Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2248: enthusiasm

  Chapter 2248 Enthusiasm

   After walking for two days, on the third day, they saw the grass on the edge of the desert. The team cheered. The more they walked forward, the more grass on the ground. Although it is short, it is grass at all?

  Man Bao lay on the car window and watched for a long time. Bai Shan rode a horse and ran from the front with her horse in his hand, inviting her to say, "They said there were wild rabbits in front, do you want to go hunting?"

  Man Bao's eyes lit up, and he took his bow and arrow and ran away from the convoy.

  Daji brought the guards to keep up.

  The heavy rain rolled his eyes and greeted the brothers to follow.

  There are really not many rabbits on the grass, but it is rare to see the green color, so the horse racing mood will be much better. The land here is very hard, and the Gobi and the grassland are not very clear. Man Bao thought, it must be very difficult to farm.

   "Look, it's the river!"

Everyone immediately craned their necks to see that it was Lan Yingying, it was really a river, and it was still a big river. Everyone was excited, and they ran towards the river when they were riding horses. The grass saw that there was a river meandering across the ground. There are three traces of roads, and everyone can't help but look towards the heavy rain.

  The heavy rain recognized the direction and pointed to the north: "It should be over there."

  There is also the direction where the river came. Everyone ran forward along the direction of the river. The motorcade behind also accelerated and followed them not far behind them.

  Following the river, Man Bao and the others first saw herdsmen and herds of cattle and sheep grazing sporadically, and then they saw farmland not far from the river.

Everyone felt refreshed when they saw the farmland. Most people live not too far away from the farmland. Sure enough, but after a while, everyone saw the house made of yellow mud, and there was smoke rising in the air. Man Bao subconsciously looked at it. After a moment of the sun in the sky, he curiously said: "It's not early or late, why is there smoke?"

  Heavy rain said: "This is a late meal. They eat two meals a day. Some people drink some goat's milk in the morning and only eat in the afternoon, which is equivalent to eating one meal a day."

  "Didn't you say that there will be many merchants passing by here?"

Da Yu grinned and said: "So when they are not in war, they can eat their fill in the afternoon. Otherwise, if many people don't fight in cold weather like this, they will usually make some naan cakes with milk tea in the afternoon and it will pass. ."

  Bai Shan pointed to the farmland by the river and asked, “Don’t they grow food? The yield is very low?”

  He has never planted land in heavy rain, where does he know?

   "Anyway, they are very poor, much poorer than the people in our small town."

   is the same, they feel that wherever in the town is good, they are not willing to move their nests to death.

   Talking, their horse approached the village, let’s call it a village for the time being, because there are not many houses and not many people.

  People in the village found them, and then they heard shouts and cheers. Many people ran out of the house. Before they could move, the children and teenagers in the village had rushed towards them.

  They ran to the front, put their hands together and made a Buddhist ceremony, Chiligulu talked to them for a call, and then stretched out their hands to pull their horses.

  Man Bao widened his eyes, turned his head and said to Bai Shan: "I can't understand them."

  Bai Shan couldn’t understand either, but he could see the enthusiasm and smile on their faces, so he didn’t resist. Instead, he touched Thief Li’s neck and let it follow them.

The heavy rain let them help him lead the horse slowly, and said: "I don't understand, but I know they are soliciting customers. Let's go. With so many people in our motorcade, this village is so small, it is estimated that every household has a lot of people. You have to make room to live in, you don’t have to grab guests at all."

  Man Bao was very curious, "Have you never lived in this village when you walked by?"

   "I didn't have this village at all when I left," Da Yu said, "It seems that this house was built during this period of time."

is it?

  Man Bao and a few people went to look at the yellow mud houses on both sides of the road, only to find that although it was not very good, it seemed that there were not many traces of use, and it did seem to be newly built.

   Entering the entrance of the village, the adults also greeted them and bowed to them with smiles all over the place.

  Heavy rain said: "Gaochang believes in Buddha, this area is very close to Gaochang, these people may have escaped after the destruction of Gaochang."

  For those who gave a smile, Man Bao also subconsciously smiled back, and then dismounted in return, returning the Confucian gift.

The villagers became more enthusiastic, and they were about to go in. The crowded people even quarreled. Two sturdy women squeezed in by taking advantage of their gender, holding the horses of Man Bao and Zhou Liru, and pointing at them. His family kept making gestures, wanting to take them home to rest.

  Man Bao smiled slightly and pointed to the outside of the village and said: "There are still people outside, so many, so many people."

  Although the language is not fluent, everyone understands her gestures, and everyone subconsciously looks in the direction she is pointing. It just so happens that the carriage faintly appeared in their sight.

  The villagers immediately brightened their eyes.

  At first, I still felt puzzled, why these guests only rode horses and didn't even have a piece of luggage?

  But now they understand when they see the carriage, this is a caravan, and it looks like a big caravan!


  So the villagers became more enthusiastic. The person who had taken the lead in grabbing Manbao and their horse did not let go, but yelled a few times later, and the people who were squeezed behind to **** them had already thrown away their feet and ran towards the convoy.

  The person they called out of the house saw him, and didn't ask them why, she ran away, Man Bao and the others were instantly empty, only the people still holding their horses were still there.

  Man Bao and the others were not in a hurry, so they walked slowly down the road to the village, and they wanted to invite them in to rest first, but they declined.

  They did not dare to force themselves, for fear that they would be snatched away, they could only follow along at the same pace.

  The people waiting for the team arrived, and the talents who followed them around in a circle were taken aback. They looked at the number, and then at Zhou Man, they were not in a hurry.

  There are so many people, you can get to their home without grabbing them, and these people are all in one group at a glance.

  The villagers enthusiastically gathered the motorcade into the village, because no one can hold so many people, and there are no shops here, so everyone is stuck in the road.

  Finally, an old man came out to shout to make everyone quieter, and then stepped forward to look at them, as if looking for the person in charge.

   Guan Shi took the initiative to negotiate, but he did not understand nonsense, and these people did not understand Chinese.

  So the two pedestrians stood up, Wei Xingren translated for them, and Man Bao joined them curiously to listen.

  It is rare to see gold and silver here, and copper coins are less used. They prefer silk cloth and tea, which are hard currencies in the Western Regions.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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