Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1348: happy

   Chapter 1348

  Zheng lighted her nose and smiled, “Isn’t it a happy thing to celebrate the Chinese New Year?”

  Bai Shan said: "My mother was not so happy for Chinese New Year in previous years."

  Zheng picked up a snack and stuffed it into his mouth, "So much nonsense, hurry up and eat you."

  Bai Shan always felt that his mother was wrong, but could not find out what was wrong, so he could only eat snacks silently.

  Zheng did not care about his son. Instead, he took Man Bao’s little white hand and looked at her with a smile on his face.

  Don’t talk about Bai Shan, Man Bao felt wrong, and when she finally left, she quietly said to Bai Shan, "You said, did Zheng have something to ask me for?"

  Bai Shan: "My mother is sick?"

   "I have just observed carefully, my complexion is ruddy, my breath is steady, I walk steadily, and I am not sick."

  Bai Shanbian was also at a loss.

  When Shirajiro came to play with them, he saw the two of them get together and whispered, their heads were about to touch each other, and he couldn't help but yelled, "What are you doing?"

  The two people who were engrossed were startled. They raised their heads together, and their foreheads collided together. Man Bao couldn’t sit still, so he leaned back...

  Bai Shan quickly reached out his hand to hug her, tugged at her, and Man Bao threw into his arms.

  Seeing Shijiro who openly hugged the two of them:...

  The two people let go of each other with flushed faces, then turned around and glared at Shirajiro, "What are you shouting so loudly?"

  Bai Erlang himself was not angry. They didn’t expect them to get angry first, and said speechlessly: “In broad daylight, what happened to me? I didn’t yell less before. You are hiding in the study and doing bad things.”

  Bai Shan's face turned red, "What are you talking about, how can we do anything wrong?"

  Hakujiro: "You all hug each other."

  Man Bao's face flushed, "Shut up, we are whispering, your sudden appearance scared us."

   "What whisper?"

  The two said in the same voice: "I won't tell you!"

  If you don’t tell, don’t tell, no matter how Shiijiro asks, don’t tell.

  Bai Erlang's heart is very itchy.

  There are a lot of things that the two of them are hiding from him, but the premise is that they don’t know, don’t know, so they’re not curious.

  But at this moment, the two of them clearly have something to hide from him, and he can't pretend that they don't know.

  Shirajiro can only sit depressed and watch them, "I also asked you to go into the city to see your husband..."

  Man Bao said: "My family slaughtered pigs, but also slaughtered sheep. My mother said I would like to ask you to eat pig dishes."

  This excitement, Shirajiro wants to join in the excitement again.

  "Your family is going to have a wedding wine tomorrow. When will you go to see your husband?"

   "The day after tomorrow," Bai Shan said, "It just so happens that the family has prepared a New Year's gift, and we are going to send it to the husband."

  White Jiro nodded, and turned to ask Man Bao, "Can my eldest brother go out? He wants to see her husband, too."

   "Hey, in previous years, Big Brother Bai rarely visited Mr. Bai."

Bai Erlang: "...That's because my eldest brother can meet his husband when he goes out to socialize with my dad, and he worshipped at the table. Didn't you say that my eldest brother has to have a light diet? So he won't go out to socialize this year. "

  Bai Da Lang is very busy going home every year, just to go out to socialize with his dad. In contrast, Bai Jiro is too relaxed.

  The New Year is basically in Qili Village, or go to his uncle’s house to eat, drink, and play, which is extremely comfortable.

Speaking of this, Baijiro was still a little proud, "My father wanted to take me there, but I didn't agree. My grandmother and I said that after the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, we will leave for Beijing, and I want to spend more time at home with my grandmother. With my mother, my grandmother helped me push."

  Bai Shan said, “I didn’t see you pestering your cousin too much when you were at home.

   "That's what you brought bad."

  Man Bao was unhappy, "Don't do my business, I'm very good, never greedy for fun."

  Shirazen and Shirajiro:...

  Because the Chinese New Year is about to come, the village is very lively, and the old Zhou family is about to have a happy event again, it will be even more lively.

  Is there a sound of firecrackers coming from the village? When they heard it, they knew that someone had bought a whole series of firecrackers and opened them for the children to light up one by one.

Let alone Bai Erlang, even Man Bao and Bai Shan were a bit unable to sit still, so after writing two pages of the doctor's book, the three of them could not help but **** up their ears and listen for a while, then stared at each other, put down their pens and ran away. Go out and play.

  They have grown up, so naturally it is impossible to play with a group of children. When they see a group of teenagers in the fields and on the hillside not far away, they can't help but run over to watch the excitement.

  A group of teenagers are building a clay stove. They picked up a lot of dry wood from the hillside, and then moved the soil from the field into a clay stove. It was burning. At this time, the fire made the soil red.

  Santou was the same age as Man Bao, but he was mixed with a few older boys. When they saw Man Bao and the others came, they dropped the wood and ran over to say hello, "Sister, why are you here?"

  Man Bao and the others have never played this, it seems to be quite interesting, so they stood on their toes and asked, "What are you doing?"

  Three heads whispered: "We are roasting chicken."

Man Bao's eyes rounded, and he saw a few teenagers by the river rushing over with a bunch of things in their hands, cheering on their mouths, and when they got closer, they realized that a big wooden stick was strung. Killed chicken.

  Several teenagers awkwardly put wooden sticks on the earthen stove, and turned the chicken over unskilled.

  The three of them also followed the other teenagers and squatted aside curiously and watched, "Will this not be burnt?"

  Bai Shan: "If there is no salt, it will be tasteless, right?"

   Baijiro: "Oh, it's black, the fire is too big..."

  The three people followed for a while, and then they remembered and asked, "Where did this chicken come from?"

  The crowd suddenly became silent, and everyone couldn't help but look at the three squatting people.

   The three heads smiled and said: "Sister, it was your long-term worker in the village who sold it to us, saying that it was the chicken you gave them."

  This year’s New Year, they did distribute a lot of eggs and several chickens to the long-term workers.

  But this chicken, even if they sell it, they won’t sell it to the children in the village, right?

  Man Bao frowned slightly, just about to ask, Bai Shan pulled her a bit, glanced at three heads, Man Bao put it down, and decided to wait and ask three more questions.

  Three heads are purely joining in the fun. This chicken does not have his share. Besides, there are pig-killing vegetables at home. So seeing that the chicken is almost ready, he went home with Man Bao and the others.

On the way back, Santou said: "Buy it in forty writings, Gouzi said, if they don’t sell it to him, he will take people to steal chickens and ducks in the future. Little Zhuangzi raises too many chickens and ducks, so he must have seen it. When they are not there, those long-term workers dare not provoke them."

  Man Bao couldn’t help knocking on his head: "Then you still play with them?"

   Santou said: "If I don't play with them, they can buy it too. It doesn't do my business. I can get some news if I join in the fun, otherwise, where would I know about them?"

  Bai Shan looked at him curiously, "How did you know?"

   "Not very good," Santou said frankly: "When I turn around, I will tell Grandpa, let Grandpa go to their house."

  The little Zhuangzi also has a lot of treasures, and Lao Zhoutou would not allow the villagers in the village to bully the people in Zhuangzi.

  In this respect, his words are more effective than those of Mr. Bai. The most important thing is that Mr. Bai doesn't care about such things.

  The three of them immediately felt relieved and didn't take this matter to heart.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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