Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1349: Offer

   Chapter 1349

The four of them walked back to the old Zhou’s house, and it happened that the food was almost done. There were three tables in the yard. The people from the old Zhou’s house and the people who came to help were still busy in the yard, busy serving food, and busy. The meat is cut and the bones are removed.

  Man Bao saw Guan Xin, who was cutting the meat with a knife at the desk, and immediately called out, "Brother-in-law?"

Guan Xin turned around and smiled at her, "Man Bao is back, and your eldest sister is in the house."

  Man Bao immediately pulled Bai Shan and Bai Erlang into the house to find Zhou Xi.

   Santou also called "Uncle" and ran in.

  Zhou Xi sat in a chair with her baby in her arms. Because she was breast-feeding, she had gained weight, her face was paler, and her face was much rosy.

   Seeing Man Bao, she laughed out loud and waved: "Man Bao is back, come and see your nephew, this is your delivery."

  Man Bao went up and took a look at the white and fat child, touched his face and asked, “Sister, why don’t you let people call me back when you’re back?”

   "Your brother-in-law has taken a break, I will stay at home to help tonight, and I am not in a hurry to leave," Zhou Xi smiled and said hello to Bai Shan, and then asked Man Bao, "Are you having a good time?"

  Man Bao nodded.

  Originally, Zhou Xi should be back tomorrow, but she thought that she hadn't seen her sister since she came back, and she was leaving again after the Chinese New Year.

  That’s why she came here early.

  The children of Zhouxi and Guan Xin grew up very well, white and fat, he was older than other children when he was born, and now he is stronger.

  He can sit and climb, and he can even stand up occasionally by holding the wall, but he doesn't dare to walk.

Except for the eyebrows and eyes that look like Lao Zhou's family, his face is exactly the same as Guan Xin, and his temper is also like. Looking up at them, they just said something they didn't understand, neither crying nor angry.

There are five, six and seven-headed and eight-headed children in the old Zhou family’s age. It is not easy to sit in the hall. To be blessed and to ask for a good omen, Qian took all five children to Da Ya’s room. Inside, put them on the bed and let them crawl on the bed by themselves.

  Bai Shan stood in the house for a while before moving to Man Bao’s room.

Manbao’s room is relatively spacious, separated by a bamboo screen inside and outside. The outside room is both a hospitality room and a study room. The three of them flipped through her bookshelf and saw that she had added a lot of interesting bamboo weaves on the shelf. Pick it up and look at it.

  The three people are enjoying themselves here. Firecrackers sounded in the courtyard next door. Sanya ran in from outside to report, “Sister, Guan’s family is here to present the bride price, and grandma is letting you pass.”

  The three of them put down their things and ran out to watch the excitement.

  Sanya smoothly locked the door of Manbao's room. Basically, there were only two places in the old Zhou's house that needed to be locked. One was the main house and the other was in Manbao's room.

  The former is the place where most of the funds of the old Zhou family are hidden, and the latter, no one knows how many valuable things are in Manbao House.

  Especially here is the small courtyard. A wrong eye may be touched by someone. If there are many guests at home, this room must be locked.

  Sanya locked the door and took the key and ran over there to find her mother, and gave her the key.

   After receiving the key, Feng asked, "Is the window closed?"


  Feng nodded her forehead and said, "What a fool, what's the use of not closing the window? Go and close the window."

  Sanya can only run back to close the window again.

Although Lao Zhoutou invited Guan Li to come over to have a meal, it is impossible for Guan Li to send the betrothal gifts to young people, so today, besides his uncle and aunt and his two brothers in the family, they are accompanied by Guan Yong to give the betrothal gifts. Some cousins ​​and young people in the clan are gone.

  In fact, there are not many, there are six stations in total, but it is one of the best betrothal gifts in these ten miles and eight villages, and many people followed by to watch the excitement.

  The matchmaker took out a bag and stuffed it to Guan Yong, and pushed him with a flushed face and said, "Go and send candy to the uncles, brothers, brothers and sisters, sisters and sisters."

Guan Yong did what he said, and the teenagers and children who had been waiting outside immediately squeezed in the door to join in the fun, and they jumped out like no money. What a perfect match for a hundred years, give birth to a son early, anyway, after you finish, I will continue. Repeatedly.

  Guan Yongsai gave them candies, and the children coaxed and scattered after taking the candies.

  The Guan family may have expected that there will be a lot of people in the old Zhou family, so there is a lot of sugar prepared, at least not to lose face.

Seeing Guan Yong sending out so much candy like a fool, the head of Zhou called to see the lively and vigorous Ertou, "Bring in your brother-in-law, let the Santou go and take the brats outside. It's almost enough. NS."

   Ertou smiled and went to find Santou, and soon led Guan Yong in.

   Guan Erlang and his wife who were talking to Zhou Dalang and Xiao Qian also came in to meet the old Zhou Tou Qian.

  Man Bao had already stood behind Qian.

As soon as the two parties sat down, Guan Erlang sent the offer list and said: "Two days ago, my family went to the city and bought a house, not far from the county school. Although there was only one entry, he brought a large yard. When the nephew and daughter-in-law come in, you can accompany A Yong to study in the county town, and take care of her."

Lao Zhou’s family knew what they meant as soon as they heard it, and nodded and said that their family loves their girls, so they gave Da Ya a shop. It happened that when Guan Yong was studying in the county, she could continue to run the shop. , It can also subsidize the family.

  The things that the two parties discussed before have officially passed the road. The Zhouguan family is very satisfied, so the Guan family handed the marriage certificate to Lao Zhoutou. If there is no surprise, they will come directly to the door tomorrow to get married.

After discussing the business, Guan Erlang's wife also saw Zhou Man standing behind Qian's. After talking about Guan Erlang, she smiled at Qian, "Auntie, this is Da Ya's sister-in-law? She looks really good. "

  Qian smiled, and pulled Man Bao out from behind, "This is my little daughter."

Guan Erlang's wife took out a big red seal and gave it to Guan Yong. Guan Yong took it and handed it to Man Bao with a blushing face, but she couldn't say anything when she looked at her.

  Guan Erlang’s wife quickly said for him, “Sister-in-law is also blessed by Da Ya and A Yong, and I will find a wishful man in the future.”

  Bai Shan and Bai Erlang on the side saw this kind of red envelope scene for the first time, and couldn't help but grin.

Man Bao got the red envelope and was very happy, and her face was a little bit ashamed. She took the red envelope and nodded. Qian couldn't help but quietly pinch her when she saw it. She quickly regained consciousness and followed her mother's instructions. "You and Da Ya will live well in the future, respect and support each other, and grow old together."

   Guan Yong responded respectfully.

   Only then did Qian pull Man Bao behind and let the kitchen prepare the meal, while Xiao Qian and Guan Erlang’s wife went to Da Ya’s house to look at her.

  There are many people in Daya’s house, except for Zhou Xi and the five children, she is the girl who had a good time with Daya.

  Guan Erlang's wife took Da Ya and talked for a while and was invited to the compound to have a meal. When she went out, she couldn't help but pause when she saw Zhou Man and a few teenagers talking together.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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