Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1933: Self-assertion

  Chapter 1933 Self-assertion

Although the two cousins ​​were very guarded, Zhou Man couldn’t bear Zhou Man’s authority, and a large group of adults was behind him, so she walked into the yard. Although the three of them looked at her with wide-eyed eyes, they did not dare to speak out. Drive people out.

  But when she saw her raising her foot into the door of the hall, she couldn't help but shouted: "You, you can't go in!"

Man Bao looked back at him and said, "I'll see how this house is going to be repaired. You can't live like this. I think this thatch hasn't been replaced for many years. If it rains in two days, do you want to live in the water? ?"

After that, she stretched out her hand to open the curtain and went in. Seeing the dirty and messy look inside, she sighed again and again. She only turned around and then came out and said to a bunch of young people: "I can't look at it like this. I don't know who has extra thatch. , Each family took out one or two, and everyone helped the uncle righteous tidy up the house so that it was easy to live in."

  Lao Zhou saw that his daughters had folded their sleeves to work, so he glared at his two sons and said, "Hurry up and help."

   Zhou Da Lang and Wu Wu Lang hurriedly rolled up their sleeves, but Xia Yi’s house was so dirty and messy that they didn’t know where to start. They weren’t houseworkers either.

  So the brothers looked up to the roof, and they simply looked for a ladder to pull all the thatch on the roof.

  But Xia Yi’s house does not have a ladder, so they can only step on the half-collapsed fence and tear off the thatch.

   Xia Yi’s eldest son couldn’t help but exclaimed: “What are you doing? This is my house. You are not allowed to do anything. Come down!”

  Man Bao glanced at him and said: "My eldest brother and fifth elder brothers are repairing the roof of your house, can't you tell? The thatch hasn't been changed for many years. After two days of rain, do you want to sleep in the rain?"

The young man behind    also pulled him a bit and persuaded: "Da Lang, your cousin is for your good."

   After talking, turn around and the humanity in the clan: “Let’s go back and find some thatch. Let’s get some out of the family and fix the roof for him first.”

  Many people are unhappy. It is very tiring to mow the thatch, dry it and tie it up. Is it easy to tie it up?

   But seeing Zhou Man rolled up his sleeves, they were reluctant to lose face in front of her.

   said she belonged to the same family, cousins ​​and not cousins, but they couldn’t help treating her as an outsider without changing her surname.

  Being an outsider, he doesn’t want to lose face.

  Hesitated for a while, someone turned around and went back to get things, someone opened their heads, and others went home.

  Some of them were headed by their parents, brothers and sisters. Seeing that they had taken the thatch and ladder to wait out, they couldn’t help cursing.

Lao Zhou did not know that he took out a broom from there and stuffed it to Qian, and then he perfunctorily patted the wall on the side, digging out the dirt, and listening to the different screams and babbles coming from a distance, he couldn't help it. And Qian said: "Xia Yi can't be a human being. If something goes wrong, no one in the whole clan will help."

  Qian stood holding the broom, nodded slightly, and did not move.

  She will do well when she does it, rather than standing up instead of fishing.

She glanced at the old Zhou, who was pretending to be diligent, who didn't want to move, and said, "The atmosphere in the village and the clan is also common, no matter how the same clan, as long as they are not in a big feud, they come back down and don't help themselves. If the children want to help, just let them do it, why stop people?"

Qian also listened to the curses from the village, and glanced at the two teenagers and the little girl standing in the courtyard with a green face. He shook his head and said, "Since I helped people, I didn't end up, why bother? ?"

  That is, someone at home has come to help, and if you scold someone, doesn’t it eliminate all the feelings of helping this day?

  I am afraid that he might even help out. Old Zhou also thinks that those cursing people are a bit stupid.

  If it was him, he would walk here even if he didn’t help and say a few nice sentences, and he could say two sentences without reaching out.

  Xia Yi and his wife were not there, leaving only three children at home, but these three children were neither big enough to refuse other people’s kindness, nor too small to forget other people’s insults.

  Qian raised the corner of his mouth, turned his head and saw that Lao Zhou was still slapped against the wall, he stretched out his hand and patted his hand, and patted the back of his hand red with a slap.

She glanced sideways at him and said, "Fucking with what, didn't you see that the wall is broken? Go to someone and ask where they dug the mud for the wall. Now go and dig some back. The wall fills up."

  Old Zhoutou couldn't help but shouted in a low voice: "Do you want to make up the wall for them?"

"It doesn't cost you a penny or much effort from you. Haven't you seen so many young men here? It's good for you, what's wrong with you?" Qian said, "Man Bao is an official, official. The voice is the most important thing. I don’t want to go back to the capital. Some people say that our family is bullying and robbing other people’s houses.”

  Lao Zhoutou was very reluctant in his heart, so he could only hold his breath, squeezed a smile out and went to ask a young man who seemed not young in his grade for questioning.

  Don’t say, he really knew it, so the old Zhoutou smiled and moved several young people to go back and pick a basket to go dredging together.

  Waiting for the clan chief Xia and the elders to be alarmed by the curse in the village, and follow the movement to find them, Zhou Dalang had already taken a group of young people to the roof of Xia Yi's house.

   Patriarch Xia's eyes widened. The first reaction was that Zhou's family and Xia Yi's family had a complete fallout. He immediately stepped forward with a cane and shouted: "What are you doing!?"

Man Baozheng and Bai Shan moved the furniture under the courtyard wall a little bit in the middle. Hearing this, he glanced back and immediately laughed and said, "The patriarch is here too. We are helping Yi Tang Bo repair and tidy up the house. Woolen cloth."

  Xia Dalang was expressionless at the moment, and the obedient siblings moved the things out of the house together with his younger siblings. When he saw Patriarch Xia, he called out "Patriarch Grandpa."

   Patriarch Xia mentioned that the heart in his throat fell. He glanced at Xia Yi's house, which was completely disrespectful, and felt that it would be another horror when Xia Yi came back, so he raised his heart again.

  He couldn’t help looking at Zhou Man, and he didn’t know if she was sincere or unintentional. He sighed and said, “It’s good for Xia Yi to do such a big thing as building a house. How can you...”

  Replace him?

  Man Bao said, "But it has been three days since Counsel Yi went home. The house is still so messy, obviously it is difficult to clean up."

   "The mother-in-law just came back, so she can't just let her work out, right? Anyway, there are many people in the clan, and everyone helps to do things well."

  A group of young people who rarely take shots thought it was fun, and nodded one after another, "Yes, yeah, everyone is ready to help."

   Patriarch Xia looked down at them and saw that they were sitting squatting on the ground with thatch. He looked around the yard and found that there were a lot of new thatch, but this was obviously not enough.

  He took a deep breath, turned around and said to his son: "Go back and pull up twenty bundles of thatch."

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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