Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1934: Ha ha ha ha

   Chapter 1934 Hahahaha

  His son:...their thatch is to build a shed for the cows to live in. There is not much at first, so take it out again...

   Patriarch Xia saw that he hadn’t moved, so he roared, “What are you doing, don’t hurry back, let your daughter-in-law come to the clan to find more women to help.”

  The Qian who was holding the broom on the side smiled and said, “It’s best to bring a wooden barrel, a wooden basin, and some unnecessary old clothes. There are few things in this house, and I’m afraid it’s not enough.”

   Patriarch Xia forced a smile, nodded, and asked his son to follow suit.

When Patriarch Xia’s daughter-in-law brought seven or eight women with a wooden barrel and a wooden basin, Man Bao and the others were already laughing and helping to remove all the things in the house, including the bed, table, chair, and bench.

Man Bao looked at the tattered bed that was moved out, and then at the old bed in the dilapidated shed next to it. Although the bed was old, the pattern was good. The most important thing was that the quality looked very good. Although Man Bao I don't know much about carpenter's work, but I also know that it's pretty good by looking at those openings.

  Although she looked like she had thrown away the tattered bed in front of her, she did not say anything, but looked up at the roof.

  Zhou Dalang and the others have cleaned the roof and cleaned it up. It is not difficult to remove the thatched roof. Anyway, the removed thatch can no longer be used, and most of them are used for firewood.

  Someone passed the twine up, and Zhou Dalang asked, “Who knows how to repair the roof? You have to be able to repair it. Don’t step on it and fall down. It will be crippled and dead.”

  The young people who were eager to try retreated most of the time. In the end, a few older middle-aged and young people stepped on the ladder and got on the roof.

  So the people below handed the tied thatch up, and Zhou Dalang and others squatted on the roof to spread the thatch...

  This speed is not slow, they are very experienced.

  Qian took the women and a few older children into the house to clean the room, and Man Bao was also taken in by her.

  Xia Yi’s family has been inhabited for many years. There are countless dirt hidden in the corner. Qian’s also simply. Wash the ones that can be washed with water, and wipe the ones that can’t. Use the broom to clean up the rest.

  Everyone comes in and out...

  Wait until noon, Lao Zhou came back with someone carrying the mud that stuck the wall. He also simply picked some thatch that looked good among the thatch that was pulled down, and stirred it directly into the mud...

  Then Clan Chief Xia watched them go to paste the wall, paste the pits and holes on the walls...

  He looked in a daze, saying, why did the Zhou family be the master of their Xia family?

  A clan elder watched for a long time and asked: "Patriarch, with so many people, will you just invite Zhou's family for a while, or even invite these children?"

   Patriarch Xia:...

  He said irritably, "Let them go back to each house for dinner, and when Xia Yi comes back, I will invite them tonight."

  After that, he glanced at the busy people in the yard, turned around and left.

  The Zhou family, who just wanted to stretch out their hands and want to behave, found out that Xia Yi and his wife were not at home, and they hadn’t come back after lunch. They simply stayed a little longer and put the house in order.

  Lao Zhoutou smiled while leading the young man of the Xia family to pour mud into the gap.

  After half a day of work, the young people behind his **** have already known him, so they directly asked: "Uncle Zhou, what are you happy about?"

   "Nothing, just happy for Xia Yi, he will be very happy when he comes back and sees the house finished."

  The young man nodded, "Well, if I go out to the county seat and come back, not only will the roof be repaired, but also the inside and outside of the house will be cleaned up. I must be crazy."

  Lao Zhou laughed when he heard the words, and stretched out his hand to pat his shoulder and said: "Yes, good boy, let Xia Yi invite you to have a drink at night."

   "Yes, I must let Xia Yi invite us to have a drink. I haven't worked so hard to build a house for my family."

  In the middle of the afternoon, the roof was tied up, and Qian ordered people to move the furniture in one by one. Naturally, that kind of tattered bed was unnecessary. As for how to deal with it, it depends on how Xia Yi came back.

  She asked the three children of the Xia family, separated their respective beds and let them be carried in and installed.

  This kind of bed is not difficult to install, just align the holes and buckle in, and then put the board in place, once and twice, you can always figure it out.

  This kind of work is a man’s work. She took the women to carry the cages into the room, set the tables and chairs, and then wiped them with old clothes cut into rags, and the house became clean and tidy.

  Although it is far from the Songhua Lane home, it is much better than the previous home.

After staying at home for two or three days, the three brothers and sisters who were about to collapse stood on the side with a rag.

  Qian had put everything in order, and saw them standing there. He stretched out his hand to shook the rotten window and said, "The window will be changed when your parents come back."

Seeing that the young people who came to help were all squatting in the yard to rest, she said to the three children: "I just cleaned up the kitchen. There are few things in the house, but the water is still available. Go and boil some water, even if you can’t. It’s okay to brew tea and give everyone a bowl of hot water."

  She hinted: "You are polite and courteous, and the talents of the race will help more in the future."

  Xia Dalang looked up at her, then said, "I have tea at home."

  Sister Xia shouted: "I know where it is, I'll get it."

   Turned around and ran into the room to look through the cage.

  Natsujiro scratched his head and turned to the kitchen to start a fire.

  Xia Dalang did not leave, he hesitated for a while, and asked: "The house in Songhua Lane belongs to your family?"

Qian looked at him with a smile on his face and said, "It's not my family's, it's your cousin's. It was left to her by her grandparents and parents. Thank you for looking at the house for her over the years. If not, the house might be deserted. What is it like."

  Xia Dalang blushed. He was only thirteen or fourteen years old. His face was still tender. When he was so solemnly thanked by an elder, his face was instantly burnt.

  He just said a few words, "No thanks."

   Turn around and leave, turn out some bowls to wash, and pour water for them to drink later.

  Qian turned around and went to the next room. Although the bed is not difficult to install, there are not many people who have this experience. After all, most people only buy a bed once in their lives. They are basically installed by carpenters, and then they will not move.

  So Manbao and the others are rolling up their sleeves and doing their own hands. The three of them work together on a bed. It took two or three quarters of an hour to install the chicks, and then they put the board on.

This is just like a puzzle. If this board does not fit with that board, put it aside. The three of them quickly put the bed board in place, clapped their hands and said happily: "The rest is not our job, yes. , Xia Yi cough cough, why isn't it the cousin Yi who hasn't come back?"

  Bai Shan glanced at Man Bao, who was overjoyed, and turned his head to glance at the sky outside the window, "Actually, should you be back now?"

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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