Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2247: happy

  Chapter 2247 Happy

The water coming out is clear, but it will be a little muddy when it enters the bottom of the pit, but slowly the water becomes clear, and the stones at the bottom of the pit can be seen clearly. This is the same as the water at the bottom of the pit that was so muddy that you could not see it. totally different.

  Man Bao several people:...

  They scratched their heads with some guilty conscience, and hid quietly.

  Nie joined the army only then remembered to praise them, and picked up the relationship between subordinates and superiors, "Master Zhou is really good, really dug out water, hahahaha..."

Only then did Man Bao remember that she was the chief official. There was no need for a guilty conscience, so he returned, laughing and accepting Nie's praise from the army, and then squatted aside to watch the pit gradually increase and the clear water asked. Said: "Should we station here?"

   Joining the army, Nie looked around and shook his head, “It’s still stationed on the other side of the river ditch. There is a piece of sandy land there, which is also very spacious, and the wind is better than this side.”

  So this can only be used as a water intake point, but the two sides are not very far away, and they have cars, so there is no need to worry.

  Because it was the water dug out with their own hands, all six of them were very excited, so when the water cart arrived, they rolled up their sleeves and planned to make a few buckets of water themselves.

  Mr. Zhuang trot over on a horse and saw them all mixed with mud and water. He couldn't help but be angry, "Hurry up and clean it up, what if I get sick?"

  Man Bao pointed to the sun in the sky and said, “Sir, it’s summer, and it’s hot. We dry it as soon as we air it, and only the trouser legs are wet, but the clothes are not wet.”

  Mr. Zhuang: "Do you think you are a clothespin? Let it dry and change it quickly."

  Man Bao twisted and said frankly, "Sir, we want to take a shower."

  Mr. Zhuang couldn’t help but put his gaze on the pit and pondered, “Maybe there’s not enough firewood.”

  Man Bao said: "The sun is so big, cold water is okay, just give it to Mr. Yin or boil water."

  The heavy rain glanced at them and felt that they were wasting water too much, didn’t they just have not bathed in eleven days? It is normal for them not to take a bath for three to five months.

  But he still gave a suggestion, saying: “Pick that kind of hot stone on the edge of the river and put it in the water to scald it. Although it will not heat the water, it can also make the water less cold.”

  Man Bao thought this was a good idea, so they rushed to find the rocks with the wooden barrels, and then the water that came up settled and placed them in the sun.

The guards found a place to set up a bathing place for them. Not only them, but Nie Junjun and the soldiers couldn't help but scratched their backs. Seeing that the water in the puddle was still pouring out, they just hit it. Go to clean yourself with water.

  In order to make it flow out faster, Nie Cengjun also removed the other two stones, and the three springs in the puddle popped out.

  Wait when the moonlight became thinner, all the talents were cleaned, Man Bao pulled up his dry hair, smelled the fragrance, then jumped off the carriage, and ran towards the fire.

  Mr. Zhuang and the others were sitting around a fire. Sister-in-law He was giving them pancakes by the fire. The scent Man Bao smelled was from the cake.

Bai Shan was faster than her. When she saw her coming, he divided the pie in his hand into two, gave her half, and Man Bao took it, sat down next to him, looked around and asked, "Bai Er They are not good yet?"

   "It's good, they go to the puddle to see the scenery."

  Man Bao took a bite of the pie, a bit of meat was added to the pie, it was fragrant and crispy, she was very happy, and asked: "Is all the water needed?"

  Bai Shan nodded, “The heavy rain said that you can walk to Lop Nur in two or three days. There is not only water, but also towns. We can rest there for a day and add some water.”

   Was thinking about whether to collect some water at night, Man Bao immediately dispelled the idea, looked at the heavy rain on the opposite side and asked, "What town is there?"

The heavy rain said lazily: "It's a kind of city, it's just a group of people living together, without a name, but there used to be an ancient city in the north, but now there are only dilapidated houses and city walls, and the waterways have changed. Everyone built a house on the other side to live there, but the road to the Western Regions passed there. In the past few years, there have been many people who have walked there, and there have been more people living there. If we want to buy dry rice noodles, that’s the best place."

He has traveled through the Western Regions several times, escorting the caravans, so he is familiar with the road, "However, we can walk along the river for a few days when we get there, and we can see water and people as much as possible. It is a grassland. So I will relax a little bit, and then I will enter the desert again after that period."

He said: "That is the last desert. After that, it will be a large grassland. There are also large areas of wheat fields and highland barley. That is the Gaochang country you are going to. By the way, it can't be called Gaochang country anymore, it must be called Anxi. ."

  Man Bao sketched the journey in his mind, and exclaimed in his heart, "It's so far, your Majesty really sent troops to destroy Gao Changguo."

  Bai Shandao: "The soldiers and horses were drawn from all parts of Xiazhou. Hou Ji only brought a part of the soldiers and horses from the capital, and not everyone started from the capital."

   "That's too far away."

  Bai Shan smiled, Gao Changguo provoked and neglected the big Jin several times, and behind him was the Turkic power. If your majesty does not act to shock, I am afraid that the entire Northland will not be peaceful afterwards.

   Haven't seen that after the destruction of Gaochang, whether it is the remaining forces of the Turkic or the Huihe Tubo, are they much more honest?

  This time it is also rumored that the emperor is not good enough to have such chaos. When your majesty's will is issued, I am afraid that few people will dare to take the lead.

  Heavy rain couldn’t help but look at them. He was so curious in his heart that he couldn’t help asking, “Is your Majesty really all right?”

  Man Bao glanced at him and said, "What can he do?"

She said: "There are not many people in the capital who are sick. The people in Xiazhou are the most sick. The emperor still lives in the palace. Smallpox can't enter the palace at all. Don't worry, he's okay. It looks like he will live another 20 or 30 years. Is not a problem."

   I smashed my mouth when it rained heavily.

In fact, when I first heard these news, many brothers in the town wanted to go out and make a fortune, but the older brother was unwilling to think that they are not short of money now, and life in the town is also good. There is no need to put their heads in their pants. The belt is on, so everyone is depressed.

  Now it seems that it is right not to go.

  This emperor is not generous, and the officials under his hands are also very stingy. At this time, they fall into trouble. Maybe their town will be flattened afterwards.

  The heavy rain became curious and asked, "What does the emperor look like?"

  You can still answer this kind of gossip, as long as you don’t ask what shouldn’t be asked, she can answer, so she said: “It’s especially mighty, even when you’re not angry, it’s convincing when you look at it.”

  Nie Junjun couldn't help but look at her.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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