Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2263: Reinforcements

  Chapter 2263 Reinforcement

  The distance gradually narrowed, Nie Canjun drew out a long knife and shouted at Bai Shan and Zhou Man, "Quickly go--"

   After he said and ordered, "Brothers, take the sword to stop the enemy, our reinforcements are here, it only takes half an hour—"

  Bai Shan only looked back, so that he was attacked by the cavalry behind his back, and he couldn't turn around to kill. Once he turned around, he would be killed if he couldn't even react.

  Nie joined the army obviously also knew this, and was ready to fill the road with their lives.

  Bai Shan turned to Man Bao and said, "You are the chief officer, let them split their troops and escape."

  Because it was a fast horse, the wind was so loud that Man Bao almost couldn't hear him. She turned her head and shouted: "No, such a rout will greatly affect morale."

  Bai Shandao: "But I can live for a while, and after a while, the reinforcements will arrive, and the morale is with them."

Man Bao was willing, but Nie Junjun was obviously unwilling. This is simply a shame, and the soldiers also have their own arrogance. Instead of listening to Zhou Man and Bai Shan’s orders, they speeded up and rushed forward, and then separated to the two wings. Turning around the bend, but not directly forward, but speeded up the horse to go around and turn around, directly facing the Tubo army.

When Man Bao and Bai Shan looked back while fleeing, they were divided into two wings by Nie Canjun and General Meng. They circled and fought back, rushing into the Tubo army like two sharp knives, and the two armies strangled together in an instant. .

  Man Bao suffocated his tears forcefully, and He Baishan speeded up and left. The Tubo army was only blocked for a while, and immediately the Chinese army split out to continue chasing them.

  They are fast, but they rushed up in a moment. Bai Shan and Man Bao took Daji and other guards to stay behind and swept the array, their palms were all sweaty, and the heart of the Western Regions was too dangerous. Why is the Western Regions so dangerous?

The thought of    flashed, and there was the sound of horseshoes on the sand dunes, and they finally saw the reinforcements approaching.

  Anxi Army's long sword came out of its sheath, and rushed down from the sand dunes. Man Bao and Bai Shan were stunned by the murderous aura. Chi Ji and Pirate Li also screamed in shock...

  The army quickly passed by her, directly facing the Tubo army behind them...

Chi Ji and Pirate Li ran for a certain distance before stopping. The two of them stopped their horses and looked around. They saw that the Dajin cavalry who had rushed down were already in a group with the Tubo cavalry. They directly rushed and strangled. After the past, they went out and re-entered. In this way, the Tubo army was instantly dispersed.

  Man Bao and Bai Shan stared blankly, couldn't help but glance at each other, both of them exhaled.

  The infantry arrived. Although they ran over, the team was not in chaos. Holding Modao and Changke axe in their hands, they advanced from the flanks following orders.

  Long swords, not to mention that the Tubo cavalry can't fight against the opponent's infantry.

  The Anxi infantry faced the Tubo infantry, almost like harvesting cabbage.

  Bai Erlang, who ran far away, ran back ticking back on his horse to watch the battlefield with Bai Shan and the others. Seeing flesh and blood flying across, he slightly opened his eyes and asked, "Should we step back a bit?"

  Bai Shan squeezed the rein tightly and asked, "Do you feel enthusiastic?"

   Baijiro: "I just want to vomit."

  Man Bao glanced at him, turned his horse's head to chase the carriage, and said, "Take a medical account."

  As a doctor, she can only do this, and she can’t do other things.

  Bai Shan glanced at the battlefield, and could only depress his mood and follow to set up a medical account.

  Leading troops to rescue was Guo Zhao, the eldest son of Anxi Duhu Guo Xiao, who knew little General Meng and went out on the battlefield with him as soon as the war ended.

After    came out, I discovered that a tent had been set up on the leeward side of the sand dune, and the wounded soldiers who had retreated from the battlefield were sent here.

  He had a meal and stopped a soldier and asked, "We brought a military doctor?"

Little General Meng touched his abdomen with the re-opened wound, covered it, and said to him: "It's the Grand Doctor Zhou of the hospital and the chief officer of the mission. Why, you don't know who the rescuer is when you come to support? "

  Guo Zhao said with a confused look: "No, the soldier who went back to ask for help said that you were targeted by the Tubo army on the road, and I am here to rescue you."

  After all, it was their father and son and Shazhou who asked for help. They all brought troops to support them. When they encountered the Tubo army, they let others care about it, so he urgently brought people to rescue.

  Little General Meng:...

  He immediately turned to find Nie Canjun.

  Nie joined the army and was injured. He was holding his wound and he was framed from behind. Hearing their words, he replied with pain, "It was the white master who told me so, I didn't speak."

  Guo Zhao turned his head and asked General Meng, "Who is Mr. Bai?"

  Little General Meng sighed and said, "It's the fiancé of Imperial Doctor Zhou."

  Guo Zhao was a little bit disgusted, "You still bring relatives when you come out for a business trip? And this is not a relative, right?"

  The little general Meng added: “I am also a student of Chongwenguan. I heard that I was admitted to Jinshi last year.”

  Guo Zhao: "……"

  He strangled his neck and shook his voice: "Can you stop gasping for breath?"

  He asked: "What are the students of Chongwenguan doing here? Let’s say yes first, we only listen to your Majesty’s orders in Anxi."

   "You think too much," General Meng said: "People didn't even win over us at Yumen Pass. They took the opportunity to follow along to study."

"real or fake?"

  Little General Meng sighed, "Do you know how long it took them to walk from Liangzhou to our Yumen Pass?"

  Guo Zhao thought for a while, "Ten days?"

  The little general Meng smiled.

  Guo Zhao: "Eight days, no more, they have so much luggage, it takes eight days for the rush march to arrive, right?"

  Little General Meng said: "Thirty-six days."

  Guo Zhao: "...They belong to a tortoise?"

"So I said they are studying abroad, don't worry, no one is thinking about pulling your Anxi army into the camp, and what can you win?" General Meng was too disgusted. "Look, you all control the Western Regions." What kind of thing, one piece in the east and one piece in the west, a little bit of trouble will cause turmoil, that one is not stupid, the great place in the Central Plains does not win, and you come to win you, this bird does not shit, and the Western Regions that have not yet become a piece?"

"Shut up, you, no matter how bad you are, I will save you this time," Guo Zhao said: "Gao Chang has only been fighting for a few years. My father can gather so many places to squeeze the Western Turks to the broken leaves. You Yumen Pass. Are you still inside the gate, and bandits run rampant?"

  Little General Meng said, “It should be almost done right now. Don’t worry, this trade road will become prosperous again in two months. Otherwise, my father won’t let me bring troops to support you in Anxi.”

  The two walked towards the hospital tent, but they did not meet Zhou Man and Bai Shan because they were too busy.

  (End of this chapter)

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