Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2017: Prepare

  Chapter 2017 Preparation

  The sky is getting bright outside, the morning light comes in, and the palace people carefully go in and out to put out the lanterns and take them away.

  The emperor and empress burned the last handful of paper money silently. The prince got up to burn incense and light up, and paused when he turned around a large pillar in the hall.

Wu Gonggong, who was serving the prince to add lights, looked up and saw Zhou Man leaning on Dazhu only, with his head leaning on Dazhu sleeping soundly. I don’t know when she dragged a futon over and put it under her knees, but she was kneeling. Don't kneel down, it's like sitting, one hand is still on the medicine box in the left hand...

  Because there was a white tent hanging in the temple, white linen was tied to the pillar, which hung down just to block her. No one noticed that she was hiding here last night.

  The prince saw that her mouth was a little open when she slept, and her saliva was about to flow out, which really hurt her eyes, so he quickly walked past her and touched her with his toes as he passed.

Man Bao was awakened in an instant and sat upright. She turned her head to look at the Prince's Beiying with a dazed expression. When she raised her head, she faced the Prince Wu, who was winking at her. She didn't realize it yet, and Prince Wu ran away with the Prince. .

  Man Bao moved his body to ease his kneeling legs, and then he stood up on the pillar after a while.

  The prince filled in all the lights in the hall that needed to be added. When he returned, he saw Zhou Man move the futon out of the pillar and knelt to the front.

  Just because she slept on the pillar, there are still marks on half of her face.

  The crown prince glanced at her, but didn't see it, walked forward and handed the burned incense to the emperor and empress.

  The emperor and the queen put on a handful of incense, and after kowtow, they stood up with each other.

The emperor had to go to bathe and change clothes to see the hundred officials in front, and the queen would also go to see the officials and family members in a while, with each other crying with their subordinates, so the emperor did not say much to the queen, but just ordered Zhou Man, who was kneeling behind in a daze, said: " Zhou Man, take good care of your mother."

  Man Bao regained consciousness, and immediately responded, and waited for the emperor and the queen prince to walk by before getting up from the mat, and then carrying the medicine box and the queen back to the Tai Chi Hall.

  Man Bao had seen the pulse of the queen. Unlike her being lazy, the queen stayed for the whole night, so she was a little weak at this time.

  Aunt Shang also knew this, and she had to see the officials' fate in a while, so she asked Man Bao to show the queen whether she needed medicine.

You can't take medicated food at this time, because many of the medicated foods for qi and blood use meaty things, so Manbao still prescribes the medicine, and then asks the queen to take a bath and change clothes, give her a needle, and eat it after breakfast. Medicine.

  After all this was done, the queen leaned on the couch, closed her eyes and rested, waiting for the time to go to the front to see the officials' fate.

It may be because of both the needle and the medicine, or it may be because the queen who has never slept all night, actually leaned on a soft pillow to fall asleep, because everyone heard soft snoring, which is rare. of.

  So the palace people lightened their hands and feet, and quietly retreated.

   Aunt Shang pulled Man Bao and gently withdrew. She smiled and said: "Let the empress sleep for half an hour, Doctor Zhou will go to dinner first, and you will have to accompany the empress to kneel for a while."

  Man Bao responded, turned around and went to the side hall to eat.

When the queen woke up, the front was ready. The queen went to the mourning hall. The square on the Tai Chi Palace was already full of people standing on both sides. The emperor and the queen led the people in the clan and stood in front of the mourning hall. Man Bao followed Shang The aunts and the others stood on the side, separated by a hall, opposite to the doctor Xiao who was in charge of looking after the emperor.

  Liu Taiyi has gone to work in shifts to rest.

  The official book of the Ministry of Etiquette presides over the funeral and guides the empress to worship. Outside, there is an order from the herald, and Baiguan and the family members of the Baiguan follow the order to worship, and then the crying spirit.

Man Bao did not follow the queen until noon. When she went to rest, she took the opportunity to return to the side hall of the mourning hall. This was already the temporary office and rest room of their hospital. At this time, they were sleeping and sitting on their stomachs. The imperial physician and medical aid who are taking a rest.

  Zheng Gu, Zheng Shao, and Doctor Liu were also there. The three of them came in early in the morning to help them, and then they went to boil the refreshing soup and the heat-relief soup. When they saw the master coming in, they immediately stepped forward.

Man Bao recruited them to step forward. The four masters and apprentices pulled out the box under the bed. She checked what was inside and there was nothing wrong with it. Only then did Zheng Shao carry them out to Gong Gong, and asked Gong Gong to bring them to her first. Back to the East Palace.

  Duke Wu wants to send someone back to the East Palace to take the Prince's joyful clothes. After receiving the things, he lowered his voice and said: "His Royal Highness asked you to pay close attention to the empress and the little emperor."

  Man Bao nodded, "I will pay attention."

  Satisfied, Duke Wu turned around and left after holding things.

  Man Bao turned around and arranged three disciples, "Zheng Gu, I have agreed with Doctor Xiao, you go to lay hands with him, Zheng Shao, you go and follow Doctor Zheng, Sanniang, you follow me."

  The three people who could only boil medicine were properly arranged. The medical assistants who were still sitting and resting in the room were too envious, but they could only watch them go.

Man Bao turned around and saw, and after thinking about it, he went to see Dr. Xiao, "Early Doctor Liu said that it is not obvious today, but there will be many people who will become sick in two days. It is better to take turns and stay behind to pick up the medicine in batches, so that the front and the back Anyone can rest."

Grand Doctor Xiao understood what Zhou Man meant. She wanted to train more imperial doctors, but, "Hundred officials, nobles, and the female family members are all in the palace. If your majesty is considerate, seven days will be gone. If your majesty is filial, Those nine days are the least. Those elders who are kneeling at the forefront are not easy to explain to anyone who is sick, so we not only have to be fast, but also have good medical skills. These medical aids are inexperienced, and we have to teach again... …"

This is also one of the important reasons why they don’t like to bring inexperienced medical assistance. Because nothing happens, they feel a little irritated at most. It may be the fault of the attending physician.

The three Zheng and Gu are okay. Not to mention that they were taken by Zhou Man to sit in the hall for a while when they were in Jishitang. They also went to the palace for a long time to treat the maids in the palace for a long time. These steps are not unfamiliar, and the pulse case can be written very detailed and regular.

  But other medical aids are different.

  Man Bao thought for a while and said, "So I still have to teach."

  She turned around and said: "You and Doctor Liu should have taken them a long time ago, so that we won't be too busy with things. There may be more such things in the future. It's better to start now."

Madam Xiao knew that she felt that they had not properly trained the medical aids, but his medical skills were not brought by the wind. Those medical aids were not their own nephews, and they had to rely on themselves to learn things, and they also brought what they usually should bring. good or not?

   Right now, he is not for Zhou Man’s leucorrhea apprentices either. He is willing to teach Zheng Gu or she will study the "Qing Nang Jing" together afterwards.

  Some things are hard to say, but Doctor Xiao looked at Zhou Man and his eyes revealed everything.

  Man Bao comprehended and sighed: "Okay, then I will choose two more medical aids to take with me?"

  Xiao Yuanzheng smiled and said, “It’s natural that Doctor Zhou is willing to work on me.”

  Man Bao didn't force him anymore, and went in and picked two medical assistants whom she thought were good in medical skills, and asked them to follow her.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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