Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1388: Newly added function one

  Chapter 1388 Newly Added Function One

  Wu Gonggong smiled, and Man Bao carried the box to the gate of the palace, and told the guard at the gate of the palace that this was a gift from the prince. After showing the gift list to the other party, he put the things on the carriage.

  Duke Wu reached out and took out a purse from his sleeve, and stuffed it to Man Bao said: "There are two snacks here. Our family fills up their stomachs. Doctor Zhou takes them on the road to fill up their stomachs first?"

  Man Bao did not refuse and accepted it with laughter.

  She climbed into the carriage, opened the curtain and looked at Duke Wu. After hesitating, she said, "Duke Wu, take care."

  Duke Wu’s eyebrows jumped sharply, and he didn’t go out and didn’t go to the battlefield. He said such a sentence for no reason...

  He took a deep breath and nodded with a smile on his face: "Doctor Zhou Xiao is easy to go."

  Man Bao nodded to him, then put down the curtain and went out of the palace.

  Duke Wu watched the carriage go far, only then turned around with a smile, the smile on his face slowly fell, and his apprentice hurried forward to support him.

  Duke Wu walked along the root of the wall to the East Palace, his pace was still very slow. Seeing that there was no one before and after, he asked in a low voice, "Think about it carefully. From the New Year to the present, are there any things you didn't pay attention to when you were a errand?"

  His apprentice thought about it carefully, then shook his head and whispered: "Master, after your Highness is drunk, I was very careful when I was a errand. There was nothing wrong."

  Gonggong Wu exhaled and whispered: “It’s fine if there is no mistake, it’s fine if there is no mistake, and you will return to the East Palace in a while. Be careful to reply, and don’t say a word that shouldn’t be said.”

  The apprentice responded in a low voice.

Man Bao sat in the carriage, raised her hand to open the box, took a look, and then closed it, but she was thinking of the prince in her heart. She has a lot to say now, but there is no one beside her, so she can only ask Keke. He said, "Keko, do you think the prince has changed?"

Koko paused, and probably analyzed that the host’s environment is dangerous. For the sake of her life’s safety, it still said: "His emotions fluctuate greatly. From the data I collected, combined with some of the writings written by humans. Judging from the books, he may be mentally ill."

  Man Bao also felt this way, but she didn’t know how to treat it. In the past, Teacher Mo mentioned it in class. In his world, it seems that psychologists are more popular and have a brighter future.

However, the illness in her heart cannot be cured. She has read the related books, but her head is big at first glance. Teacher Mo doesn't like it either. She also said: "You learn this is not very useful, your political economy is still in In ancient times, there was no guarantee of food and clothing. What kind of mental illness did it cure?"

  Later, she met Yinor, and she only read some of the information that Teacher Mo found for her, but the prince's condition was obviously different from Yinor's.

  Yin or illness is uncomfortable for himself, but the prince is very dangerous.

  At that time, people who felt that Yin or such were physically and psychologically ill were a minority after all, and there was no need to spend too much time studying related cases. After all, her time was very limited.

  But at this moment, she regrets a bit. What she should know more about at the time is that the prince could not be cured yet, but at least she can know what the illness in his heart became.

   Keke gave a suggestion, "Or you can run away with an excuse."

  Anyway, you are an ordinary person, and you ran away without breaking the law. It’s always okay to refuse a doctor if you can’t cure the disease, right?

  Man Bao couldn’t help but said: “How is this possible? If he is really sick in his heart, do you think he can still care about the laws and customs not to trouble me?”

  Man Bao thought of the prince’s performance just now, and she was almost dying in her heart. She said: "I always think that the prince is also aware of it. You see, she didn't give me a gift today, and she wouldn't let Grandpa Wu give me a gift."

  As a system, there is no human emotion, so Keke can't understand the meaning of this sentence. It garbled for a while, and found that it still didn't understand Man Bao's sentence.

  At that time, I forgot to scan the prince's hormone distribution map.

  All of them returned to Changqing Lane in silence.

  The palace man who sent her back took the box down and was about to send it in, but Man Bao stopped him, touched her body, and found out the wallet she had brought before leaving. There were only some copper plates in it.

  She stuffed her purse into the palace man’s hand, and said with concern: “You go back soon, it’s getting dark, and it’s hard to enter the palace if it’s too late.”

  The palace man accepted it gratefully, and got on the carriage and left.

  Man Bao watched the carriage go far, then knocked on the door and asked the porter to move things to the backyard. Three heads had been paying attention to the movement of the front yard.

  It didn’t take long for Man Baocai to enter the door, and they knew it. Bai Shan ran over with them, grabbed Man Bao caring and asked, "How is it, is it all right?"

  Man Bao shook his head, "It's okay, just show it to the prince and princess."

  Bai Shan looked at her face, frowned slightly, looked down, looked at the box and asked, "What is this?"

   "The reward from the prince, move to my room."

  Man Bao first followed the box back to the house, and then said to the people who were still surrounding her: "Sanya, go and bring me a pot of hot water. I want to wash my face and hands. You go out first."

  After driving everyone out, Man Baocai opened the box, put the stones inside into the system, and then found his newly opened course according to what Ms. Mo taught her.

  Enter stones as teaching materials.

  The stone instantly disappeared from the space and moved to the teaching room.

  Keko watched through the code and didn't speak.

After Man Bao had a meal, she gradually felt that something was wrong. She touched her chin and asked: "If the teaching materials can be shared, I can upload things from here, and Mr. Mo can take them there; Mr. Mo can take those from there. Things are uploaded and I take them here. Then other medicines and medical appliances whose technology is far higher than mine can also be circulated through this method?"

  Ms. Mo can send her acupuncture needles box by box, because they also have that thing here, and the Encyclopedia will not block it.

  However, the Encyclopedia of things much higher than the technological level here does not allow private transmission unless they are put on the mall.

  However, Man Bao has discovered over the years that the things presented in the mall are also screened by the Encyclopedia. Obviously, the Encyclopedia has not shown some things that are not suitable for her civilization.

  From the exchanges in the forum, it can be seen that there are many things in the mall.

  Ke Encyclopedia's self-operated technology supplies are too expensive.

  For example, the electric shock sticks bought by Manbao and Keke have only been used once, and they are still lying quietly in the space. When they bought it, she almost emptied her points.

  Later, she looked for it in the mall, but she did not find anything similar, indicating that the Encyclopedia is monopolizing.

At this time, Man Bao seemed to have figured out something. He stared at the colorful rooster floating in front and said: "Last time I said I wanted a medical warehouse, you said that the encyclopedia would not send it. I can only learn and experience in the teaching room at most. Pharmacy is a technology that only disappeared sixty years ago, why can it be transmitted?"

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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