Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1396: Organize (October monthly ticket plus two more)

  Chapter 1396 Arrangement (October monthly pass plus two more)

   "Sister, are you out?"

  Man Bao stood at the door and asked curiously, "How many things did you buy?"

  Zhou Lizhong (big head) said: “Not much. They are bought from the second-hand market. The wood used is average, so it’s not expensive.”

  Man Baodao: "Where did you find it?"

   "Uncle Wu took us there." Zhou Lizhong moved a chair in, and stopped in front of Man Bao. "Sister, are you really okay?"

  Man Bao shook his head, "It's okay, why do you ask?"

   Zhou Lizhong looked at Man Bao’s face, then slowly shook his head after a while, "It's okay."

Erya and Sanya personally carried their baby desks in, and Santou stood in the middle to help. Everyone was shocked when they saw Man Bao in the backyard, and Santo said quickly, "My sister, I haven't seen you in a few hours, you Why is it so haggard?"

  Bai Shan and others who came in from outside carrying things were also shocked.

  Man Bao looked at them with big bags and small bags, and was equally shocked, "How many things did you buy?"

  Bai Shan and others: "What's wrong with you?"

  Man Bao sat in front of the bronze mirror and looked closer, only to realize that her face was a little haggard and her eyes were a little blue.

  Bai Shan was a little worried, "Aren’t you fine when you went out in the morning? Did something happen again?"

  Man Bao shook his head sadly, and sighed: "It turns out that I feel that I can't learn well. I won't talk about it again in the future."

  Shirajiro on the side:...

  He angrily said: "What does this have to do with me?"

  Man Bao sighed: "I am learning a new medical technique today, but I can't learn it anymore. I have only touched it a little bit since I pondered it in the morning. It's so difficult."

  This tone is too familiar. Every time Shijiro can't remember a newly learned text, or doesn't understand it.

  Bai Erlang looked at Man Bao hesitantly, suspecting that she was mocking him, but seeing that she was indeed wilted, he believed a little bit, and hummed, "Do you know my pain now?"

  Man Bao nodded, knowing it, so it was painful.

  White Erlang coughed and asked, "What disease is so difficult to treat?"

Man Bao didn't answer him, and put the notebook on the table into Bai Shan's arms, and said, "Let's take a look, figure out a magic formula to give me, don't understand it, it's okay, I think it's a good idea. Yes, you can find a substitute for things like nouns, as long as you can distinguish them."

   Bai Erlang on the side "cough cough" twice, and asked: "Who is it?"

  Bai Shan knocked on his head, "You are clever now. Didn't you see that she was coughing?"

  Hold the book and left.

  Shirajiro followed behind and turned out of the house, complaining: "Who are you lie to, this cough is obviously an individual, and you have something to hide from me."

  I knew that Man Bao was tired now, so Bai Erlang went to pester Bai Shan.

  Man Bao looked at himself in the bronze mirror, rubbed his face, and ran to watch the excitement, clearing his mind.

  Weilang and the others bought a lot of things. The two beds are placed in the two main rooms in the front yard, and the back bed is very wide.

  It’s okay to lie down five or six people in a room.

  Because of the cold Beijing, Zhou Wulang also bought three quilts, as well as all kinds of odds and ends, such as wooden basins, barrels and shelves.

Knowing that Lixue and Ligu are going to study, they also exchanged three desks, one in Erya's room, and two in the study, directly behind Bai Shan and Man Bao. .

  Hakujiro looked at him and was displeased. Then, wouldn’t he be left alone on the other side?

  Originally, Bai Shan and Man Bao were sitting on one side, and he was not happy just putting him on the other side. Now how can the four of them be there?

  Moreover, the desks of the two of them were so big. They were the desks that they sat on, unlike theirs, which was a small desk for one person. So he objected.

  To move his desk out, and then sit with Zhou Lixue and their brothers.

  He used to play well with Santou in the village. He was a little rusty after going out for two years, but after 10 days of coexistence, they formed a deep friendship, so he wanted to sit with Santou.

  Zhou Lixue winked with him, and didn't want to sit deep with sister-in-law and Bai Shan, he felt that the pressure was too much.

  Mr. Zhuang was standing at the entrance of the study. Hearing that they were noisy and could not settle down, he said, "Change this study."

   Then he stood at the door and directed Baijiro to move out the tables and chairs, remove all the books on the bookshelf, and move the bookshelf to the tea room on the right.

  It was originally a place for drinking tea. There was a wooden couch with a low table on the couch. It was leaning against a window. Usually Mr. Zhuang liked to lean on the couch to drink tea and take a nap when he was tired from reading.

  When Bai Shan and the others went out, most of the time Xiang Mingxue accompanied him to drink tea and chat here.

  After all, although the yard is good, but it is very cold in cold weather, it is better to be more comfortable in the house.

  Weilang and the others rolled up their sleeves to help. The bookshelves were originally placed around the wall, which seemed to have a lot of space in the room.

  At this moment, he removed the curtain separating the tea room and the learning space on this side, and directly moved the bookshelf on the left side against the wall, as the screen separated the two sides, leaving only one passage in and out.

  Then arrange the desks up and down close to the wall on the left as the school looks like.

  Mr. Zhuang specially greeted him and placed the two long desks in the front two rows. The desks of Bai Shan and Man Bao were placed side by side in the third row, and the small square table of Bai Erlang was placed at the end.

Before Bai Erlang was too happy, Mr. Zhuang said to him: "You and Lixue are sitting in the first row, and Ligu and Liru (Sanya) are sitting in the second row."

  Don’t talk about the people in the study. Even Bai Shan, who had just put down his medical skills and ran over, couldn’t help but lower his head to hold back his smile, and said to the shocked Bai Erlang: “This is called stealing chickens.”

  Shirajiro can only slowly move his things to the chapter two desk with a bitter face. He doesn't want to sit right under his husband's eyelids.

  Zhou Lixue didn't want to learn either, but he looked at it before and after, and decided to obey.

  Shirajiro slowly moved things, while muttering resistance, “Sitou and Sanya are younger than us, why don’t they sit in the first row?”

  Mr. Zhuang faintly said: "If you want to learn medicine with Man Bao, naturally you have to do something closer."

   He lifted his eyelids and glanced at him and said: "And you and Bai Shanmanbao often fight, just to separate you."

  He didn't believe it. After Zhou Ligu and Zhou Liru, can the three of them quarrel?

  Facts have proved that I really want to be noisy, they can also be noisy in the same room.

After eating dinner, Bai Shan and Bai Erlang stood on the porch and quarreled in the air. Man Bao was too sleepy at the moment. She had to think about what the prince said when she entered the palace tomorrow, so she opened the window to them. Humanity: "If you quarrel again, I will give you Huanglian."

  Shirazen and Shirajiro:...

  Man Bao saw that they were quelled and was satisfied. He closed the window and muttered, "Huh, I don’t know gold inlaid with jade, but Huanglian is really angry!"

   Shirazen and Shirajiro looked at each other, snorted to each other together before turning back to the house.

  Bai Erlang went to bed, while Bai Shan went to think about the prescription.

  (End of this chapter)

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