Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1399: Detoxification 3 (October monthly ticket plus 5)

  Chapter 1399 Detoxification III (October monthly pass plus five more)

  Duke Wu and Man Bao looked at each other, knowing that they were calling them, and went in immediately.

  As soon as he entered the door, Man Bao felt that he had nowhere to stay. The ground was full of broken tiles, scattered tables, chairs and benches.

  The princess sat cross-legged on a high chair with a cup of tea beside her. Except where she was sitting, everything in the room was basically smashed by the prince.

  Man Bao twitched the corners of his mouth. This was really thorough. By the way, this porcelain is expensive, right?

When the princess saw Man Bao, there was some hope in her eyes. She immediately put down her feet and got up. She didn't care about the broken tiles on the floor. She avoided and stepped on it. She stretched out her hand to hold Man Bao's hand and laughed. Said: "Doctor Zhou Xiao is here, please come to your seat soon."

  Turning around, there is no place to sit in the room, and the princess smiled and said, "His Royal Highness, how about moving my small study?"

  The prince had already caught fire, he snorted coldly, his mood calmed a lot, and he turned around and left.

  Duke Wu hurriedly followed behind and waited on him.

  The princess took Man Bao tightly and pulled her to follow.

  The group of people changed to the small study room of the princess next door, and Duke Wu made a new pot of tea with great enthusiasm.

  The prince frowned at him and waved: "Go down!"

  Duke Wu bent down and backed away, took away everyone in the house, closed the door and personally guarded him from a distance.

  There were only three people in the house, and the prince looked at Man Bao mockingly and asked, "Why, did you make the antidote so soon?"

  Man Bao nodded, "It's done."

  The prince was taken aback, really did it?

  The princess got excited and took Man Bao’s hand and said, "It's great, you don't know. After you took the stone away the night before, I will wash your highness's hair and your highness's hair..."

  The princess had a pause when she said that, her eyes turned red, and she pressed her handkerchief at the corner of her eye without speaking.

  Man Bao looked at the prince’s hair subconsciously, and asked, "Did it fall?"

  The face of the prince was very ugly.

  The princess did not want to conceal the condition, nodded and said: "I just rubbed it lightly, and the hair fell off a lot..."

  Man Bao didn’t expect it to be so serious, but according to Teacher Mo’s statement, it was just the impact. She quickly comforted the two of them, “It’s okay, but fortunately, there is no nosebleed.”

Man Bao opened the medicine box and took out the porcelain bottle from the inside to give it to the prince. "This is the antidote. After drinking it, go out to practice swordsmanship or dance. Anyway, you have to sweat. After you sweat, take a bath and sleep. Just feel good."

  The prince took the porcelain bottle, raised an eyebrow and asked, "So simple?"

  Man Bao nodded, "His Royal Highness has been in contact with this stone not long ago, so just take medicine to reject him."

  The prince opened the cork, glanced inside, and was stunned, thinking that he had read the wrong thing, so he poured the tea in the tea bowl casually and poured the medicine inside into the bowl.

  The princess looked down and was stunned.

  The couple looked at the blue water in a daze, and were quite surprised, "Is this the antidote?"

  Man Bao nodded, "Yes, it's the antidote."

  She looked at the prince with encouragement, "His Royal Highness, drink quickly."

  The prince raised his head and glanced at Man Bao, then lowered his head and glanced at the weird potion. He picked it up and smelled it. He found that the antidote didn't smell at all.

   looks even stranger.

  The prince lit a porcelain bowl and asked: "How is this antidote made?"

  Man Bao couldn’t help scratching his head. I’ve got it. I came out too early today. I forgot to ask Bai Shan if his mysterious and mysterious prescription came out...

  Man Bao looked at the prince innocently with his big eyes open.

  The prince stared at her for a while, did not ask any more, after thinking for a while, he raised his head and drank the medicine.

  The princess on the side also looked at him nervously, and for a while, seeing that he had no reaction at all, she asked, "How does your highness feel?"

  The prince frowned, "It doesn't feel at all, but this medicine does have a strange smell, not bitter, but rather refreshing."

  Man Baodao: "Do you want to go out to sweat?"

  The prince took a look at Man Bao, turned around and opened the door to go out, let Duke Wu take his sword, and he danced the sword directly in the yard.

  Man Bao and the princess were standing on the corridor to watch him practice swords. Not to mention, the princess was still very heroic.

Man Bao turned to look at the princess, wondering if she was going to inquire about the prince's thoughts with the princess, the princess suddenly turned to look at her, and smiled: "Dr. Zhou Xiao today is very different from the past, really Pretty."

  Man Bao only then remembered that he changed his hairstyle and headwear today. In other words, the prince didn’t seem to have noticed it. Alas, it turns out that beauty is all girls.

  Princess Man Baochong raised a smile and praised the makeup of the princess, "The princess also looks very good today."

  The princess reached out her hand and touched her cheek, and said with a small smile: "I am old, not as tender as you."

  Man Bao blinked, "Are you old? The girl looked so young."

The princess puckered her lips and smiled. Seeing that the princess had moved to the other side of the rockery, she said: "I didn't expect Dr. Zhou Xiao to make the antidote so quickly. Therefore, the princess and I will have children. ?"

  Man Bao definitely nodded, "As long as His Royal Highness and Niang Niang follow the doctor's advice, there will be."

  For some reason, there was a warm current in the princess's heart. If she was like falling into an ice cave the day before yesterday, and her heart was like ashes yesterday, then today is a little spark in the ashes.

  She fixedly looked at Man Bao, and both of them swallowed nervously, and the princess said in a low voice: "Okay, I believe you."

  Man Bao seized the time and asked in a low voice, "What about the Prince?"

  The princess turned her head to look at Han Jianlin's prince, and did not speak for a long time.

  Seriously, she didn't know either.

  So she did not answer Zhou Man.

  The pressure on the prince is much heavier than that of the princess, and the injuries suffered are even greater. The princess can't talk to Zhou Man now.

  Man Bao will not ask any more.

The two stood under the porch and watched the prince dance two sets of swordsmanship. He came back with his sword sweating profusely, panting, he put the sword in its sheath and hung it back to the study. Then he turned to Wu Gonggong and said: " Prepare hot water, I just want to take a bath."

   "Here." Duke Wu hurriedly bowed and withdrew the arrangement.

  The prince changed the water twice. When he came out, his face and body were hot, like steamed shrimp.

  His eyes were drooping, and he fell asleep leaning on the soft couch without saying a few words.

  The princess was worried when she saw her.

  Man Bao comforted her and said: "It's okay, this is normal, I can give him a needle now."

  Manbao has already paid the points for Keke to scan again. The data obtained is that the rejection effect is particularly good.

  The prince’s body has not been contaminated, so the effect of the medicine is very good, even because the medicine has some repair effects, his body has been repaired.

  Man Bao looked at the scanned data and touched his chin thoughtfully. The medicine her mother had drunk...

  Man Bao’s consciousness opened the mall and found the medicine again. She looked at the medicine, then looked down at the prince, and couldn’t help but look at the medicine again...

  In other words, why didn’t she remember it?

  (End of this chapter)

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