Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2238: follow

  Chapter 2238 Follow

There was really a tea stand on the road, so they ate a hot meal at the tea stand at noon. After they finished eating, they planned to take a rest and then set off. They saw two horses coming from the road, and the horseman was carrying a big horse. After dismounting his luggage, he asked for two biscuits and a bowl of soup with the store, and then sat on a chair outside to eat.

  Heavy rain couldn't help but squinted to look at them, and Nie Canjun and Li Guanshi also looked over.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao noticed that the atmosphere was different, and turned their heads to look over, staring at the two of them, and then Bai Shan frowned, "I seem to have seen them."

  Man Bao looked up and down, and felt a little familiar, and was about to ask Ke Ke, the two of them took the cooking cake and got up and walked towards Manager Li. She looked over and ignored Ke Ke for now.

  Rich and his companions are in the back, I didn’t want to find Li to be in charge so early, but there is no way, their vision is too overwhelming, and he always feels that if he slows down, they will doubt his identity.

  The two approached Li Guan to beg to go with him, saying that they would also go to the Western Regions, but they were only two of them because of the long distance, so...

Manager Li looked at them up and down and remembered, "Are you two of those who came to me the day before?"

The rich and humble responded "Yes" and begged Li to take care of things, "The family is in urgent need of money, so there is no way to venture to the Western Regions at this time. Please also intercede with the adults and let us follow the team. Don't worry. , We will follow from a distance and will never disturb the adults."

This kind of thing is not uncommon. Some scattered businessmen will cling to large caravans for safety, and some are shy in business, they will give a gift to the large caravans, and then follow far away without begging them. As long as you can follow along.

  But the excuse of these two people...

Manager Li glanced at their horse, nodded, got up and said, "I'll ask our master."

He approached Bai Shan and Man Bao and whispered in their ears: "Not long after we arrived in Shazhou the day before yesterday, a group of people came up when the little one went out to replenish rice and noodle ingredients and said that they wanted to follow our convoy to the Western Regions. "

He said: "The young man felt that there were a lot of people in our team, and it would be cumbersome to bring others, so I refused. At that time, these two people were among them, but I didn't expect that they would find them today. , There is an urgent need for money..."

  He glanced at their horses and whispered: "But the younger one sees this as a complete excuse. If the family is in urgent need of money, they should sell the horse. What is the use of rushing to the Western Regions to make money?"

  Li Guanshi means rejecting them.

  Bai Shan frowned and asked: "Where did you meet them, how do I think they are so familiar?"

   Nie Canjun immediately said: "Young Master Bai, I think they are familiar, but they shouldn't have seen it in the past two days."

  Man Bao asked Keke: "I also think it makes them familiar, Keke, where did I meet them?"

  Keke filtered out and said, "In the desert inn."

At the same time, Bai Shan lowered his voice and said: "It seems to have been seen in the desert inn. Yes, it is in the desert inn. The group of people who clashed with us in the bathhouse. They weren't with you outside the store that evening. Is it better than wrestling? I have seen him in the crowd."

  Although he didn't seem to make a move, he was indeed there.

  Nie joined the army for a moment, and said in disbelief, "No, they came here for revenge? So cautious?"

  The heavy rain sitting at the table next door couldn't help it, so he leaned over and asked, "What are you talking about? Can you speak louder? I can't even hear it."

  Everyone glanced at him and said nothing.

  Bai Shan paused and asked, "Do you think those two are familiar?"

  The heavy rain curled his lips and said: "I haven't seen it, but I know the smell of them."

  He said: "The smell they have now is the same as ours before."

  No explanation, but everyone understands, this is the horse thief!

  Man Bao's spirits lifted up, and he couldn't believe it, "Are we looking so good at robbery?"

  The heavy rain thought for a while and then said: "Weird, usually you don't come to the door so early even if you want to rob, and you take such a big risk to follow up in person, isn't their people here?"

  The wealthy two are a little anxious. They are far away from Zhou Man and they. They can only see their whispering words together, but they can't hear the specific content.

  No way, they have a lot of people in their motorcade, and these people have been surrounded by them right from the start, and they can’t get close at all.

Bai Shan glanced at them, and said in charge of Li: "Promise them, ask them for some money, and break their lie directly, saying that they don't believe that their home is in urgent need of money, but wants to follow us to the Western Regions to make money. In that case, Just show some sincerity."

   Manager Li was startled, and whispered: "Master, is it not good to let them follow?"

  Bai Shandao: “It’s worse not to let them follow. It’s better for people to keep under their noses.”

  After speaking, he looked at Nie Junjun and said in a low voice, “I’m still bothering Nie Junjun and let the scouts take a look around to see if someone is following us again.”

  Nie joined the army to respond.

  The steward Li went, and soon returned with ten taels of silver, and handed it to Bai Shan afterwards, "Master, I asked for fifty taels of silver with them."

  Bai Shan took the silver, and when Bai Erlang watched eagerly, he gave him one, and the other to Man Bao.

  He nodded and said, "Arrange a place for them close to our carriage."

  That is the middle position, so there are two less people in the back that are not noticeable at all.

After the convoy re-started, two scouts went out to investigate in an open manner, and two quietly dropped behind them. They pulled their horses into the forest quietly, and only got on their horses and left after the convoy was far away and could not see them. , Return to Yumenguan to check.

  Although Yumen Pass is unstable outside, there are still post stations and stations.

  It’s just that the post is so small that it can’t accommodate more than one hundred of them. Fortunately, it’s summer and it’s not very cold at night, it’s just a lot of insects.

  Manbao, they live in the inn, and others are stationed around the inn on guard.

  The two ate and drank separately from them. Man Bao stood upstairs and glanced at them, then turned to the kitchen, took a look at their lamb soup and added something to it.

  The cook on the side:...

  Man Bao booed at him and then said: "Don't talk outside."

  The cook didn't say anything, but told the post.

  Yi Cheng thought of their customs documents and official seals, gritted his teeth and said: "Don't worry about it, just don't go out in the kitchen."

  Then let another guy take the soup out.

  The most common soup here is lamb soup. Soldiers and guards also have two large buckets of lamb soup.

  The steward Li, who watched Ms. Man's medicine with his own eyes, went to make a bowl of soup, and then walked to the two of them and laughed and said: "Brother, forgive me, we only take you with you, and you have to come by yourself for boarding and lodging."

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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