Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1384: Waves

   Chapter 1384

   "His Royal Highness, this depends not only on your physical condition, but also on the condition of another person."

  The prince lifted his chin and said: "The prince is here."

Man Bao went to feel the pulse for the crown princess, and asked her about the time of her menstrual period, and quickly calculated her heart. She said: "50 days to 62 days, but to be diagnosed, you have to get pregnant. It takes one and a half months to be accurate."

  The prince rubbed his fingers and pondered for a moment. Although a little embarrassed, he still asked: "If you choose the latter, you will only have one chance to get pregnant this time? Can you guarantee a man in one fell swoop?"

  Man Bao: "...His Royal Highness, there is no medical skill that can guarantee that others will be a man in one fell swoop. If there is, it will probably be thousands of years later."

  How do you know that it will be possible after ten thousand years? Since ten thousand years will be possible, why not now?

  The prince’s words have not been questioned yet, Man Bao has continued: “However, this is not the only opportunity. Choose the latter, but you will need more time to recuperate in the future.”

  She said: "If you choose to consolidate your money, you can take care of it for another three months. After three months, let the flow take place. Maybe you can get pregnant immediately, or you may have to wait a while."

   "You said years ago that it only takes three months..."

  "But aren't you drunk?" Man Bao counted one by one: "You are not only drunk, but you also stay up late, have insomnia, have a grumpy temper, and lose both liver and kidney. The effect of the previous conditioning is almost completely defeated."

She said: "You stay up all night, but the lost essence needs a good sleep for a month to recover. To do one thing well, it takes a lot of effort, but one thing needs to be corrupted, and sometimes only one action is needed. ."

  The prince became silent, not knowing what he had thought of, a manic look gradually appeared on his face.

   Seeing the princess, she quickly sat on the couch and held his hand, "His Royal Highness, it's not too late, isn't it?"

  Man Bao stared at the prince's face strangely, and he hesitated for a while and asked: "Does your Royal Highness feel angry?"

As soon as these words came out, it was like stabbing a hornet's nest. The prince was furious in an instant. He stretched out his feet and kicked the low table on the couch to the ground, yelling: "Should I be lonely? I worked hard for more than two months! So many people thought about it. Let the lonely sons and grandchildren never be as good as their wish!!"

   Roaring, it seemed that she was still annoyed. She broke away from the crown prince's hand, barefoot on the ground, turned and kicked on the wooden couch, kicked the wooden couch directly off the ground, and almost turned over.

  The princess who was still sitting on it was startled and couldn't help but scream.

  Man Bao hurriedly supported her, but still couldn't help but stare at the prince.

  The prince was furious and turned around in the room. It seemed that the anger in his chest could not be vented. He was annoyed and kicked all the shelves in the room.

The crown prince held Man Bao’s hand and saw her staring at the crown prince intently, thinking she was frightened, she persuaded: "Don’t be afraid, although the prince has a strong temper, he will not hit people casually, waiting for him to smash things. That's it."

  Man Bao:......These things are expensive, right?

  Man Bao looked at the prince whose face was flushed because of his anger, and couldn’t help asking Keke in his heart, “Keke, don’t you think the prince is a bit weird?”

   "I don't think." Keke asked: "Host, do you need to scan?"

  Man Bao: "...Keke, can't you give a friendly suggestion?"

   "Host, I am not a medical system, and I don't have the ability to directly judge. It is recommended to scan body data."

  Nonsense, when there was a crisis in the past, you can obviously judge...

  However, Man Bao didn’t pass the words to Keke with his thoughts, but he pondered for a while and said: “No hurry, I want to rely on my own judgment first, and I can’t scan again.”

  "Isn't it to save points?"

   "Of course not," Man Bao denied, "I don't lack points now, but I am a doctor and cannot always rely on you. I must have my own judgment as a doctor."

  Although her hands are very itchy and she wants Keke to scan what is going on with the prince, she still resists it with very strong willpower.

  This is really too difficult. Obviously, there is a treasure mountain and it cannot be used.

  The princess did not know that Man Bao was distracted. Seeing that she was still staring at the prince in a daze, she pulled her to avoid what was accidentally hit by the prince.

  The prince smashed the room almost, and the anger in his chest was relieved a lot, and then turned his head to look at the prince and Man Bao.

  Man Bao saw a lot of bloodshot eyes in his eyes, half of the whites of his eyes were flushed, and he looked mad.

  She went to look at his limbs again, her hands hung down, her footsteps came soft, and she gasped slightly. Obviously he was very tired now and didn't have much energy.

  Man Bao broke away from the prince, and stepped forward and grabbed the prince's hand to get his pulse.

  The prince frowned and wanted to withdraw his hand, but Man Bao grabbed his hand and said, "Don't move, I'll take a look."

  The prince was very upset, and asked, "Didn’t you have watched it just now? What else are you watching?"

  He felt that Zhou Man was mocking him. Man Bao noticed that his pulse was sharp and slippery, and the slippery ball was undulating. He quickly skipped it, and he was very irritable.

  Man Bao quickly said: "I see if you are poisoned."

  As soon as these words came out, the faces of the prince and princess changed, but Man Bao tilted his head and said: "But it's very strange. Your Royal Highness doesn't look like poisoned, but your irritability is also very strange."


  He withdrew his hand forcefully from Man Bao's hand, and asked slowly: "Are you ridiculing loneliness?"

"No!" Man Bao denied, then took a few steps back, looked at the prince seriously, and asked: "His Royal Highness feels anything unusual recently? Is the appetite good, is the temper more anxious than before? When does it usually happen? Get angry?"

  The prince was stunned. Seeing that she was so serious, he knew that she was not playing tricks on him, but really thought he was poisoned.

  The prince felt a little pain in his heart, and he covered his chest and asked, "So, can the lonely still have children?"

  Man Bao scratched his head: "His Royal Highness, don't we find out the reason first?"

The prince    sat on the ground, leaning directly on the soft couch that was kicked aside by him without speaking.

  The princess also covered her chest, walked to the prince and sat down next to him, and the couple became silent.

  Man Bao stood aside and looked a lot more, she scratched her head, she had no choice but to sigh in her heart, "Forget it, Keke, you scan it."

  Keke happily deducted a point, and then drew his own reward from the points, then scanned the prince.

After a while, he put all the data in front of Man Bao.

  Man Bao looked carefully, frowning after a while, the prince's physical condition did not seem to be a big problem, but there were a few values ​​that were strange.

  She seems to have never learned this, so she can only package the data to Teacher Mo and ask him for advice.

    Next month, that is, April 28, there will be a double monthly ticket event. Students who intend to vote for my book can save the monthly ticket until the end of the month;

     Students who don’t intend to vote for my book can vote at the beginning of the month, hahahaha

     See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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