Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1340: Give money

   Chapter 1340

Man Bao thought so. The buyer in this yard was not a fool. When he saw that he couldn't agree, he turned around and left. The seller immediately grabbed him and shouted, "No, I'll be here with you for a long time. , It took me a long time, you say you don’t buy it if you don’t?"

  The buyer was stunned, "How do you say that, you have delayed a long time, I have also delayed a long time, the sale is not successful, you won't let me go?"

  The seller shouted: "You came to the door this morning. How many times have you touched Guangniu? It takes me a long time. You can go and get ten cents!"

  Whose money is not the wind blowing, how can the buyer agree?

  The two brothers in this family immediately ran out to block people’s path, and would not let them go if they didn’t give money.

The three people lying on the wall were all stunned, but the other villagers onlookers were no strangers to it. The young man on the side saw Man Bao's eyes widened and happily explained to the side: "Their family has always been like this. Domineering, just get used to it."

  Bai Shan couldn’t help asking, "Do they recognize it too?"

  The young man knew that he was talking about a buyer, and he smiled: “Some who recognize it, and some who don’t. If they don’t recognize it, they quarreled and went to the manager, and it was all over."

  Man Bao couldn’t help but ask, "Then my dad..."

   "Oh, who would dare to ask your father for money? Don't look at the Jia family brothers, they can't mention it in front of Uncle Jin."

  White Jiro asked curiously, "Because of what? Is it because their family is about to get married with Guanli Chang's family?"

The young man shook his head and said, "No, because Uncle Jin has six sons."

  Man Bao became complacent, "Yes, since I was a child, no one dares to bully me because I have six older brothers."

  Regardless of fighting or quarreling, the old Zhou family will not be counseled.

  This feeling was something that Shirazen and Shirajiro could not realize, so they remained silent.

  The bargaining in the yard has turned into a quarrel, and there will be a fight when he sees it. Man Bao looks at the Jia brothers in the yard and thinks.

   Seeing her appearance, Bai Shan couldn’t help asking, “What do you think?”

   "I always think these two are familiar, but they can't remember."

  Bai Shan and Bai Erlang also leaned on the wall and stared at the people in the courtyard. They didn’t recognize them after a long while, so they hesitated, “After all, the two villages are not far apart. Have you seen them on the road?”

  Man Bao shook his head, and couldn't help but ask Keke in his heart, "Keke?"

   Ke Kedao: "A large part of the host's Bai Fuling was dug out from the mountains of his home."

  Man Bao remembered instantly, and shouted: "I remember, this is Jia Sheng and Jia Li!"

  The Jia brothers who heard the shouting in the yard turned their heads and looked at Xiang Manbao. Manbao didn't persuade them at all, and looked back at them with rounded eyes.

  The Jia brothers obviously did not recognize Man Baolai, and drove away with her fists: "What to see, get out of the way..."

  The lively villagers scattered a little, but more people still surrounded with relish, not afraid of the Jia brothers.

  Man Bao didn’t move, and he lay on the wall to talk to them, "Are the two mountains on the other side of the mountain belong to your brothers?"

   Jia Sheng had a meal and looked up and down, "Yes, it belongs to our family. Why, do you want to buy a tree?"

   "Don't buy it," Man Bao said, "My family has a mountainous area with seven people, and there is no shortage of trees."

  "Hey, where did you come from, did you come for a smoker?" The young man on the side laughed and said, "Brother Sheng, this is the daughter of Uncle Jin in Qili Village, but a reincarnated fairy!"

  Jia Sheng suddenly choked, stared at Man Bao, then turned around and continued to stop the buyer, yelling: "Leave ten cents, otherwise you don't want to leave this door today."

  The buyer was also annoyed, "Okay, are you bullying no one in my house? You wait, my cousins ​​have five..."

   Jia Sheng is not afraid at all, "My cousin is no less than you, less nonsense, will you give it or not?"

  The buyer was so angry that his neck was red, and he shouted with a thick neck: "No! What can you do!"

  Jia Sheng and Jiali gave each other a push. They had come to see the bulls before, and they gave it to them as soon as they bluffed.

But today, I met someone who had the same bad temper. He was stunned and refused to give it. Seeing that the two sides were about to fight, Bai Shan glanced at Man Bao and counted out ten cents from his purse, lying on the wall and inside. Humanity: "You let him out, I will pay out the ten cents for him."

  Man Bao and Bai Erlang turned their heads to look at him together, with a feeling of seeing a prodigal son.

  Bai Shan reached out and turned Bai Erlang's head back, and Man Bao turned back to watch the situation in the yard without him.

  The three people who were about to fight in the yard also looked at Bai Shan.

  The buyer blushed and shouted: "That's not good. How can you let you give money to a child? This shouldn't be given in the first place, you go home quickly..."

  Jia Sheng and Jia Li looked at each other, one of them came to this side, and stretched out his hand and said, "Bring the money."

  Bai Shan stretched out his hand from the top of the wall, placed five cents in the palm of his hand, and said, "You let the person out, and I will give you the remaining five cents."

  Jali threw aside, turned his head and nodded with his brother, Jia Sheng let the buyer go.

  The buyer was not happy at the moment, and shouted: "You give the money back to the child, your Jia family bullies people like this..."

  Bai Shan said: "Uncle, come out quickly. If you really fight, the cost of this medicine is more than ten cents."

  Man Bao went off the wall, turned around and ran in directly from the gate, grabbed the buyer and walked out.

  The Jia brothers did not stop.

  Seeing that they all came out, Bai Shan smiled and gave the five cents of money on his hand to the Jia brothers, and happily clapped his hands and said, "Okay, you can make money if you are kind."

   Jiali snorted disdainfully. After receiving the money, he glanced at the crowd on the wall of their house and waved annoyedly: "Walk around and watch the excitement. What does this have to do with you?"

  Seeing that there is no excitement, everyone laughed away.

  The buyer was pulled out by Man Bao and stared at the three children with a displeased expression on his face. He muttered a few words, but with a painful expression on his face, he counted ten cents out of his arms to return to Bai Shan.

  Bai Shan refused, “I don’t want to do the uncle’s business. I gave him money only because I didn’t want people to fight. I shouldn’t have given them the money.”

   "You know you shouldn't give them, then you give them back," he was angry when he mentioned it, "I won't give it to them, I don't believe they dare to hit me?"

Bai Erlang said angrily: "Did they just do it? You really waited for them to do it before giving it? Why bother, they give it to them if they ask for money. The hero doesn't suffer the immediate loss, you turn around and bring someone back. Just take it."

  Buyer: "...for ten cents, do I have to invite someone to come here?"

  Is it good to spend money to invite people? Even for relatives and friends, you don't need to pay, but you always need a meal. How can he not think about hiring someone to eat for ten cents?

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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