Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1350: Get married

   Chapter 1350

  The family of Guan sent the bride price and left after dinner. Their family is also busy today. Just like the old Zhou family, they will also prepare food for the wedding banquet the next day.

   Back to Guan’s family, Guan Erlang’s wife couldn’t hold back and said, “The Zhou’s sister-in-law looks really good-looking, and I don’t know who has the blessing to marry her.”

When she said this, Guan Erlang's wife could not help but look at her father-in-law with piercing eyes. She was about to continue to speak, and Guan Li said: "Don't think about it, don't talk about your family, even our family can't tell her, even though she is born. My parents are gone, but my father is also a righteous man who has been praised by the emperor. He is still a gift from Mianzhou Mu, who wants to marry, she also went to marry in the county."

   Guan Erlang's wife shut up rather regretfully.

   Guan Dalang’s wife had never seen Man Bao, so she couldn’t help but whispered to her, "Is it good-looking?"

  Guan Erlang's wife nodded, "Looks better than everyone else in their family, mainly because she looks more beautiful. Wherever she stands, she pays more attention than others."

   Guanli said in a long way: "It was read through reading."

He turned his head to look at Guan Yong, and said, "Don't look at your little aunt, but she is very good at reading. The children of the next generation of Zhou's children are all taken out to read and read. In the future, your daughter-in-law should be more respectful over there. Don't look down on her when she is young, you know?"

  Guan Yong cleverly responded.

Chief Guan nodded with satisfaction, and said to the two daughters-in-law who are still paying attention to their looks: "Zhou Man looks good because like her father, the children of the old Zhou family are all good-looking, and A Yong's children will also look good in the future. When the daughter-in-law came in, she and A Yong moved to the county seat, and gave birth to a baby at home."

  Guan Yong's face flushed, and Guan Dalang's wife happily responded, but Guan Erlang's wife felt that this topic seemed to hit her own foot.

  How can a new wife move to the county as soon as she walks in?

  However, no one doubts the beauty of the old Zhou family. When he was young, he was famous for his good looks, and his descendants took this good looks two steps further.

  Daya used to be young, did not eat well, and often went to the ground, so she was dark and thin and could not see much.

  In the past few years, she first studied in the school for a year, and then went to work in the county shop. Although the family life was good and bad, but the food was never short.

  So she is now well-proportioned, and she is much whiter, her black hair is scattered, and just sitting there gives people a beautiful feeling of peace and quiet.

  Zhou Lijun expected that the eldest sister was going to get married, so he also entrusted Manbao to bring back gifts.

   is the rouge she and Qiu Pei bought on the streets. I heard that many young girls in Beijing like to use it.

  Early in the morning, when Da Ya woke up, she began to wash her breakfast, and then she began to wear the wedding gown prepared at home. When sitting in front of the dressing table, the family had trouble with a few boxes of rouge.

  In the end, Man Bao ran to the Bai’s house and pulled Zheng to help.

  The girls of the peasant family will shave their eyebrows, twist their face, curl their hair and put a little rouge on their lips when they get married.

   is the same styles of eyebrow trimming and curling hair. Few people study them.

  Zheng knows how to make up herself, except for noodles, she knows everything.

  So when Da Ya finished twisting her noodles, Zheng gave her eyebrows trimmed, and taught her how to fix her eyebrows in the future, and then gave her rouge.

  As for the haircut, Zheng did not come, but whispered: "This has to be done by a blessed person, and I won't interfere."

  Who is the most blessed person in Qili Village?

  There used to be a lot of candidates, but now, the most blessed one is recognized, except for Mrs. Bai on the other side of the river, that is the Qian family.

  Qian didn't invite anyone, and smiled forward, and under Zheng's guidance, gave the big girl a unique hairstyle, and then carefully tied the gold and silver headdress prepared for her on her head.

  Man Bao stood behind the crowd with her toes, because there were too many people around Da Ya, she could barely see a few.

  Zheng quit and saw her holding her toes. He couldn't help but feel amused. He reached out and took her out, "Now there are so many people, you can go in after she is dressed well and there are fewer people."

Indeed, there are a lot of people in the house at the moment. Not only her mother and sister-in-law are inside, but also aunt and others are here. There are also many aunts and sister-in-laws in the village, and they also brought some children to touch the hem of Da Ya's skirt. And send blessings.

  Previously, Zhou Xi’s marriage was not so lively, and even the marriage of her brothers was not so grand.

  Family and friends who have gradually come outside also saw the changes in the old Zhou family's happy events, and quietly said: "The days of the old Zhou family are really getting better."

   "Didn't you say that you emptied your family for Manbao in the first two months?"

  "Who knows, I heard that Man Bao is amazing now. I can enter the palace to see the emperor in the capital, and he also treats the nobles in the palace. When the nobles are happy, they reward her with a lot of things."

   "What is there?"

   "That's too much, can't say, can't say."

   "Cut, don't you know?"

  "Who said I didn’t know, I came to help with the killing of pigs at the old Zhou family yesterday. I told me on Thursday that the nobles in the palace are very generous, what kind of gold cakes and silver basins, silk satin, and satin.


"That's still fake? Anyway, I heard that the old Zhou family is not bad for money. By the way, yesterday Thursday, the nobles in the capital like our bitter tea, and want to collect some and send it to the capital, so that everyone can make money together. Woolen cloth."

  People are obviously more interested in the topic of making money. Hearing this, he immediately said: "Really? Just those bitter leaves on the mountain? Besides us, there are people who drink?"

  "Isn’t the tea outside that tastes better than ours? How can I buy bitter tea with us?"

  "Who knows, on Thursday, it was said that the tastes of the nobles are different. For example, nobles outside do not like to eat meat, and they shout all day to eat more vegetables. Isn't this a joke, this vegetables can be delicious with meat?"

  "That is, only by eating meat can you grow fat. Those nobles have money, and they want to pay attention to the poor."

   "Oh, I mean, how does he plan to collect the bitter tea?"

   "I don't know this. Chu Lang only said that he wanted to accept it, but he didn't say that he must accept it. Besides, I don't have one at my house."

  In previous years, I ate tea. When I wanted to drink it, I went up to the mountain to pull some and stir-fried it for several months.

   "You fool, those tea trees will sprout after the beginning of spring. You can pick them before Qingming, so you won't ask more?"

  "In the past two years, I have a lot of contacts outside on Thursdays. The extra **** from the village was sold by him with the tuesday."

  There was a lot of discussion over there, the guests in the big house finally scattered a little, and Man Bao and San Ya were finally allowed to go in.

  Man Bao was amazed when he saw the newly dressed girl, "Oh, you look so good."

  Da Ya lowered her head and pursed her mouth and smiled, a little embarrassed, her face reddened even after she wiped the rouge.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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