Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1361: Next order

   Chapter 1361

  According to the rules, the old Zhou’s family wanted to retain guests for dinner, and the two families had a meal with the matchmaker, which was regarded as a gift.

  But Mrs. Liu and the others came too early. Lao Zhou met Mr. Zhuang and agreed too quickly when his head was hot. At this moment, I have finished talking, but the food has not yet begun to prepare.

  You can’t just sit and wait, right?

  Fortunately, the two are not far away. Mrs. Liu talked about eating and drinking, saying that they had some fresh ingredients in their home, which could be shared with Lao Zhou's.

   also mentioned that although Xiaoding is not a big gift, it is also a big event for the two children, and the old people in the village have always treated Man Bao well, so the old people in the village should also be asked to witness such things.

  When she said this, Lao Zhou once again remembered giving Man Bao a genealogy.

  He rolled his eyes and expressed his approval, so he asked Wednesday Lang to go to the village to invite the village chief and the village elders to eat.

  Lao Mrs. Liu also went back to invite Mrs. Bai, and by the way, bring some fresh ingredients that she said.

  Mr. Zhuang wanted to revisit the old place and went to see the school.

  As Mr. Zhuang’s disciples, Bai Shan and Bai Erlang naturally want to follow.

  Man Bao wanted to follow, but was held back by Lao Zhoutou.

  Bai Shan could only reluctantly be pulled out by Bai Erlang.

  Waiting to send away Mrs. Liu, Lao Zhou immediately turned around and went back to the house, and opened the box with his wife to look at the jade Ruyi.

  Man Bao also squatted aside and watched.

  The father and daughter sighed in the same way, "It's so beautiful."

  Qian closed the box and said, "My mother will keep it for you. When you get married, you will send it to Bai's house with the dowry."

  Manbao has no problem. She has to go to the capital. Although she has Keke, she will not lose it, but her parents must not dare to take such valuable things with her.

  Lao Zhou looked at Qian’s hiding things at the bottom of the box, and then he took Man Bao and said, “You are not allowed to go to the Bai’s house today.”

  Man Baodao: "I still want to go to my husband for homework."

  "Oh, I'm not ashamed or embarrassed. If you make a kiss today, what's the matter if you go to their house on the first day?" Old Zhoutou said, "You are a girl, do you know if you want to be more conservative?"

  The voice fell off, and Sanya shouted outside the house: "Sister, Master Bai Shan is here, and he said he's going to talk to you, and that Mr. Zhuang is waiting for you in the school."

  Lao Zhoutou immediately changed his words: "Okay, you can go."

  He whispered: "Do you know if you hold on, let Bai Shan come to you in the future."

  Man Bao nodded in response, turned around and ran out to find Bai Shan.

  Lao Zhou thought something was wrong, and only after a long time he remembered, “Since she is asking for homework, why doesn’t she bring a book?”

  Qian glanced at him, then remembered, is it too late?

Bai Shan was waiting for Man Bao outside the door, and when she saw her running out, they grinned at her. The two couldn't help but squinted. After smiling at each other for a while, they converged a little. The place where Bai Shan stood was far away from her. Zhang Yuan said with a smile: "Mr. is in the school."

   "Then let's go."

The two turned around and ran to the school. The fourth day is still a good day to visit relatives, so there is no one on the road in the village. Bai Shan ran close to Man Bao, holding her hand and ran ahead. ...

  The two ran to the school in a hurry, Bai Shan stopped, panting slightly and took her hand, and released it with some regret.

  Is the school so close to Manbao’s house?

  The two walked into the school.

  Now the small courtyard of the school is occupied by Mr. Xin. People are now going home for the New Year, the door is locked, of course they can’t go in.

But the door of the school was open. Mr. Zhuang came here to sit and see Bai Shan and Man Bao coming in from the outside. He smiled and asked, "Didn't you say to go back and get the book? How did you bring Man Bao? "

  Bai Shan’s ears are reddish, but his face is serious, “Sir, it’s too cold in the school. Let’s go home. I will let someone build a brazier in the study. We can talk while roasting the fire.”

  Shijiro also felt that the school was too cold, and the wind was still leaking from the windows. They were standing now and felt nothing, but it would be uncomfortable to sit here and talk.

  Mr. Zhuang looked at Bai Shan and Man Bao and smiled, and nodded.

  The four masters and apprentices went to Bai Shan’s study and sat around the brazier. The servant brought two plates of snacks and tea.

  Bai Shan sat next to Man Bao, and very cleverly took out the questions accumulated during this time to ask her husband.

  After answering his questions, Man Bao snapped out a lot of questions and asked his remaining questions.

Bai Erlang was ranked last, but Mr. Zhuang did not answer one by one as explained to Bai Shan and Man Bao, but after he asked the question, he lit Bai Shan and Man Bao and asked them to answer, and he made a final supplement on the side. .

  Bai Jiro got used to it a long time ago. Regardless of who was answering, he took a small note and wrote down some key sentences.

He glanced at the two people who were sitting aside eating snacks, and felt a bit aggrieved. Why do all his questions need to be written in a notebook to remember, but Bai Shan and Zhou Man can write down all the questions empty-handed. ?

  The most hateful thing is that they don’t even remember the answer.

  Shirajiro thought in his heart as he memorized it, hoping that they would not remember all the answers later.

  Mr. Zhuang looked at the three children sitting under him, and said with infinite emotion, "You are all grown up."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao are embarrassed, but Bai Erlang said: "Sir, we are still young."

  Mr. Zhuang stretched out his hand and patted his head, and smiled slightly, "Okay, you will be an adult after you set a kiss, Erlang, although you are a junior, you are older than them, so you should be more stable."

  "We will leave after the seventh day of the Lunar New Year. You also have to prepare your luggage. This time we go to Beijing, we may not be able to return until the New Year."

  So, bring everything you want to bring, lest you turn around and ask someone to send it to you, which is too troublesome.

  Because there are so many people who go there, and they are all close people on weekdays, the three of them do not feel homesick yet, even if they know that leaving home this time is the longest time since they grew up.

  Suddenly Shirajiro thought of something and was a little gloat. "Then my eldest brother will stay in the capital for a year? It's over, he hasn't made a marriage at this age, so when will he be married?"

  Mr. Zhuang:……

  Bai Shan and Man Bao: "...what is there to be happy about?"

  Mr. Zhuang also patted him on the head, and said with a smile: "Naughty, be careful to turn around your father and beat you."

  Master Bai is not at home for the time being, so the only people who have dinner at Lao Zhou’s today are Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Bai.

  Mrs. Bai rarely went to the village to eat, but this time Mrs. Liu personally invited her, and she went there because of Bai Shan’s marriage.

  But she also went back soon, but the old people and village chiefs in the village stayed from lunch to dinner.

Lao Zhoutou took their hands and said a lot, focusing on the fact that Man Bao’s child will have a surname Xia in the future, so can you make things easier about Man Bao’s genealogy? Don’t think about remembering Xia. Just remember the week.

After all, the Zhou clan is a small clan, and there are not so many rules in the clan. Since the old Zhou Tou has sincerely recognized and guaranteed that Man Bao has a descendant whose surname is Xia, then Zhou Yin is not considered dishonest, and the Zhou clan is not counted. Distrustful of others, the old people opened their eyes and closed their eyes and agreed.

  Man Bao did not change his surname, but he still recorded Zhou Yin's name under Zhou Yin's name.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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