Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1339: Watch the excitement (September monthly pass plus 7)

  Chapter 1339 Watching the fun (September monthly ticket plus 7)

  Manbao paid four engraved points very generously, and engraved two sets of books.

  I plan to send this to Daohe next time when I come to send the medical book.

  The five of them couldn't finish talking together. When the Qian and Xiao Qian came out with Da Ya, they said that there is also a Taoist temple in the capital, called Xuan Du Guan. There is a peach forest in it that is particularly beautiful.

  Feng's several people also worshiped Master Tianzun, and those who wanted to ask for a visa also asked, so they greeted Shang Man Bao and were about to go home.

  Man Bao and the three of them went to pay respects to Shouqing Guanzhu, and then they reluctantly made peace and said goodbye to the two.

  Shouqing Guanzhu personally sent Manbao to the outside, patted her head in front of the guests who came to the Shangxiang service, and smiled: "Junior Zhou will come often in the future."

  Man Bao nodded, "I will watch and watch when I have time, and watch and take care."

  Shouqing Guanzhu smiled and nodded, watching them leave and leading the two apprentices back to the backyard.

Daoxu watched the audience, and when he arrived in the backyard, he couldn't help but quietly ask him, "Master, do you really believe that Zhou Ba is the reincarnation of a fairy?"

  Shouqing Guanzhu glanced at him and said, "It's not true belief, but it is."

  He touched his beard and looked up at the sky and said, “Among the people Poor Dao’s life has seen, no child has such blessing and wisdom as hers, except for fairies, who has such merit?”

Dao was stunned, and even Dao He couldn't help but raise his head and asked, "Master, what are you saying is true?"

   Shouqing watched the subject and nodded solemnly, "Naturally it is true. What do you do for the teacher to lie to you?"

Seeing the two of them looked astonished, he shook his head and said, "You, you are still too knowledgeable. When you learn something in the future, you will know when you see more people. Zhou Man has hidden golden merits. , There are no great people, so they can only be immortals. It's a pity that I can't look at the mortal body..."

   After speaking, he shook his head with regret and went to the back garden.

  Tao and Daoxu were suppressed, and the two began to think seriously.

   Daoxue said: "I have a memory that is not as good as yours. Do you remember what the master said when I was a child when Aunt Qian held Man Bao to worship Laojun in our view?"

  Tao and thought about it carefully, “Master seems to have said that this child is a blessed one, he is well raised, and he will definitely be able to raise him well, and then he gave back a lot of medicinal materials to Aunt Qian.”

   Suddenly, did the master see that Zhou Man was different at that time?

Shouqing Guanzhu lifted his clothes on his waist and chose a good-looking vegetable field to pick vegetables. Shoushi was watering the vegetable garden. It was not far from the backyard, so he naturally heard Shouqing and the two What the teenager said.

  He couldn't help but whispered: "Brother, it's okay for you to cheat the people outside, why are you cheating and Daoxu?"

  Shouqing’s expression was a little embarrassed, and she lowered her voice to argue: “Who said I lied to them, Zhou Man is indeed blessed, and her name is also excellent, and her fate and her name are both helpful, and she will definitely have a lot of achievements in the future...”

   "Then she is not the reincarnation of a fairy..."

  "Oh, brother, why are you so honest, since Jushi Qian said she is, then she is." Shouqing said: "It is convenient for others and convenience for yourself, this kind of thing does not harm people's interests, why not do it?"

   "I mean you should not lie to the Dao and Daoxu together."

   Shouqing waved his hand indifferently: "It's okay, they are young now, and when they grow up, they will see more people and have experienced more things, so they will naturally understand."

  At that time, it didn’t matter whether Zhou Man was reincarnated or not.

  Shouqing smiled and narrowed his eyes. After picking the vegetables, he got up, looked at the small vegetable garden and shook his head: "This vegetable is not well grown, brother, you have to work harder."

  Strictly honest: " the winter, it would be nice if I could grow vegetable leaves. Where there are so many demands, you can plant them if you have the ability."

   Shouqing took the vegetables and left, and said: “Eat the vegetable porridge at noon, and then scramble a few eggs to eat. Today, three laymen brought eggs, and Zhou’s family gave the most.”

  Wednesday Lang drove the bullock cart over. Qian and the others got in the car. Fang and Lu held the child and talked to the mother-in-law, and then led the child back to her natal house first, and then went back in the afternoon.

  Man Bao saw that the market in Dali Village was quite lively, so he didn't rush home. He first strolled around with Bai Shan Bai Erlang, and then lay down outside the courtyard wall to watch the excitement.

  This family is selling cows. They are still cows. There are many people watching the excitement in his house.

The wall of his house is extremely low. People like Bai Shan and the others can lie on the wall and look inside. The teenagers who were in a favorable position saw the three of Bai Shan and looked at the clothes they were wearing. Letting go, letting out a gap, just so that the three of them can look inside on their faces.

  Daji followed them with a helpless look.

   Fierce bargaining took place on the courtyard wall. If the three of them could not understand what they were saying, just looking at their facial expressions and voices, they almost thought they were going to fight.

  The seller shouted: "Is this a cow or a cow with a cub? If you take it back and raise it for a few months, you will have one more calf. You will pay four taels of silver. Who do you want?"

The buyer also has reason and evidence, "It seems that this belly has not been pregnant for long, and there is still a wait. It is about to start farming in spring. It can't do heavy work with a calf. I have to wait for it. It is also risky for a cow to give birth. What if it dies, or the baby dies?"

"Even if the mother and child are safe, the cow will not be able to work for a while, let alone this cub. It must be raised for at least one and a half years. You have to wait for nothing, you still want fifty taels of silver, do you think it is possible?"

  "I’m two cows, don’t you understand, you can’t buy two cows for seven taels of silver?"

"You can do the work if you buy it back. You have to wait for a year and a half. I have to take the risk. You have to pay 50 taels. I might as well buy a bullock. A bullock is two and a half."

"Fart, it's impossible. You can go to the cattle and horse market in the county to find out. Can you still buy a bull deer in half and half?" Four two."

   Baijiro puzzled, "Even if the price increases, it won't increase so fast, right?"

  Bai Shan frowned, "Because the magistrate Yang is gone?"

The young man on the side said, "Isn’t it just because of magistrate Yang that he left? As soon as Mr. Yang left, the price of food in the city went up by two cents, but the grain merchants who came to our village to collect the food actually lowered the price of food. Suppressed."

  He glanced at Man Bao and said, "Are you Zhou Man from Qili Village?"

  Man Bao nodded blankly, "Do you recognize me?"

  "I recognize your fourth brother. Your eyebrows look like your fourth brother. Why, your father still wants to buy this cow from Jia's family?"

  Man Bao suddenly realized, "This cow is the one my father wants to buy?"

   "No, your father had a fight with the Jia brothers last time, but in the end they didn't buy it. Your father was only willing to pay four taels of silver, and he refused to pay too much."

  Man Bao looked at the cow in the yard, nodded and said: "Five taels of silver are really worthless, four taels of silver are almost the same, otherwise it might as well go to the county to buy them."

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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