Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2018: Mourning one

  Chapter 2018 Funeral One

  Man Bao is privately preparing to resign. When he goes out to study, he will not necessarily bring his disciples, so their best future is to stay in the hospital or take orders to the local hospital.

  But no matter what kind, there is nothing wrong with having more talents and connections in the hospital.

  Unlike the eunuchs who plan to take root in the Taiyuan Hospital for the rest of their lives, Man Bao did not intend to stay in the Taiyuan Hospital for the rest of his life.

  So she did not shy away from teaching medical assistance at all, nor did she worry about teaching her apprentices to starve to death.

  The selected Medical Assistant Cai and Medical Assistant Yin saw Zhou Man instructing them in more detail than before, and they all cheered up and did not dare to relax and listen carefully.

In fact, to put it bluntly, they stood here to pay attention to everyone's faces. Seeing that Mrs. Cui's face was not very good, Man Bao asked the maid to ask, and said to the three people standing behind: "You see it, like Mrs. Cui People like this should be diabetic. There is nothing in her stomach to get sick, and her hands are shaking. What should I do at this time?"

  They know that eating is good, but what to eat is very particular.

  The three discussed in low voices. After a while, the maid helped Mrs. Cui to the side hall where she was resting. The others continued to kneel and cry when it was time.

  Man Bao stood still, and said to Doctor Liu, “You take Doctor Yin to see it. If you can’t handle it, let someone call me.”

   Doctor Liu responded in a low voice, and went to the side hall with Doctor Yin.

  Doctor Yin was a little excited, lowered his voice and said to Doctor Liu, "Doctor Liu, Doctor Zhou is really good to you."

  Doctor Liu nodded her head appreciatively, yes, her grandfather would not teach her medical skills, the master taught her everything, and she never hid herself. "

  Man Bao felt that Mingda’s face was crying too hard, taking advantage of the break, he told Doctor Cai to stare at people and then went in to find Mingda, and took her and Changyu to the side hall.

   Seeing the eyes of the two people were red and swollen, she asked the palace lady to take a piece of ice pack and put them on her eyes, and then comforted them: "You are sorry, if you cry and break your body, the empress mother will go uneasy."

  Mingda and Changyu are really sad, after all, the queen mother has always loved them very much.

  Especially Mingda, because she is a princess, she and Yunfeng have the same status as the queen mother, and even because she accompanies the queen mother more, she is actually two points closer than Yunfeng.

   is just the empress dowager pity Yunfeng, so it seems that Yunfeng is more favored, but last night the inheritance, in fact, she got second only to the crown prince and the king of Xinqing County, and even two points thicker than Yunfeng.

  The two of them were not very interested, and Man Bao did not provoke them to talk, so he let them rest for a while, gave them a few needles and let them go back.

  Because of the good relationship with the princess, Man Bao always asks people to help the princess go to the side hall. The little emperor and grandson do not need to guard the spirit, but they still show up three times a day.

  In addition to the bursts of crying outside, the mourning hall was full of sandalwood scent, and the little emperor started crying not twice.

Man Bao could only hug him once and run his back, massage his acupuncture points to stop his panic, and then prescribed medicine to the nanny to comfort him after he took the milk, but because he cried for a long time, Even when he fell asleep, he smoked, sucking his nose from Man Bao's shoulder from time to time and shaking.

  The prince and the princess were distressed, and the emperor and the queen were also distressed, but the emperor was not good at giving orders and could only look at the queen.

  The queen ordered that children under the age of seven in the clan do not have to cry and watch spirits. The queen mother loves her children and grandchildren, and she will not want her children to be frightened.

  So the little emperor grandson was sent back to the East Palace, and the cry of the children in the mourning hall was less.

The queen mother died of illness, and the emperor personally cried for seven days. Baiguan and Baiguan’s family members cried with him for seven days. The first three days were okay. From the fourth day onwards, people continued to fall because they couldn’t survive, and the hospital became more and more busy. .

  Man Bao and other imperial physicians took turns, but the total time to sleep each day was not more than two hours. By the seventh day, she felt that she was closing her eyes when she walked, but when someone fell, she was the fastest to find out.

  Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites began to write a letter stating that the emperor should attach importance to state affairs and should not be too sorrowful, otherwise the empress dowager will not feel at ease when she leaves...

  The other ministers in the dynasty followed the letter. The emperor was persuaded three times, and then he did not personally guard the spirit and cry for the spirit, so the officials also began to restore order.

  The mourning hall of the Queen Mother is still displayed. The monks of Huguo Temple and Taoist priests of Xuandu Temple are still reciting scriptures and doing things, but except for the royal family and clan rooms, the hundred officials no longer enter the palace to cry for spirits, but start to work normally.

  The officials can finally go out of the palace in the evening without having to enter the palace early in the morning.

  The emperor canceled the great dynasty meeting, and only held small dynasty meetings with the ministers every day, and then put on paper, remembering that he would cry again later.

   is really crying. Man Bao ran to the small study twice because of the emperor's sadness and Doctor Xiao, and he was very sure that the emperor was really sad.

Man Bao thought about it for a while, and felt that if her mother had an accident, she would definitely cry to death, so she comforted the emperor with a special understanding, and then prescribed painful soothing medicine for him, hoping that the emperor who doesn’t like to drink medicine can drink it. After taking the medicine, I want to prescribe a little so as not to drink the medicine.

  It’s impossible to want to do it. Until Man Bao could leave the palace and go home to rest, the emperor would run to the queen mother’s mourning hall to cry from time to time.

  She moved the box that the queen mother gave her back home, and then went around the house, and finally asked her elder brother to install a small wooden house in a good location, and then put the Buddha and Lao Tzu statues sent by the queen mother.

  In front of each statue, there is a table for the incense burner and offerings.

  Man Bao said to the family humanely: "Sent from the empress dowager. If I am not at home in the future, you must remember to give me incense."

  Zheng was stunned, staring blankly, "How can there be a house for it...Do you want to separate?"

"I repaired the houses for them separately, and I think the Buddhist scriptures and Taoist scriptures have something in common. They might be able to discuss and discuss together, it doesn't matter," Man Bao said, "As long as we are religious when offering incense. NS."

  Xiao Qian thinks so too, and Man Bao said: "Sister-in-law, here you are."

  Man Bao smiled, "Thank you, sister-in-law."

  "Tell sister-in-law what you wish, and sister-in-law will give you permission."

  Man Bao solemnly said: "I hope the medical books given to me by the Queen Mother are true."


  Man Bao said earnestly: "I promise this wish. I hope that the medical books given to me by the Queen Mother are genuine, especially the "Qing Sang Jing" is real and genuine. It would be even better if I could get the second volume."

  Bai Shan was surprised, "The Queen Mother has the "Qing Sang Sutra" in her hand, did she give it to you?"

  Man Bao nodded, "Not only the "Qing Sang Jing", there are also five medical books, but I have been too busy recently, I haven't had time to read it."

  But there is the "Qing Sang Jing" before, and other medical books will not be too bad, so she decided to look at it later.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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