Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1395: Poor students (October monthly pass plus one more)

  Chapter 1395 Poor Student (October monthly pass plus one more)

  Man Bao nodded in satisfaction, and then began to play the popular science video that Teacher Mo found for her.

  It is said that this gem came from space. It has a very important role in the history of mankind, but why it is important is not mentioned in the video, or it was cut off. She can’t see it now.

  What she directly learns is its pathological knowledge.

  Teacher Mo is very generous, and the Encyclopedia doesn’t seem to mind, even the method of making the medicine is on the video. Of course, Man Bao couldn’t learn that at this moment.

  Because she discovered that in the knowledge of pathology, she had heard of many terms for the first time. After listening to a lesson, Man Bao, who had always been self-consciously smart and brilliant, had stared in his eyes and didn't understand it.

  Man Bao was dumbfounded, staring at the stopped video in front of her eyes for a while before she came back to her senses. She asked Keke to play it again, and after listening patiently, she barely touched some edges.

  She touched her chin and said, "This thing is hard to understand."

  Keke did not speak.

  She said to herself: "The pathology that I don't even understand, tell the prince them, they definitely don't understand it."

  That's great, it's only if they don't understand it.

  Although his mind was already groggy from thinking, Man Bao still shook his head and clicked on the video of making medicine.

  This video has three summary, the principle, the production process, and the reaction process of the medicine in the body, which are explained in detail.

  But in the same way, Man Bao mostly didn't understand.

  She just watched a video, the door was knocked, she went to open the door in a daze, Mr. Zhuang stood outside the door.

  He was about to care about Man Bao’s entry into the palace yesterday, but seeing her in a daze, he couldn’t help asking, “What’s wrong?”

  Man Bao almost cried, and murmured twice: "Sir, the medical book is so difficult, I can't understand many of them."

  Mr. Zhuang: ...that's over, he doesn't even understand if she can't even understand it.

  Mr. Zhuang rubbed his forehead and said, "Would you like to consult the doctor at Ji Shitang, or the doctor Zheng and others?"

  Man Bao lowered his head and shook his head, "They won't understand either."

Mr. Zhuang frowned and asked, "Is it the prince's condition?"

  Man Bao didn't say a word, and secretly said to the prince in his heart: This is what the husband guessed, not what I said.

  Mr. Zhuang saw her looking down at her toes, and he sighed: “The prince’s disease is really not spread well. You can’t let others know about it. You can only study it yourself.”

  He also knew some medical theories, and he certainly couldn't help Man Bao in this regard.

  Mr. Zhuang said: "Let’s come out for dinner first."

  He was very kind and said: "I let Aunt Rong cook your favorite meat, and later I will ask her to make some snacks for you. This is easy to get hungry when you use your brain, so you can eat more."

  Mr. Zhuang looked at Man Bao’s cheek and said, "Look, they are all thinner."

  Man Bao reached out and touched the cheek that was still carrying the baby's fat, and nodded with deep conviction. She was really hungry right now, she must be thin.

  She ate lunch, went around in the garden again, and then went back to the house to continue working hard.

  The spy who was hiding in a tall building in the distance and staring at this side saw it, and wrote the note and handed it over, while he continued to stare at the opposite side.

  There are few tall buildings in the area of ​​Changqing Lane, so it is not easy to stare at Zhou Man. It is okay for her to go out, and she can generally find out what she has done and what she said.

  But if she stayed in the house, she basically could only give one move.

  They have many family members, but they have very few people. They can't put a spy in it, at least for a while.

  The spy didn’t know, the front foot of the note he gave was taken out of the alley, and the person on the back foot was followed...

   Then he raised his head and noticed a bright light flashing through the corner of his eyes. He drew a slap, and slammed on the spot, avoiding the attacking sword...

  Man Bao didn’t know that someone was fighting and murdering more than six hundred meters away from home. She closed the doors and windows, yawned, patted her cheeks and woke up, and went to the system to study again.

  Koko knew, but it didn’t say anything. During its occasional scan every day, there were too many various things. Of course, it was impossible for it to tell the host.

  Unless it threatens her life immediately, otherwise it will know nothing.

  However, at this moment it is scanning the prince in the East Palace, and dutifully recording the prince’s daily life.

  As long as his activity track does not exceed its scanning range, it can follow him to record a video.

  However, the Encyclopedia is staring at it recently. I am afraid that she can't help the host to screen the video for herself. She can only watch it by herself.

  Koko very much doubts whether the host can have that time, after all, she is very busy.

  Man Bao saw stars in both eyes, and was about to spit it out. Teacher Mo finally went online. He also went online with a tube of azure potion.

  He said to Man Bao: "This is the antidote, come on, although it is pretended, but now that it has been made, I will give you a lecture by the way."

  Man Bao looked unlovable, and said: "Teacher, I finally know why people who can't learn homework hate attending classes so much."

  Ms. Mo:...

  Even though Man Bao was hit hard, she still sat opposite Teacher Mo, took out her notes, and looked like she was listening.

  Mr. Mo has already turned over the record of her class today, and said after a pause: "Forget it, I will briefly talk to you about the harm of these radioactive substances to the human body, and then talk about the principle of the production of this medicine."

  There is still a big difference between video lectures and live lectures.

  Mr. Mo’s previous video uploaded to the teaching room is a popular science video that can be seen everywhere on the Internet in their world. They think it is very simple, but for Man Bao, who has never heard of many terms, it is difficult to understand these.

  Not to mention, there are still many principles and formulas that have not been explained.

  But Teacher Mo personally explained that it was different. He knew that there were many things Manbao hadn't learned yet, or that they didn't think about learning those things from the beginning.

  Because she doesn’t need it.

Teacher Mo pulled down a black curtain, took a tube of colored paintbrushes in his hand, and taught directly on the curtain, “You don’t have to understand all of these terms, just use some characters you know to understand, for example, this is what you said. The stone, you can call it a gem, this substance is X..."

  Man Bao stayed in the house until the evening, and the lively sound coming in from outside awakened her. Then she accepted the notebook and applied to take out the medicine in the teaching room.

  Maybe Teacher Mo had acquiesced, maybe it was a consensus within the Encyclopedia that she only applied and passed.

  The medicine fell in Keke’s system space for safekeeping.

  Man Bao took the notebook and went out. She put the notebook on the table, opened the door and went out, and saw the big head and the others moving things to Erya's room.

  (End of this chapter)

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