Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1389: Newly added function two

  Chapter 1389 Newly Added Function Two

  Keke was silent for a while and said: "The Encyclopedia thinks it can be teleported and thinks it cannot be teleported."

  Man Bao rolled his eyes, touched his chin thoughtfully, and asked after a while, "Does Teacher Mo know this too?"

  Keke said meaningfully, "He needs to take risks."

  Man Bao will understand, the difference between this can and can’t depends on how Teacher Mo operates.

  And risk has always been linked to income. She looked at the colorful rooster that was slowly turning 360 degrees in front of her, and asked: "Is this stone important to Teacher Mo?"

  Koko didn't answer her this time, and even the sizzling electric current seemed to disappear for a while.

  Man Bao held his heart, for fear that it disappeared for several days like the last time. After a long time, the sizzling electric noise reverberated. Man Bao knew that Ke Ke was by her side again.

  Man Bao quietly breathed a sigh of relief and stopped asking this question.

  She already knows that Koko is not a god, it is not omnipotent, it also has a main system on it, and it has many things that it can’t tell her.

  If she knew about it, it would be dangerous.

  Man Bao cautiously did not dare to ask again.

  There was turmoil in the teaching room, and just as Man Bao was surprised and uncertain, a familiar and elegant man appeared in the void opposite.

  The other party seemed to be sitting in a chair, and smiled at Man Bao as soon as he appeared.

  Man Bao breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out to be Teacher Mo. She patted her chest and Keke said, “Why is the video of Teacher Mo on a chair, not in the classroom?”

  Keke did not answer, but the person opposite answered for it, "This is not a video, this is a real-time communication."

  Man Bao's eyes widened, and he reacted after a while, "So, so what I see now is Teacher Mo's real person?"

  The teacher Mo who was on the opposite side smiled and said, “It’s not a real person either, because it’s not difficult for you to touch me. This is a video communication.”

  He looked at Man Bao up and down, and exclaimed: "You are younger than I thought."

  For a long time, Teacher Mo will record the course upload, and Man Bao is watching the video in the teaching room to learn.

  Record down the questions that you don’t understand. At first, I stupidly wrote down and sent the questions to Teacher Mo.

  Ms. Mo either responded to her with a text answer, or directly recorded a video and gave it back to her.

  Later, Man Bao knew that voice can be converted into text, so she just said that the system should be converted into text and sent over.

She also recorded videos for trials, such as acupuncture and sutures, but at that time, in order to protect the host, no matter who the video was sent to, Keke did a simple shielding process, except for the movements on the hands, the video You can't see people clearly.

  Ms. Mo guessed that she was very young through her little hands. Later, she verbally admitted that she knew her age.

  But knowing it is one thing, but seeing it face to face is another thing.

   Teacher Mo couldn’t help saying: "Your IQ is very high, that is, you are the best in my world, and your luck is better."

   Not only can be bound by the system, but also such a stone can be found.

  Man Bao had already recovered, he glanced at the floating stone thoughtfully, and asked: "Mr. Mo, can we all chat by video communication in the future?"

  Mr. Mo smiled and nodded, "Yes, this is a new feature on my side, do you think it will be easy to use?"

  Man Bao nodded repeatedly, "Easy to use, easy to use."

  Teacher Mo's eyes fell on the stone floating on the side, his eyes fixed a little, he asked: "Are there many things on your side?"

  Man Bao shook his head, "I saw you for the first time."

  She paused and said: "It is our prince who is sick. Do you know the prince?"

   Teacher Mo frowned for a moment, "Is this the eldest son of the legendary emperor?"

Man Bao: "...That's correct to say, but in fact, he is not necessarily the eldest son. He is the next heir of the dynasty. This stone was given to him by someone else. I don't know if it was intentional to harm him, or it was simply considered very valuable, so I thought Please him."

   Teacher Mo said: "This thing is very radioactive and harmful. If you have the ability, you'd better collect them all..."

  He looked at Man Bao with a deep gaze, and asked, "Can you understand what I mean?"

  Man Bao looked into his eyes, and the long-term tacit understanding made her not ask why, but asked: "Should you collect it for Teacher Mo?"

   Teacher Mo smiled and nodded, and said with a smile: "Yes, you can also ask for something equivalent to me."

  He said with some regret: "It's a pity, yours is a biological collection system, not minerals, otherwise..."

  Otherwise, just such a stone is enough for the system to accumulate enough points for the return journey, and even Manbao can use these points to get many things.

  It is possible to open an alliance to pick her up and settle down.

  Of course, he can't tell Man Bao these words, and the main system of Encyclopedia will not allow him to disclose these things.

  Ms. Mo didn't tell Man Bao, nor could she tell her, the newly opened video communication function is also because of this stone.

  He always wanted to teach Man Treasure more closely, but he did not have enough authority. For so many years, there were not many students studying medicine with him through the encyclopedia, and he did not have enough points.

  Although he has uploaded a lot of papers over the years, he still has a lot of teachers above him, and their abilities are not weak.

  In this era when they can live for 300 years at every turn, and these well-maintained healers accidentally live for another 20 to 30 years, it is not easy to accumulate points to activate permissions.

  After all, he is still too young now and has limited qualifications among a group of scientific researchers, so he does not have the ability to activate permissions.

  The scanned data map passed to him by Ke Manbao, he hit the scientific research report on the front foot, and the permission can be activated on the back foot.

  Sure enough, for the encyclopedia, nothing compares to the possibilities of scientific research.

  Man Bao began to figure it out, "What can I change for this stone?"

   Teacher Mo shrugged and smiled: "I don't know what you need."

  He said: "Many things in my world are good, but the ones that are of high value in my world may not be useful to you. You have to use them yourself."

  Man Bao still thought of the medical warehouse, "The medical warehouse..."

  Ms. Mo:...

  He has a headache and can’t help but caress his forehead, “Even if this is given to you, can you use it? The medical warehouse needs energy stones or electricity. You don’t have it there, and it’s useless to go there.”

   Keke, who has always expressed opposition, quietly said peacefully: "You have solar energy here, which can be converted into electricity."

  The communication between Keke and Manbao could not be heard by Teacher Mo.

  Man Bao widened his eyes and asked him in his heart, "Why didn't you say that last time?"

  Keke: Because you couldn't afford it last time!

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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