, I will pay you back when he leaves, otherwise there are so many people in the family. If it gets to him, it won't matter to me no matter how bad your relationship is. ."

   "Well, I will pay it back when he leaves." Bai Erlang stared at the twenty silver ingots and asked, "You said, will these twenty ingots be ridiculous?"

"No," Bai Shan said with a smile: "Eighty tablets are possible. After all, the number is not small. Twenty tablets can be taken out by your aunt. In the future, he will lose everything, and your grandfather's family will do it for him. After paying back this sum, you can't watch your grandson pit your grandson, right?"

  Shirajiro is relieved.

  (End of this chapter)

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