Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2246: Find water

  Chapter 2246 Looking for water

  Man Baoqi watched the scout coming back from the horse race, and asked happily, "Did you find water?"

  Nie Cengjun and Baiduhao stared at him with piercing eyes. The scout was about to cry. Why did he come back to report the letter? He didn't want to come back, but he still had to say, "There is no...water."

  Man Bao expressed suspicion, "Is there no water? Didn't it mean that there is a ditch in front of it?"

The heavy rain came immediately, and the exhibition looked at it. Although the sand dunes always changed, some places did not change. He felt that the dry and ugly tree in the distance was familiar, so he said: "Just Right in front, the ditch is not very small, your eyes are so bad, you can't find it?"

  The scout and Nie Canjun said, "My lord, you will know that there is no water inside."

  Everyone had a bad feeling in their hearts, so they let the team speed up.

  Gradually descended the sand dunes, and the withered old trees not far away became more and more obvious. Man Bao and Bai Shan looked at each other, kicked the horse belly and rushed to the forefront, planning to see it first.

   Seeing them run away, Baijiro immediately shouted: "Wait for me, I want to go too!" Then he ran away.

  Nie was also curious about joining the army, and there was no one in the field, so he simply followed behind.

  Waiting for a side that was obviously a gully, several people looked at a scout standing on the ground and were speechless for a long time.

  The scout who followed immediately said: "Look, my lord, that's it."

  This is a gully where you can clearly see that water has flowed, because the sand and soil underneath are not exactly the same as the yellow sand next to it, and there are traces of water scouring.

   But now there is nothing.

  No, there are still some. The sand and silt are still a bit moist. The scout who was left took a knife and dug a hole the size of his head. Now a little bit of water has gathered inside.

  The scout said sullenly, "My lord, although it is small, it is a little bit, even if we don’t drink it for the horses."

  Nie joined the army sad.

  Shirazen and Shirajiro were also sad and speechless.

  Man Bao almost burst into tears in his heart, "Ke Ke, is this the water you are talking about?"

   "Well," Keke saw that the host seemed to be really crying, so he said: "If the host is not satisfied with the surface water, he can also use groundwater."

  Man Bao's tears were brushed away and he put it away, asking in his heart: "Where is the groundwater?"

  The groundwater is naturally underground, but different people have different opinions on how deep it is to dig. Find a suitable place, dig a few meters, and then it will come out. If you can’t find a good place, you won’t come out even after digging for tens of meters.

  However, Keke obviously won't be embarrassed, so she pointed out a place for her.

   was pointing, and the convoy arrived. Yin or they got off the wagon, walked to their side and looked down at the gully, equally speechless.

  Mr. Zhuang looked up and looked up at the sky, and said, "Let’s stay here tonight. Let’s discuss what to do."

  Everyone should do it.

  Man Baodao: "We can dig underground water."

   She said: "When we were in the small town, didn’t we ride horses to chase the lake where it disappeared? Didn’t it mean that the place where it disappeared last went underground? There should be underground water here too."

  Everyone looked into the distance along the gully, while Bai Shan looked at the gully underground, narrowed his eyes and asked, "Then you say, will there be groundwater under the gully?"

  There is nature, but according to Keke, the water here is deeper, not as good as the other side.

So after the team was stationed, the soldiers took their swords to dig holes in the gully. Just as the scout said, a little water can come out after digging. It’s okay for them to drink for horses and camels. In fact, they are really thirsty. It's drunk, but it's not that good yet.

  The sun did not go down, but it was not so hot anymore. Man Bao put on his drapery, took out his medicine hoe, and called friends, "Go, let's find water."

  Mr. Zhuang and Nie Canjun were counting the remaining water, and they did not care about them.

The heavy rain led people behind them to join in the fun. Seeing them riding a horse towards the distance, he also dragged his horse to follow. After going over a sand dune to a valley, he took a **** and beat it around. , He couldn't help asking Da Ji, who was sitting on the sidelines, "You just follow, don't you help?"

   stood idle and said: "Don't worry, we just protect their safety."

  Man Bao curiously used a medicine **** to poke the yellow sand. Although this is a valley of sand dunes, it is still yellow sand. Such valleys are not uncommon. Is there really water underneath? ,

  Bai Shan and the others also doubted, but they had nothing to do. Since Man Bao said that there was water here, everyone would take a look.

So the six people pulled the sand to one side, exposing the sand and gravel layer below, and then digging with a small hoe, pulling the dirt out and stacking it aside, hoeing the treasure for a while, and when they felt tired, they handed it over to Bai Shan, who relayed. Because he thought that he might have to dig very deep, he hoeed a large piece aside to make it easier to dig down for a while.

  Bai Erlang and Liu Huan both relayed, and Yin or finally hoeed twice curiously. He felt that the work of pushing the soil they piled up and pushing it aside was suitable for him, so he handed the **** to Zhou Liru.

  It's her turn.

  Zhou Liru jumped into the pit, and when he went down with a hoe, a jet of water sprayed out directly at her face...

   Zhou Li closed his eyes consciously, and then his ears were filled with cheering and screaming.

When she opened her eyes, she wiped a handful of sand on her face, looked at her front flap, and looked at the water coming out. After such a short time, a lot of water accumulated in the bottom of the pit, and her shoes, socks and trouser legs were all covered. It's wet.

  Man Bao and the others were going to throw the **** out of the mud on top, so they also stood at the bottom of the pit, and they were also dampened.

  But they are also very excited.

  A few people didn’t go up, and they pulled up the hem of the clothes and tied them to the waistband. Once the trousers were rolled up, they would continue to dig, "Knock the hole a little bit more."

  Now the water flow has become smaller, but the water still pops up from below like a mountain spring.

  A few people were working excitedly at the bottom of the pit. The heavy rain standing beside them opened their mouths in shock. They closed their mouths after a while and exclaimed: "Is the water really dug out?"

  Daji was just shocked and turned to a guard, "Go back and tell them that water has been dug up here, and let them bring the water cart over to fill it."


  Nie joined the army and they hurriedly saw a pit of yellow water and a few people laughing and joking in the water.

He got angry and immediately carried them up, and then asked the soldiers to move a few large rocks under the tree, and blocked the water outlet they made. Then he rolled his trousers and went down to clean the bottom of the pit. Scoop it out, and then clear the dirt from the bottom of the pit...

  I picked up a bucket of small stones from the river ditch and laid it on the bottom of the pit. After it was paved, I stepped on it and laid the stones on all sides of the pit. Only then did I slowly pick up a big rock and let the water come out.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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