Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1374: Ah ah ah

   Chapter 1374 Ah ah ah ah

  The four dismounted their horses, led the horses to the grass and tied them to the trees.

  It’s only the eighth day of the new year. Most people still celebrate the New Year at home, and businessmen also celebrate the New Year, so there is no one on the official road at this time.

  Man Bao took off the cloak and placed it directly on the tree. She glanced in the forest and said, "Let’s find some firewood."

  Bai Shan nodded, and took off his cloak and placed it on the tree.

  The two guards looked at each other, one followed them in, and the other stayed to watch the horse and things.

  This is a wild forest. The inside is very messy. Bai Shan and Man Bao walked for a while. Seeing that there were many withered weeds on the ground, they first pulled some hay to use for fire.

  It seems that people often stay in this forest, so there are not many dead branches in the book. They walked in for a long time before they saw dead branches.

  Both of them had done the work of breaking dead branches and picking up firewood. Bai Shan was taller than Man Bao, so he jumped up and broke the dead branches and threw them to her. Man Bao pulled some thatch into a rope and put the wood on it.

  The guard who followed them in also stretched out their hands to pull the dead branches.

  Man Bao picked up the dead branches, and followed Keke’s explanation to dig a hole under a big tree.

She slowed down the movement slowly, and when the hole was digging up, she subconsciously took a look at the guard first, and saw that he was facing her back and had already walked out a distance to pull the dead branches, so she held a branch into the hole. inside.

  Bai Shancai tore off a dead branch and threw it on the ground. He subconsciously went to find Man Bao, and saw her nervously and cautiously pulling it out with the dead branch.

  He was about to step forward, when she saw that she pulled out a group of snakes.

  Bai Shan stiffened and couldn't help but stare at her with wide eyes.

Man Bao's body also stiffened. She swallowed, and carefully stepped back. Seeing that the snake was awakened, she was shaking her head and slowly propped up her body. Her stick was still on the snake, and she didn't have time to look back. The guard, let Ke Ke put away the stick directly.

  Bai Shan was considering whether to call a guard over to help him, when he saw that the stick in Man Bao’s hand disappeared with the snake at the mouth of the cave.

  His pupils shrank, and he took two steps subconsciously, just blocking the guard behind him.

  The guard still turned her back to them, but it seemed that she hadn't heard their movements for a long time and couldn't help but glance back.

  I saw their young master looking at Miss Man with his back to him, and Miss Man squatted on the ground not knowing what she was doing.

  He smiled and shook his head, turned around and continued to break his branches without disturbing them.

  Bai Shan stared for a long time, making sure that the wooden stick and snake would no longer appear out of thin air, then turned his head and glanced at the guard, before he stepped forward and squatted beside Man Bao.

Man Bao was yelling "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." until Koke assures that the snake will not stay in the system space, and is directly included in the encyclopedia, and has been transported by the encyclopedia with the relevant research room. They are not there at all. After being in the same spatial dimension, Man Bao stopped "Ahhhhhh..."

  Bai Shan leaned forward to Man Bao’s eyes and stared at her, "Your face is pale, since you are afraid, why bother to provoke it?"

  Man Bao asked in a low voice, "Have you seen all of them?"

  Bai Shan nodded.

  Man Bao exhaled, “It’s not what I want, it’s what others want.”

   "Uncle Zhou?"

  Man Bao shook his head, "No, for someone else."

  Bai Shan said: "The underworld is so strange. Isn't it a gift to send paper money, but a popular snake?"

  Man Bao:……

  Bai Shan has found the reason for himself, "Yes, snakes are yin, can eating snakes increase the power of ghosts?"

  Man Bao:……

  "Then shall we find some snakes for Uncle Zhou?"

  Man Bao was about to refuse, and Bai Shan said: "But it is still too dangerous for us to catch snakes ourselves. We can ask someone to catch them. There should be people who are good at catching snakes in the countryside, right?"

  Man Bao immediately said: "You are right, you can find someone."

  Why can't she think of it for a while?

   "But if we buy snakes, will the family know?"

  It’s fine for Bai Shan to know about it. If other people know about it, they will definitely not be able to keep her parents away. Keke's existence can't be told to others.

   But if everyone thinks that her father is next to her...

  Man Bao felt suffocated just thinking about it. Her parents would go crazy if they knew, so this matter must be kept secret.

  Bai Shan didn’t think this was a problem, so he patted his chest and said, “Don’t worry, leave this to me.”

The guard pulled a lot of dead branches, and when he turned his head, he found that the young master and Miss Man were squatting together with their heads very close together and whispering. ?"

  The two turned their heads together, nodded and said: "It's almost there. We are crowded, so let's talk a little bit more."

  Then continue to get together and whisper.

  The guard scratched his head. The old lady only said that he should follow the young master and Miss Man so as not to let them be in danger, and not to let them go beyond the rules, but shouldn’t it be a violation of the rules to get closer and whisper?

  He turned around hesitantly, and continued to break the dead branches.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao had already conspired, so they happily got up to sort the firewood. At the same time, Man Bao found that because of tension and squatting for too long, her feet were numb and she almost fell on Bai Shan.

  Bai Shan half hugged her, and after she slowed down, he helped her walk back slowly.

  Man Bao walked more than a dozen steps. After the tingling energy passed, he and Bai Shan picked up all the wood on the ground and tied it up.

  The three finally dragged four bundles of firewood back.

  The guard who stayed rolled up his sleeves and went to help.

  The four people set up four fires, but they just set up the firewood, and the fire has not been lighted yet.

  They waited a long time for no one to come. The guard looked up at the sun, and after estimating the time, he said, "Master, should I go and see?"

  Bai Shan nodded, "Go ahead."

  The guard rode back to find it, but within a quarter of an hour he came back, still following the carriage far behind.

  He reported in a loud voice: "Master, old lady, they are here."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao walked to the side of the road to wait, holding hands, while the other guard turned around to start a fire.

  The convoy came slowly, walked forward for a while, and then stopped. The vehicle in the middle stopped in front of Bai Shan and the others.

  Bai Shan went to help his grandmother and mother, and Man Bao went to Mr. Fu Zhuang.

  Some people moved a few stools to sit for Mrs. Liu and Mr. Zhuang, others could only squat or sit on the grass.

Wurilang also stopped the car. Santou Sanya and Sitou had no travel experience, so they listened to Wurilang and Manbao, and took some food from the car, and the three families shared the food after being heated up. .

Mrs. Liu took a reheated white steamed bun from Man Bao, and smiled at Mr. Zhuang after taking a bite: “It’s also surprising that all these steamed buns are done the same way, but what her sister-in-law does is better than others. People do it harder."

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and nodded. This is also one of the things he regrets most about letting go of the school.

  Man Bao smiled and said: "Grandma Liu likes to eat, so she can eat more. My sister-in-law made a lot of it for us."

  Lao Mrs. Liu nodded with a smile, glanced at the official road, and said: "We should be in Mianzhou after walking for more than an hour. We will stay in Mianzhou for one night tonight."

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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