Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1351: Marry two

  Chapter 1351 Marrying Two

  Sanya also thought it was pretty. She took out a bead flower from her arms and gave it to Da Ya, "Sister, I gave you this."

  Different from several older brothers and sisters who started earning money a long time ago, Sanya is very poor, and most of her valuable things are given by my sister-in-law.

  So she can only forward these things.

  Da Ya knew it was her heart, she reached out and took it, blushing and nodding.

  The three of them were talking in the room, and all four ran in from the outside and shouted: "Sister, Master Bai Shan and the others are here, ask if they can come in."

  Bai Shan and the others are old, and they are foreign men, so naturally it is not easy to come in, so Man Bao ran out to see them.

  Bai Shan smiled when she saw her coming out and handed her the book in his hand: "Here are two books and a book of Scripture I remembered. They are given to your niece. They are my makeup."

  Shirajiro also gave her two books, "There are also my notes on this."

  Man Bao took it happily, thanked Da Ya, and took the book in and gave it to Da Ya.

  Man Bao looked at the book thoughtfully, "The book is really important to you, and we should put it on the dowry list."

  Sanya nodded, "Yes, a book is precious."

  Man Bao went to find her elder brother, and asked for the dowry list to add the book.

  Sanya helped Daya put the book in the box. As soon as she put it away, there was the sound of firecrackers from afar, and the four heads ran in from the outside to report, "The bridegroom official has entered the village..."

  The voice just fell, Xiao Qian came in from outside to accompany Daya, and Man Bao and the others followed to watch the excitement.

  The Guan family invited Xijiao. The villagers of Qili Village saw Xijiao entering the village to welcome the newcomer for the first time. The children were very curious and cheered before and after.

  The two heads were put in the front, Man Bao is an elder, so if he couldn't go forward, he pushed Bai Shan and Bai Erlang forward, and gave them an idea behind Guan Chan.

   Guan Yong seemed to know that the old Zhou family would embarrass him, so he specifically asked two of his classmates to help him, but he still made three poems, and was made difficult for a lot of words before being put in.

Lao Zhou Tou and Qian Clan were already sitting in the high hall. Little Qian Clan helped Da Ya into the hall. Guan Yong secretly raised his eyes and glanced at Zhou Lixin. When he met her timid gaze, he couldn't help but blush, slightly embarrassed. Lower your head.

  The two newcomers stood together, first bowed down and said goodbye to their grandparents. Then they turned to face Zhou Dalang and Xiao Qian who were sitting on their side, and also knelt down to bid farewell.

   Zhou Dalang had already prepared, and his eyes were red with excitement. This was his first married child.

  Xiao Qian gave Da Ya something as usual, and helped her put the hijab down, and then let Ertou go out on his back.

  The big head is not there. Although Ertou is a cousin, he is several years older than Santou, so he finally decides to let him take the big girl out of the house, and then he will take the third head to get married.

  Man Bao is very interested in giving off her marriage, but unfortunately she is too old to go, so she can only send it to the door and watch them go away.

  Bai Shan and Bai Erlang are also very interested, but Man Bao does not go, they are not relatives of the Zhou family, it is always difficult to follow.

   Therefore, I can only stand at the gate with Man Bao and watch them go far away with a look of regret.

  The people who were married with Ertou and the young people in the village, they were responsible for carrying Daya’s dowry, and it was also Liutai, just in line with the betrothal gift sent by the Guan family.

  Because of the fact that the two heads are young and innocent, the cousins ​​from the Qian family also followed a bunch of them. They will watch the ceremony and come back after the dinner.

  As soon as the bride left, Lao Zhou's place set down a table for dinner, and Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Bai also came to congratulate them, not to mention Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Zheng, who were always close to them.

  As soon as the bride left, Mrs. Liu smiled to Qian with a look of emotion: "Your grandchildren have been married for generations. This is a great blessing. I have to ask you to drink a glass of water and wine today."

  Qian is naturally humble and feels that her blessing is still not as good as that of Mrs. Liu.

They were sitting at the main table in the main room for dinner, and Mrs. Liu smiled and mentioned Bai Shan’s marriage, "...He is also three or two years younger than your granddaughter, and is considered older. I am worried about his marriage. Woolen cloth."

  She smiled and said, "I remember Man Bao is one year younger than Shan Bao, right?"

  Qian's heart moved, looking at the smiling old lady Liu nodded and smiled: "Yes, the two children are just one year apart."

She looked out, and saw Man Bao and Bai Shan sitting on the same table with their bowls and eating together. They didn't know what they said, they both squinted and laughed together, with their eyebrows crooked. It seems very happy.

Her heart turned sharply, but her face remained unchanged. She just smiled with Mrs. Liu: "It's just that the old lady also knows our rich life. The family can't help spoiling her twice, so she is still like a child now, her father is afraid I am not willing to marry her so early."

Mrs. Liu nodded, "Yes, Shanbao has to study, and I'm afraid it will take him several years to get married. It's just that a good boy is rare now, so I thought about deciding a suitable one for him first, and then marrying with a more stable temper."

  Qian nodded repeatedly and smiled: "That's the truth."

  The two sides clicked until the end, and they didn't say much about this topic. Mrs. Bai on the side listened to the audience and knew it at once.

  When I went back at night, I couldn’t help but say to Master Bai: “Auntie, do you want to marry Zhou Man for Bai Shan?”

  Master Bai had known it a long time ago, and he responded.

  Mrs. Bai is still a little sorry, "In fact, our Jiro is also pretty good."

  Master Bai almost fell off the bed. He turned his head to look at Mrs. Bai and asked, "What do you want? Now that the three of them are studying together, how is your son being bullied?"

  Mrs. Bai didn't care, "Erlang is naughty. He needs a wife who can hold him down so that he can live a good life."

  Master Bai was so surprised, "Didn’t you always love your son the most?"

  Mrs. Bai nodded and said: "Yes, so Jiro has to marry a capable one, so that he can play as much as he wants."

  Master Bai:...

  He turned around and said: "Don't think about it, Zhou Man can't look down on your son."

  Mrs. Bai was reluctant, and muttered: "What's wrong with Erlang?"

  Master Bai rolled his eyes unceremoniously, "No matter how good he is, can there be Bai Shan?"

  Mrs. Bai puffed up: “I didn’t tell you, I went to talk about this marriage. What are you in a hurry? Can I still go grabbing with my aunt?”

  Master Bai knew that he would quarrel anymore, so he was silent.

  But today’s incident obviously aroused Mrs. Bai’s thoughts. She pushed Master Bai and said, “Erlang has also arrived at his age. You see, Bai Shan has said that he has kissed him. Is he going to start preparing too?”

  Master Bai thought about it, "It's just that there is no suitable person."

   "Look at my parents' place..."

   "Don't," Master Bai immediately said, "Dalang has already refused, so I can't just talk about Erlang right away?"

   "What's wrong? You said Da Lang wants to go on an official career and want to marry a lady from the official family. I admit it, but why can't Er Lang?"

  Master Bai said faintly: "Did you forget that Erlang is still a student of too much school, which is better than Dalang's four schools."

  Mrs. Bai was startled, she really forgot.

  She patted her head and muttered: "He learns so easily here, I don't always feel it."

  Master Bai:...

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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