Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1373: sad

  Chapter 1373 Sadness

  Three heads nodded and said: "I have eaten it, but I can eat it again. Your beanbag is really sweet."

Seeing that Bai Erlang hadn’t combed his hair, he shook his head, took his bamboo tube and handed it to him, “Hey, the soy milk my mother asked my father to grind early in the morning has already been boiled and put it back. With some sugar, you can warm your stomach first."

  Hakujiro took a sip, and it felt good, so he couldn’t help taking another sip...

   Seeing that he had drunk all his soy milk in such a short time, the three heads lowered their heads and glanced at the bean buns that he had specially left for him.

  Hakujiro smiled embarrassedly when he saw it, and reached out and grabbed a bean bag and said, "Your mother's food is so delicious."

Santou sighed, and can only forgive him, "Of course, after eating last night, my sister-in-law almost cried while hugging my mother, saying that it would be a long time before I could eat what my mother made. Then my mother Just put the jar of fermented bean curd left in the kitchen on the car for my sister-in-law. My grandfather opened his mouth several times and it was difficult to say to come back..."

  Bai Erlang also ate that thing, it was something that was figured out based on the prescription left by Man Bao when the little Qian opened a shop in the county town last year.

The old Zhou's family also gave some to their home. When he first saw it, he was unwilling to smell it, but he didn't know when it would start. He thought it was delicious, especially when it was fried with beans. Porridge...

  Bai Erlang couldn't help swallowing his saliva. After touching his stomach, he suddenly felt that the sweet bean buns specially prepared for him at home didn't seem to be so delicious anymore.

Santou felt the same way, so he ate the last bite of the bun on his hand and stopped reaching for it. At this moment he finally felt a little sad, "I won’t be able to eat the buns made by my mother anymore. It's also delicious, especially the meat buns. There is a lot of soup in it. Just take a bite. You have to **** up the soup before you can eat it. Otherwise, it will run out to the chin..."

  Bai Erlang has no taste when eating bean buns. He said to Santou: "Why don't you change the car."

When    heard it, the three heads raised an eyebrow at Bai Erlang and said: "You can ride your pony for me..."

  Shirajiro flatly refused, "No, the green ears belong to me."

   Santou disgusted, "Why did you give it such a name, shouldn't the horse take a lightning, a gust of wind?"

  "What do you know, green ears are famous horses, do you understand ancient famous horses?"

  The three-headed reading is still limited, and he shook his head and said, "I don't understand."

  The two were fighting in the carriage, and the carriage slowly got onto the official road.

The official road is easier to walk, at least not so bumpy. Bai Erlang looked out the window and glanced forward. He couldn't see Bai Shan and Zhou Man at all, and asked, "Where did the two of them go? ?"

  The three heads also looked out and thought about it for a while and said: "The horse is so fast, it should have arrived in Mianzhou City?"


  He retracted and looked at Santou, "Are you serious? We are not in a hurry, how can we get to Mianzhou City before noon?"

  He said: "What's more, we have to go to the county seat to pick up the husband."

  Mr. Zhuang was also prepared early in the morning, and Manbao and Baishan, the most advanced city, went directly to the dealer.

  Mr. Zhuang just finished the morning meal and was cleaning his hands. When he saw them, he smiled and asked, "It's faster than I expected."

  Man Baodao: "We came on horseback, and they are still behind."

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and nodded, and directed the two disciples to move his luggage out.

  Zhuang Ji'an hurriedly brought his two younger brothers forward to help. Today, Zhuang Dalang also asked for leave at home, and did not go to the shop as an errand.

  He and his son moved the heaviest box to the entrance of the alley, and Man Bao also took out the remaining luggage.

  Mr. Zhuang knew that he would go to the capital again after he returned to his hometown, so he didn't bring a lot of things home. Some books were brought to his three grandchildren, and the rest were his two sets of clothes and gold and silver to take home.

  But Zhuang Dalang asked his father to make some clothes and socks for his father, and some bacon was also wrapped and put in the box, so he also packed a lot of things out.

  Not long after they moved their things out, the convoy came into the city and stopped slowly after passing through the alley.

  The carriage prepared for Mr. Zhuang parked in front of them, and the people first took Mr. Zhuang’s luggage to the car behind the luggage and tied it up, and then asked Mr. Zhuang to get on the car.

  Bai Jiro and others jumped out of the car, and ran over to greet her husband first, then Gong stood aside and waited for her husband to get on the car.

  Zhuang Dalang asked Bai Shan and Man Bao to take good care of his father, and then stepped aside to watch his father board the car.

  Mr. Zhuang picked up the curtains after getting in the car and said to him: "I have already talked to Mr. Li from the county school. After fifteen, you can directly lead Ji An to enroll in school."

  Zhuang Dalang responded.

  Mr. Zhuang passed him to look at Zhuang Ji’an who was standing behind, and said, “Jian, study hard, you know?”

  Zhuang Ji'an happily responded.

  Mr. Zhuang then put down the curtain and left.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao turned around and congratulated Zhuang Dalang and the others to say goodbye, took their horses and waited for the convoy, and enthusiastically invited Bai Erlang, "Let’s ride a horse together, I think the weather is pretty good today."

  The words were only finished. When Shirajiro was hesitating, a cold wind blew by. Because of the hurried coming down, Shirajiro, who was not wearing a cloak, trembled, and the cold wind pierced directly into his neck.

  He immediately refused, "No, I want to ride a carriage, you can ride it yourself."

   After he said, he dragged three ends and ran to his carriage.

   Santou turned around and Man Bao shouted: "Sister, I am willing to ride a horse."

  Sanya and Sitou thought that it was impossible, so they sat on the horse and walked a lap. They didn't learn to ride a horse at all, so they greeted sister-in-law and ran back to the carriage.

  Man Baobian and Bai Shan waited for the carriage to pass before they got on their horses and chased them. After a while, they crossed the convoy and went out of town first.

  Out of the city is also a spacious official road, the two gradually let go of their horses and started running, leaving the convoy far behind.

  Lao Mrs. Liu was reminded, she opened the window and glanced forward, just in time to see the two flying cloaks, and the two guards were chasing after them and gradually disappeared.

  She smiled and shook her head, and said: "Let them go, they two are in a bad mood these past two days, just let them vent their anger today."

  Grandma Liu smiled and answered "Yes", but she didn't let people stop them.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao completely let go of their horses after they left the team and let them fly. They were racing after you chased me. The wind blew on and their faces hurt.

  But the two of them didn't stop either. If Bai Shan ran in front of her and raised the dust, she would have liked to scream twice.

  The two of you chased me and ran forward until the guard reminded that they should stop and wait for the convoy, then they stopped.

  The two of them are now very experienced in traveling, and Daji did not teach them less when they were out before.

  The two of them went forward and found a flat green area with signs of the motorcade stopping.

  Bai Shan pointed out: "Just rest here."

  The guard should drop.

    I asked Gu Wanyin yesterday, and her starting point has just synced

     See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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