Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2237: Set off

  Chapter 2237 Departure

  Bai Shan and the others negotiated a price, and immediately went to General Meng to ask for clearance documents.

  General Meng frowned slightly, but he still signed them, handed the documents to them, and said: "You come to the mansion for dinner in the evening, and He Cishi and I will do it for you."

  If it wasn't for a Yinor in the team, he would not be happy to interact with them too much, because Zhou Man and Bai Shan both carry the label of a prince.

  Man Bao and the others happily responded. It’s still very happy to eat for nothing.

Of course, they are not eating for nothing. During the dinner, they mentioned their address, "We live in the Yunlai Inn next to the post station. If He Shishi needs us from the Western Regions, he can send the order back. Go to Yunlai Inn."

   Then he mentioned the status quo of the station.

   heard the history of their use of eye drops:...

  He looked up at General Meng.

  Yunlai Inn can barely be regarded as the property of General Meng.

General Meng didn’t care much about this, he saw He Shishi came to see him and he said: “Back then, Liao Ning was at odds with me. It happened that there was a post in Suzhou where Shazhou would live in the future, and the post house opened the inn opposite. I was a little scornful towards the inn. The people under my hands were uncomfortable and reported to Liao Ning, but Liao Ning prevaricated about the matter because of me. My brother-in-law was not so angry that he took the money to open another inn next to the inn."

  He said: "Now what the governor knows, you have to rectify the inn, just start, don't worry about transporting to the inn."

The inn is actually a trivial matter, so although He Shishi is a little dissatisfied with the inn being abandoned, but because the inn opposite to the inn was opened by the post, and the county magistrate of Guo County took part in the inn after the former governor, Liao Ning, left. The inn opened by General Meng and the others is regarded as the two most powerful parties in Shazhou rushing to grab the business of the inn.

  In order to better carry out his work, he kept his eyes closed. Anyway, there are not many officials received at the station all year round, and most of the time, he is still working for civilian purposes.

  Although I lost a sum of money, it’s better than matching up with the magistrates and garrison generals of the largest county under my own.

  Since General Meng said he didn’t care, then the county magistrate Guo didn’t need to care. He was his immediate boss anyway?

  Mr. Zhuang did not expect this development, and raised his eyebrows. Bai Shan smiled and said: "That's all about the post, the guy in the post, named Ren Ergou, is a rare honest and diligent person."

  He also only mentioned one sentence, but He Cashi remembered it in his heart.

He already knew that the identity of this group of teenagers was not simple, not to mention Yinor, Liu Huan was the grandson of the Hubu Shangshu, the youngest son of Su Zhou Changshi, and Bai Cheng was the future son-in-law, the emperor's son-in-law, and Bai Shan was a juvenile Jinshi. Deeply favored by the emperor.

  Neither of these is simple, it's just to promote a guy, it's worth selling them a favor.

  But Manbao couldn't see them anymore. They packed their luggage and left the city the day after they got the paperwork.

  Master You went to the gate of the city to see them farewell, half of his goods were sold, well, they were sold to Da Yu.

At first it was only heavy rain and they bought it. Later, Bai Shan and the others looked at their luggage, and they simply bought gold and Master You and stuffed them with cloth. So Master You's goods were half sold, even if they were in acquaintances. It was a little cheaper for them and he also made a lot of money.

Master You thought that he might leave after two or three months, and maybe he could still be with them, so he stood at the gate of the city and waved to them: "Mr. Zhuang, Master Zhou, when you return from the Western Regions, maybe I'm still in the city. Here, let’s go back to Xiazhou together at that time."

  It is safe to be with them, there is nothing wrong with it except that it takes more time.

  Man Bao also rode on the horse and waved to him, replied: "No problem, if you are still in Shazhou by then, we will definitely call you."

  At that time, they will change another route. Master You is someone who is familiar with the journey, and he will just listen to him at that time.

  General Meng stood on the tower and watched them gallop away on horseback, shook his head slightly.

  Major General Meng was puzzled, "Since my father is worried about them, why should I give them the paperwork?"

  General Meng said: "People are not frivolous and juvenile, which one of them is mediocre? Although the risk is great, I know it is not their opportunity? I have done my reminder, and the rest is their decision."

  After finishing speaking, he glanced at his son and thought that he was good in everything, but he was a little too old-fashioned. In contrast, the young people below are better.

  He didn't know that Bai Shan and the others were more aggressive, and they paid a lot of money to hire a group of people who were former horse thieves as their guards.

  Bai Shan hit a horse to catch up with the heavy rain, and asked curiously, "Did you send a letter to the mayor?"

  Heavy rain said indifferently: "We went out yesterday to look for it, and there are no merchants who have visited the town, so we won't send it."

  He said: "We left a message at the wine house we know each other in the city, and we will know if someone in the town comes to ask."

  Bai Shan felt that their hearts were also quite big.

  The heavy rain did not take it seriously. They used to be horse thieves who licked their blood.

  A group of people joked and ran, and the carriage accelerated...

  Man Bao and they took a few guards and ran ahead to see if there were any tea stalls in front of them. If they didn’t, they would find an open space to take a break at noon.

There are green hills outside Yumen Pass. According to heavy rain, you will enter a desert within two days of walking, and you must walk slowly in the desert. He said: “There is an ancient road in the desert with few water plants in the middle, which is very different from ours. I heard that there used to be a Loulan country there, and when you get there, you have entered the Western Regions."

They walked this way during the heavy rain. I don’t know if they walked as a horse thief or after they started to pick up escorts and other business, but he still understands it. Tell them about the towns and tribes they will pass along the way. .

  In short, from entering the desert to Gaochang, they are basically in the desert. There are few oasis inside, so they have to add enough water every time they go to the oasis.

  He said: "The desert is different from the grassland. Don't run around. Once you get lost, you won't be able to find it."

  He declared in advance, “If you get lost, we won’t look for it. Instead, we will ask the team to move forward until Gaochang.”

  A few people: "...Don't worry, we will not run around."

  I was satisfied with the heavy rain, followed them and ran to the forefront, disgusted: "Your team is really slow."

  Man Bao: "I don't believe you have received a caravan that is faster than our caravan."

  This is the fact that the general caravan is not as arrogant as Zhou Man, and they can almost reach one person and one horse, but!

  The heavy rain glanced at them, "You promised, there will be no time wasted on the road."

  Man Bao nodded again and again, "Don't worry, don't worry."

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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