Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1362: Drunk

  Chapter 1362 Drunk

It’s very convenient for the    tribe to open an ancestral hall. Tonight, Mr. Zhou said it well, and the next day he wandered to find the village chief and the old people to open the ancestral hall together.

  Of course, the chickens, ducks and fish needed were prepared by their old Zhou family.

The village chief took the genealogy and opened it to Zhou Yin's page. He glanced at Lao Zhou's head, and then at Man Bao, who stood honestly underneath. After receiving the approval of the old people, he recruited his grandson and told him to dictate. Man Bao's name was written after Zhou Yin's name.

   and briefly talked about the reason.

  Lao Zhoutou took a look at the genealogy. He didn't recognize a few words at a glance, so he passed it to Man Bao to read it.

Man Bao glanced over ten lines. In their room, her father’s name was the head, and the next string of names belonged to her brothers, and then another line was her father’s name, and the next line was her own. Mother’s last name, her name is added after the two names.

  Manbao nodded, and said to her father that there was no problem.

  Lao Zhou let out a sigh of relief, immediately became happy, and raised his hand to greet everyone to eat at his house.

  Bai Shan and Bai Erlang had nothing to do, and they had a meal when they were all around the village.

  The village chief and the old people held up the bowl and toasted Bai Shan, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Good boy, good boy, speak humanity and justice!"


  He looked left and right, and asked Bai Shan, "Why do you say you are righteous?"

  Bai Shan drank the wine in the bowl with a bitter expression, barely frowning and said, "Because I am willing to let my son's surname Xia."

   Bai Erlang asked blankly, "Who is your son?"

  Bai Shan shook his head and said: "I haven't thought of a name yet."

  Man Bao also secretly poured a little wine into the bowl, licked it, and made a bitter face, it really tasted as bad as the first lick.

  But she also took the bowl and touched Bai Shan, and joined in the fun saying: "I also toast you a bowl."

  Bai Shan looked at her quietly, glanced at the wine at the bottom of her bowl, and then at the half bowl of wine in her bowl.

  Man Bao felt that the dead fellow was not dead, so when he couldn't see his gaze, his neck was directly the same, and he swallowed the drink bitterly and said, "I will do it first."

  The village chief and the old people who didn’t know the inside story met, screamed together, and said: "Okay! That should be the case, and you young couple should be like this in the future..."

Bai Shan drank half a bowl of wine in silence, and then for the first time experienced the feeling of dizziness. It was not very good, because the heart beats a bit fast, but it was not uncomfortable because he felt that he was quite awake. of.

  But Man Bao was dumbfounded. At this time, Baishan's blush was as red as a red apple, from the end of his eyes to his neck.

  Shiijiro was also dumbfounded. He stretched out his hand and shook it before his eyes. Seeing his gaze turned to look at him dullly, Bai Erlang couldn’t help turning his head to look at Man Bao, "Is this drunk?"

  Man Bao immediately recovered, immediately put down the bowl and said to the people: "Uncle, some uncles, and the eldest brother of the village, Bai Cheng and I have sent Bai Shan back first."

  A few people also noticed, and immediately waved their hands: "Send it back quickly, send it back quickly, and just sleep with your head covered."

  Naturally, it is impossible to sleep with a head covered. Although Man Bao has never been drunk, it is a doctor who is very good at dealing with drunkenness.

  She and Baijiro alone helped Baishan out.

  Bai Shan obediently supported them.

  Thursday Lang was still worried about following along, wondering if he was walking with his back, Bai Shan took off Bai Erlang's holding hand, and said soberly: "I'm not drunk."

  The three of them looked at Bai Shan's face suspiciously, still red, but their eyes were not as sluggish as before.

  He took away the hand held by Bai Erlang, but did not take away the hand held by Man Bao, and still walked forward steadily under her support.

  Thursday Lang looked suspicious, and said to Man Bao: "Man Bao, you let him go for a while."

  Man Bao said: "What should I do if I fell, send it back first. You have to drink sober soup if you are drunk or not. Haven't you seen his face blushing?"

  Thursday Lang: "What do you know less about? Some people just drink and look drunk, but they are not drunk at all."

  He felt that Bai Shan would take the opportunity to take advantage of his sister.

  Sure enough, looking again at this time, the dullness on Bai Shan's face deepened by two points, and his gaze returned to the dull look.

  Thursday Lang:...

  Man Bao and Bai Jiro looked at it carefully, and concluded, "It is indeed drunk. Oh, let's take it home first."

   After he said, he held his hand forward, and Bai Erlang also went to help. This time Bai Shan didn't take his hand anymore.

  Thursday Lang stomped his feet with anger, snorted, turned and went home, too lazy to **** them.

Man Bao sent Bai Shan back, touched his pulse, went to the kitchen and asked the chef to make the sober soup, and after pouring him down, he got up and said, "Just sleep, but don't cover your head. "

   Seeing Bai Shan closed her eyes, she reached out and poked his fleshy cheek, and said: "Don't pretend, I know you are not asleep, I am a doctor."

  Bai Shan opened his eyes, glanced around the room, and asked, "Where is Bai Er?"

  "He ran home when he was sobering up the wine soup. Master Bai and Big Brother Bai are back. It seems that they have bought a lot of things."

  Bai Shan stretched out her hand and held her hand and said, "Then you talk to me?"

  Man Bao glanced out and whispered: "Da Ji is outside."

  Bai Shan took her hand and didn’t let go. “He won’t come in.”

  Man Bao let him pull it, and asked, "What do you want to say?"

  Bai Shan paused for a while, he didn’t have to say anything, he just wanted to be with Man Bao, even if he didn’t say anything, he could just sit in one place quietly.

  Man Bao was stunned when he saw him looking at her, without saying a word, his face was slightly warm, he shook his hands and asked, "Say?"

  Bai Shan put her hand on her face, asking for words, "Do you think I have a fever?"

  Man Bao paused for a while and then said, "No, you are hot, and the wine is hot."

  Bai Shan entangled, "But I think I have a fever, can you touch it carefully?"

  Man Bao touched his face, then touched his forehead, hesitatingly said: "Then wash your face with cold water?"

   "No, it's too ice."

  Man Bao felt that he was too hypocritical, and he kept holding her hand. Obviously, he didn't really want to cool down, so he just sat on the bed and watched him mess around.

I don’t know if the stamina of the wine is too great. At this moment, Bai Shan looked at Man Bao’s smiling face and felt that he was dizzy. Holding her hand and muttering: "I am really drunk..."

  Man Bao chuckled and said: "Then you go to bed, just sleep."

  Bai Shan opened his eyes again to look at her, "Then you are leaving?"

  Man Bao shook his head, "I'm waiting for you to sleep."

  Bai Shan was relieved, and she held her hand tightly without relaxing, and occasionally opened her eyes to look at it to show that she was not asleep and that you could not walk.

  Man Bao sat aside and watched him with his chin. If he was too noisy, she would give him a paw, and Bai Shan would be quiet for a moment.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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