Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1383: Jin Gongji

  Chapter 1383 Entering the Palace II

  Xiang Mingxue raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile: "Why are you so anxious, do you want to hear gossip before you settle down?"

  Bai Shan said: "Man Bao has been called into the palace."

  The smile on Xiang Mingxue’s face faded a little, he thought for a while and said, "It should be okay, don't worry."

  He sat on the stone bench in the yard and said, “I’m not very clear about the details. I just heard that the prince drank a banquet after the New Year, and got drunk. Many people said that he had fallen short and was afraid that he would break his body.”

  Bai Shan:...

At this time, Duke Wu was also explaining this to Man Bao, but unlike Xiang Mingxue’s indifferent tone, he was very worried and explained in more detail, "...Who knows that there will be problems with the wine at the Emperor Banquet? His Royal Highness knew that it was not suitable to drink. He always drank yellow wine from the time he needed a banquet, and did not drink much. But the wine in the jug was not yellow wine, but it was not white wine. The first drink tasted very light. The white water is almost the same, and it's a bit sweet."

  Wu Gonggong said: "His Royal Highness thought it was a new tribute from Fanbang. It didn't taste much, and it was sweet. Drinking it was like sugar water, so I didn't ask someone to change it."

"As a result, I gradually drank more and more, and I rushed up with alcohol in the back. His Highness became drunk and vomited a lot at the time." Grandpa Wu said cautiously: "At that time, he asked the imperial doctor to see him. The imperial doctor said that his highness drank too much. He was actually poisoned by alcohol. Afterwards, his Highness suffered night sweats and accidentally blew the cold wind, and he became ill at once."

  Duke Wu still had a lingering fear when he brought up this matter, and asked Man Bao cautiously, “Dr. Zhou Xiao, if this is broken, your Highness’s health will be bad?”

  Man Bao asked, "Will your Highness still drink after that time?"

  Wu Gonggong said twice, but still whispered: "His Royal Highness was angry. In those few days, he had a bad temper, so he accidentally drank some."

   To put it bluntly, he felt that his previous work had been lost, so he broke the jar.

   Seeing Man Bao frowned, he immediately said, "But the princess soon persuaded him. His Royal Highness hasn't touched him in the past ten days."

  Manbao nodded, "Let’s talk about it when I see your Royal Highness."

  Wu Gonggong was very nervous, and could only imply: "Dr. Zhou Xiao, if your Royal Highness's condition changes, it is better to talk to the prince."

  As for whether to tell the prince or not, let the masters decide.

  At the palace gate, Man Bao and Wu Gonggong entered the palace after inspection, and the two of them began to walk to the east palace.

   entered the East Palace, the palace people who received the news earlier were already waiting, and quickly led them to see the prince.

The prince does not live with the prince, but instead vacates a study room to live in it. Obviously, their husband and wife have also had a rift because of this incident. You must know that every time she came to see the prince before, it was always In the main room, the princess was in the house.

  Man Bao just walked up the steps, and the princess rushed over from the other side in a hurry. Seeing Man Bao, she breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a bit wronged for some reason.

  She stepped forward and grabbed Man Bao’s hand and said, "Doctor Zhou Xiao, you are back..."

In the middle of the journey, she once wanted someone to go to Mianzhou to invite people back, but think about it, it takes four or five days to go from Beijing to Mianzhou, and it takes four or five days for the fast horse, and on the return journey, it is impossible for Zhou Man to be as fast as the guards. Come back.

  So it takes eight or nine days to travel in a carriage. If you count it, it will be almost the same as the time she originally said to return.

  She didn't make people go away.

The princess personally pulled Man Bao into the house, and as soon as he opened the door, a rush of heat rushed towards her face. Man Bao stood still and adapted to it before turning the screen with the princess, and saw that she was half leaning against her in Chinese clothes. The prince on the couch.

  The prince raised his eyelids and glanced at her, then stretched out his hand and said, "Come on? Come on, let me have a look at the lonely, can I still give birth to a son and a half in this lonely life?"

  The eyes of the prince princess were red, and the tears almost came down, but there was an outsider, she still resisted, and took Man Bao to the waiter on the side and said: "Go get the pulse pillow."

  Man Bao felt that the prince’s attitude was not right, but he saluted him first, and then sat on the stool beside the couch. She sniffed it carefully and made sure that the prince was not drinking.

She observed the prince’s face. Although he felt that his expression was different, but his complexion was good, so she didn’t say anything. When the palace clerk took the medicine box, she took the pulse pillow and placed it on the low table on the couch, carefully. Give the prince the pulse.

  Man Bao asked, "His Royal Highness hasn't indulged herself in this period of time, right?"

  The prince's face was instantly pale, and he asked: "Do you have any indulgence? Can't you tell?"

  The princess on the side hurriedly said, "Doctor Zhou is also to make sure."

  She turned her head to answer Man Bao's words, "The prince is very restrained and does not indulge in sexual desire."

  Man Bao nodded, then retracted his hand and said: "It's okay, it's almost enough to get a needle for a month."

  The prince looked at him suspiciously, "Is it okay to be drunk alone?"

  Man Baodao: "It's just once, and it's not a regular alcohol addiction, but it takes more time to recuperate."

  She said: "If your Royal Highness is impatient, I can reduce the time of acupuncture and moxibustion to once every other day, so that the effect will be better."

  The prince had an irritation in his eyes, "Since the effect of the needle is good the next day, why did you slow down to once every two days, once every three days, and once every five days?"

Man Bao explained in a gentle tone, "Your Majesty, the body needs a period of time to recover after the needle. It will adjust itself and get used to the next course of treatment. After enough time has been accumulated, the body's foundation can be cured. For this."

"Your illness is not an emergency, so you can't be rushed when you are treated," she said: "Your current state has congenital causes, but more of it is acquired, all because of your premature exposure to female sex, and you don't know how to control it. Three feet is not a day's cold, how can you ask for a short time to remove these three feet of ice?"

   "But I think, compared to Houben, what you want now is the instant effect. You have to decide how to choose."

  The prince's pupils shrank, and he couldn't help but raise his head and glance at the prince standing aside.

  The princess did not expect to have such a choice. For a while, she and the prince Maimai looked at each other, and the husband and wife remained silent, seeming to have reached a certain consensus in silence.

  The prince withdrew his hand, and the body that had been crooked couldn't help but sit up straight. He said coldly: "You all get back."

  Duke Wu immediately retreated with all the palace people in the palace, Man Bao hesitated to stand up, thinking whether he was also going out with him, he was grabbed by the crown prince.

  The prince glared at her, and Man Bao stopped.

After    and others all went out, and the door was closed, the prince asked: "If the lone chooses the latter, when can I get pregnant?"

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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