Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1398: Detoxification II (October monthly ticket plus four more)

  Chapter 1398 Detoxification II (October monthly pass plus four more)

  Zhou Lijun carefully took it into his arms, and said with a serious and full face: "Sister, I will comb your hair every day from now on."

  Man Bao looked into her eyes through the bronze mirror, instantly comprehending what she meant, and said, “I don’t have enough jewelry for you a day.”

   "It's okay," Zhou Lijun said righteously: "Sister, am I such a person? I comb your hair because of filial piety."

   God’s filial piety, the two grew up together, Zhou Lijun is two years older than her, who doesn’t know who?

  Man Bao went to eat breakfast in a beautiful suit, and everyone was dumbfounded.

  Bai Shan was the first to come back to his senses. Seeing that Bai Erlang was still staring at her intently, he couldn't help but stretched his foot under the table and kicked him, "Don't look."

  Bai Erlang still stared at Man Bao, but he lowered his head and took a sip of porridge. He sighed, "Man Bao has really grown up."

  Man Bao raised his eyelids and glanced at him, and said, "Junior Brother has grown up a bit too."

  Bai Erlang's mood turned bad for an instant, and Bai Shan's mood was not so good either. He lowered his head and pretended that he didn't exist.

  Mr. Zhuang, who was sitting in the first place, couldn't help but smile, and clicked on his chopsticks and said: "Hurry up, I'll send you to the Imperial College to report after I'm finished. I've set a good time to go to school."

  It happened that Bai Dalang came from next door to eat breakfast. He still rents the small yard next door with his classmates. As a result, he is old and often has to socialize. His work and rest are not the same as Bai Shan and the others;

  Secondly, it’s quieter over there. There are too many young people here. In the morning, let alone here, he can feel the excitement here next door.

  It’s better to be quiet while reading.

  He heard Mr. Zhuang’s words before bowing, and after bowing, he sat down and said, “Sir, I asked Brother Xu yesterday, and he said that the school was scheduled to start on the 20th day of the Imperial College.”

  Mr. Zhuang raised his eyebrows, "I thought they opened at sixteen."

  It’s already eighteen today. The students of the Imperial College can report two days later, but the Imperial College will investigate it after too long. That’s why they rushed to the capital in such a hurry.

Bai Dalang said: "According to the rules of previous years, it is indeed 16 open. But this year, your majesty will open Enke. It has been passed to the states a year ago. There will be a big exam in April this year. There will be another big exam in August. I heard that Kong Jijiu etc. The doctor began to worry about the issue of the papers, so he set the start date of school at twenty."

  So this year, they did not say anything late, and they arrived early, although they did not arrive a few days earlier.

  Mr. Zhuang laughed when he heard it, “It just so happens. Let’s go out and find a suitable school for Lixue today.”

As a parent, Man Bao thanked Mr. Zhuang and entrusted them to Mr. Zhuang. After eating a morning meal, she took the medicine box and went out.

  Bai Shan asked the coachman at home to send her into the palace.

  It is possible that Donggong did not expect that she would actually make the antidote within a day, so she did not send someone to pick her up.

  Man Bao entered with a token given by the queen.

  The guard at the gate of the palace knew her very well. After all, she ran here every other time, either to see the queen or the prince, and the entry and exit was second only to the adults working in the imperial city.

  So I just checked it and let it go, and joked with her, "Dr. Zhou Xiao, why didn’t Duke Wu come to pick you up today?"

  Man Baodao: "Be busy, I'm familiar with the road, and I can go by myself."

  The guard let go with a smile, and said: "The little doctor walked slowly that week."

Man Bao looked at the smiling young guard, nodded his head, and secretly said: The prince had better not have that idea, otherwise the emperor would have nothing to do with the emperor, and he might not die, but these are the ones who guard the palace gate. It will definitely die.

  Man Bao carried the medicine box into the palace, and walked slowly along the wall to the east palace.

  The patrol guards and palace people encountered along the way all just glanced at her and nodded slightly, and then went on.

  A palace servant who was on the same road with her chased up from behind to carry the medicine box for her.

This month, although Man Bao was not in the palace, Doctor Liu and others occasionally practiced needles for the palace staff. Winter and spring were the time when wind-cold disease prevailed. This year, fewer people moved from the palace to the epidemic prevention center than in previous years and died. There are fewer people than in previous years.

  Don’t say anything, but in my heart I am very grateful to Man Bao.

  Although the medicine box is very heavy, there is an antidote for the prince in the medicine box.

  In case it contaminates the potion, where can she get another copy for the prince?

  So Man Bao declined the courtesy's kindness, and continued to stroll along the palace wall.

  At the entrance of the East Palace, he found that the gate of the East Palace was actually closed, and Man Bao knocked on the door.

  The guard of the East Palace opened the door and saw Man Bao startled, and immediately stepped back to let Man Bao enter.

  Man Bao asked, "How do you close the door in broad daylight?"

  The sound just fell, she vaguely heard the noise, and looked at it with puzzlement.

  The guard lowered his voice and said: "His Royal Highness is getting angry, Doctor Zhou Xiao, would you like to take a break and go there?"

  Man Bao was taken aback for a moment and then said: "No, I'll go take a look."

  Went to the backyard of the Donggong with the familiar road from Baoshumen.

  The prince was smashing things in the main yard, she heard crackling noises when she entered the yard, and the palace people were hiding in the yard.

Wu Gongzheng stood outside the door, bowed his head and wiped the sweat on his forehead. His apprentice pulled his sleeves and turned around and saw Man Bao startled. "Doctor Zhou, why did you come into the palace today? Say to pick you up..."

  Man Baodao: "I've said that I will come up for an injection every other day, so I am here."

  Man Bao probe glanced into the room, without seeing anything, he asked, "What's the matter?"

Duke Wu wiped his sweat and lowered his voice: "Yesterday, Lord Wang mentioned that the crown prince has no heirs and asked his majesty to choose a good wife for the prince. , I quarreled in the hall yesterday. Who knows that Lord Wang has raised the matter again and again without hesitation..."

  Man Bao: ...Where is the prince princess, it is clearly insinuating the prince.

  Haven't the prince find a woman for the prince?

  In the past, there were quite a few people in the East Palace.

  In the beginning, the princess had no children. Everyone still thought it was the problem of the princess, but there were so many women in the East Palace that none of them could give birth, so it was doubtful who was the problem.

  Not to mention that although the prince’s question has not been announced to the world, it is still an open secret. Everyone does not say it, but it is very clear in their hearts.

  Man Bao carried the medicine box and asked, "Then I have to wait outside?"

  Duke Wu was also uncertain, mainly because the prince was moody during this period, especially in the past few days, it is common for him to suddenly get angry, so he is now uncertain whether Zhou Man will change it and go in at this time.

  The two stood outside the door looking at each other.

  The prince roared inside, "What are you doing outside, come in for the lonely!"

  (End of this chapter)

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